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Monday, December 21st, 2020 7:29 PM

"Smart Lock not responding' audible warning

Frequent audible from the base station "Warning, smart lock not responding'. Support has been unable to resolve this. I have reset the base station and had 3 new replacements with the same problem. Replaced smart locks as well (2X). Uninstalled and reinstalled them. New batteries. Reinstalled the app. Worked with more than 10 customer support people. It started about 6 months back. Firmware is up to date. No notifications or issues in the timeline. No indication of the problem shows up at Simplisafe's end. I'm at a loss.

If you are seeing this issue, or are otherwise having trouble with your Smart Lock, we strongly suggest checking for a more recent firmware update. Look for the notification after logging into the SimpliSafe app.

4 Messages

3 years ago

Same issue, simply does not work. 


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Are you saying you've already tried everything that OP has? Including a replacement Smart Lock? It would be helpful to know what troubleshooting steps you've already tried so we can narrow down the cause.

4 Messages

Yea tried everything in the thread. My guess is that SS is limiting each base station to 2 smart locks. 

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Thanks for the info. We don't have a set limit - apart from the 99 component limit total.

So you have 3 total, and two so far are working fine?

4 Messages

That’s correct, I have 4 total only 2 work


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5.7K Messages

Where are all those Smart Locks located - both in relation to the Base Station, and each other? And what's in between each one? It might help to troubleshoot wireless interference and other environmental factors.

2 Messages

3 years ago

Same issue. Base station is in the same room as the smart lock.  Base station seems to be able to send  lock/unlock command fine but possibly not getting the return verification due to a delay.  The entry sensor on the same door never has a problem that its not connected.   Batteries test fine and I just purchased the system and smart lock 2 days ago but already getting the voice warning about smart lock not connected 

11 Messages

@davepantel​ idk 🤷if it’s a return thing because I get the error message from opening the App, seems to be only when arming & disarming from the App & App only 

72 Messages

@badlarry123​    I agree.  I get the "door lock not responding message" only when I arm or disarm from the app.  If I use the keypad I never get this error message.  I think SimpliSafe doesn't care and thinks we can all get off our butts and go to the keypad.  However, this defeats the purpose of having an app, and it's my business if I want to sit on my butt and use the app.  They need to fix this.  It's been years.  I suggest they hire new people that have skill.


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@sugakuga , the Smart Lock is a surprisingly complex kit, so it's not just a matter of fixing one thing. But our engineers continue to be hard at work on optimizing performance. Speaking of which, if you could remind me - has your Smart Lock already been updated to the latest firmware? You would need to do so through the app. That update is intended to address some of what you're having trouble with.

72 Messages

@davepantel​   I only get this annoying message via the app.  If I arm and disarm on the keypad I never get this message. I’ve also been locked out of my house about 3 times if I armed with the app.  When I enter my e try code on the pad mounted on my door I could hear the base station saying door lock not responding.  SS knows about this problem since people have been complaining here for at least 2 years. Nothing is done. SS doesn’t care as long as they get our subscription payment every month.  Honestly, they do . . . not . . . care. 

11 Messages

3 years ago

This base station audible - smart lock not communicating problem dates back a year according to the posts in here & SS doesn’t have a fix for it 

Derek Tucker
Office of the CEO & Customer Escalations
SimpliSafe, Inc.
sent me a wifi extender no charge but this didn’t do anything & this isn’t a wifi connection issue 
Locks work & function fine - this is a problem with the App (error messages) and the base station audible error messages 
my set up is same, base station, modem/router & front lock is in the same room & 2nd lock (back door) is only 12 feet away- I split the difference between the 2 locks yet no change 

11 Messages

3 years ago

Same exact problem going on here

I am curious, did you buy your system from the company or retail store ??

did you purchase it all together or buy locks separately ?? 

I have been working & researching this communication error with - 

Derek Tucker
Office of the CEO & Customer Escalations
SimpliSafe, Inc.
base station has no audio error if your not using the App or get error pop-up in the App if you use the (keychain) 
this only happens when opening the App & arming or disarming the system 
personally I don’t like the keychain option so I turned off the audio in my base station settings & ignore the App pop-up’s 
my last attempt to fix this is to request a complete new system replacement from SS since I bought my locks separately 
basic starter kit from Bj’s 1/2/22 
a 2nd camera from Best Buy & both smart locks from Bj’s a month later in February 

35 Messages

i received a new base station and we upgraded firmware on it and one of my smart locks and things seem to be way better now. Maybe I found the sweet spot but I no longer get so many errors.

