‎Canceled my Order | SimpliSafe Support Home

Friday, December 13th, 2024 2:49 PM

Canceled my Order

Hi, I recently placed an order with Simplisafe, and have been looking for a means to contact someone at Simplisafe to be aware of this issue.

Yesterday, Dec. 12th, after deciding against a competitors system due to their poor service and shady practices, spending time and  reading over reviews and blogs, I decided that Simplisafe had what I was lookin for. Namely, the $80 a month Pro Service Plus. I started to put the order together online, ran into a question and called the 1-800 number. I told the agent what I wanted, we discussed and put the order together, gave all the necessary info, contacts, security word, and finally billing for the system. Everything was complete, my card charged with the order to ship within the next 3-5 business days. I was satisfied that I had made the right decision.

And that is when the issue began.

Within 10 minutes of placing the order, I forgot one item and called back. I stated, "Hi, I just placed an order within the last 10 minutes, but forgot to add an item. I need to see about adding it to my order OR placing a new order for the part." I was told that wouldn't be an issue and to provide name and  shipping address of the order. I provided it, and then there was 60-90 seconds of silence before I was told, "I'm going to transfer you." Talked to the next person, told them the same thing above, gave them my name and shipping address as was told I would need to be transferred. Now on the third transferred phone call, gave my name and shipping address again, as was told... MY ORDER HAD BEEN CANCELED. I stated "I just placed my order 10 minutes ago, that cannot be!" He reiterated that no, it was canceled. Irritated, I thought that maybe because it was still a new order that it had not processed yet. I stated I would call back, and I did around 5 yesterday. Gave the lady my name and shipping address and she confirmed, my order was cancelled. 

I NEVER stated to cancel the order, nor gave anyone the authorization to do so. I do not know if it was a language barrier or not following company procedure, but regardless I'm disgusted by this. I set aside time to put this together. This was my first experience with this company. I might be willing to shrug my shoulders and say "oh well" if I was buying a toaster, but this is an alarm system that I want to protect me and my loved ones. If this is indicative of Simplisafe's service, why would I ever use this company?

Again, This was not a tentative order, nor was it me asking for pricing. I HAD ALREADY purchased the equipment, and signed up for the highest tiered Pro Plus service and was looking forward to it.

I'm just putting this out there for Simplisafe to review for potential customer issues so that when the next customer comes along, it can be handled better. As much as I really wanted Simplisafe's monitoring service, I can't work with a company that appears to not know what is going on.

1.5K Messages

3 months ago

Well, they'll probably have a supervisor call to try and smooth things over.

Should you decide to refuse future shipment and service, make sure they don't charge you anyway for the monitoring, it has been known to happen off and on due to incompetence.

Just saying, keep an eye on the CC account for the presence of Simplisafe as a recurring charge. You may be good to go, who knows.

Sales must be a 3rd party too, lol. SMH

Good luck!

4 Messages

Thank you for the advice!



6.3K Messages

3 months ago

@raptorstares_6y As a customer of 13+ years, I can tell you SS actually did you a favor, cancelling the order so you could then place a replacement order to your exact, specific requirements. Many, many companies do not have the systems to modify an order once placed, and can only cancel it beyond a certain point and ask you to place a new order. This includes, in my actual experience, Amazon, Costco, Best Buy, Dell and many other major retailers.

Recommend you just place the new order and make sure it is everything you want. If there are other items, you can easily add with one of Simplisafe's often held sales, or use other retail outlets like Best Buy or Amazon.

Simplsafe is a great company but sometimes systems and associates don't get it completely right. Recommend SS for years and the 3 dozen+ systems I have recommended are all, for the most part, happy campers.

Feedback to SS: Next time train your agents to fully explain to the customers the "why", "no" and "yes" of your actions.

BTW, raptorstares, the Pro Guard service is pretty awesome. I test it with two neighbors and it is everything it is advertised to be.

Happy holidays to you and your family!

4 Messages

@captain11​ Really good advice, I was ready to say heck with it, but you make a good point and I REALLY apricate the feedback you added to SimpliSafe. Thank you!

Community Admin


1.1K Messages

3 months ago



I'm sorry to hear about this, this is not the experience we want you to have. I've escalated your case details to our Specialist team, a senior agent will reach out to you soon to make sure that you're taken care of.

4 Messages

I look forward to speaking to someone, thank you. The email address I initially provided is no longer functional as it was a forwarding email that I deleted after yesterday's issue, but my phone number is good.

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