‎Snooze Feature for Outdoor Cameras a model to follow! | SimpliSafe Support Home
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Tuesday, July 25th, 2023 2:16 PM

Snooze Feature for Outdoor Cameras a model to follow!

In the past there have been many, many requests for the ability to schedule periods of time for the outside cameras not to record motion events. While SS has not delivered the full feature yet, it did deliver another capability quite quickly and that was the "Snooze" feature. Using alerts, you can easily tap on the notification and snooze your outdoor camera for 30 or 60 minutes. The design was brilliant and the implementation quick. Simplisafe, please continue using this process to deliver more quality capabilities quickly to your customer base!

28 Messages

2 years ago

Yes, thumbs up for that!  I'd take it a step further - since the snooze only affects the camera that issued the alert-- how about an option to SNOOZE ONE/SNOOZE ALL for 60 min instead of the 30 or 60 min option?

1 Message

8 months ago

I must not have set something up correctly because when I hit snooze it only snoozes the alerts not the actual camera.  We are having a lot of work done in our yard and we are ending up with a video for every minute.  For now we are turning the motion detection off but I know we will end up forgetting to turn it back on at some point. What am I missing ?

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3.4K Messages

@JennC​ The Snooze Notifications feature will stop your camera from sending notifications when it detects motion, but it will not stop the camera from recording any motion it senses. Unfortunately, there is no setting that allows you to temporarily stop the Outdoor Camera from recording, but we have submitted a feature request to schedule motion detection on the Outdoor Camera to our devs for their consideration. 

1.1K Messages

@JennC​ if people are working around home just turn cameras off through the app

70 Messages

8 months ago

Fantastic idea!

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