I don’t believe the smart lock has anything to do with wifi coverage in the home so I am perplexed as to why that would be provided.

35 Messages

Also- the ap or base firmware clearly has been recently improved to reduce nuisance “not connected” errors.

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@jtjordan that's great news, and exactly what we were aiming for, for those updates!

72 Messages

@badlarry123​    Mine does this about 50% of the time . . . IF I arm or disable alarm from the app.  If I get off my butt and go to the keypad to arm or disarm my alarm I never receive the message that door lock is not responding.  Something with the app needs to be fixed, but so far, after at least two years, SimpliSafe either doesn't care or they don't have the skill to fix the app issue . . . or both.

1 Message

3 years ago

Is there an update on this? My smart locks had been functioning without issue until tonight. I'm getting the same audible error from the announcer lady in the base station and the lock isn't responding. I tried using the keypad to see if that still works. Fortunately it doesn't otherwise SS would have bigger problems. I have two locks. The other one is working fine. The comments here are not very encouraging. 

11 Messages

@hamzaansari​ nope, nothing, SS hasnt done anything to help me, as for the audible, I have turned off so I don’t have to listen to it every time I arm/disarm the system, a case has been opened & someone was assigned to this problem but it’s been over a month & no one from SS has ever reached out to me 

I’m probably gonna end giving it away from the lack of help & try another system 

SS system is weak & unstable at best & I won’t ever recommend it anyone 

72 Messages

@badlarry123​    SimpliSafe either doesn't care or they don't have the skill to fix this . . . or both.

1 Message

3 years ago

On my third lock. Still have the same problem as everyone else. I arm my system to home before i go to bed. It says alarm in home mode, then says smart lock not responding. I just ignore it. I know my lock is locked.

72 Messages

@tnfisher256d​   Yes, it locks, but I’ve been locked out 3 times while I listen to the base station right inside my door chant Warning. Smart lock not responding.”  That sort of sucks!

11 Messages

3 years ago

I was told by SS that my case or problem was assigned to a specialist to help resolve this but it’s been many months & no one from this company has ever called back, I am currently turned off my audible settings so I don’t have to listen to it 

I’m thinking about dumping SS and try something else 2 thumbs down 👎 👎 for this company 

72 Messages

@badlarry123​   Hahaha on all of us. It’s a joke. SS has amateurs on staff proven by the fact that they cannot fix this years old problem. There’s also a huge problem starting to happen with their new and expensive outdoor camera. From SimpliSafe?  Utter silence. Not a peep from them. Their reputation is spiraling down fast. 

35 Messages

3 years ago

I'm having much less trouble after recent software and firmware updates. I don't use the audible voice though so can not confirm if that is still an issue. 

1 Message

3 years ago

I have replaced base station and doorbell and now have same issue with smart lock in this thread.  I have talked to support so many times, its crazy.  My wife thinks it is hilarious because she told me to get ADT so this exact scenario would not happen.

Yesterday, the women across the street asked me about smart locks and I told her to never buy any SimpliSafe products and tell everyone she knows to stay away from SimpliSafe.

So disappointed.

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@kdoggett​ our sincerest apologies for this experience. Have you already tried resetting your Smart Lock? Here are the instructions on the Help Center.

Another important step is to update your Smart Lock to the latest firmware. A new version was just rolled out to all users recently, which performance improvements that could help your exact situation. Please check your SimpliSafe app for a notification when you get the chance.

1 Message

My lock would not update. It stayed in the 2 minutes left stage for over an hour. Who pays for my time in this?

1 Message

3 years ago

I've been experiencing this issue for about two years.  Support calls required resetting the lock several times and too much of my personal time so I gave up (they were always personable & understanding.)  I can follow the instructions on this support site without a problem and don't really need support to walk me through the process just for the same results I can get on my own.  Sometimes, if I removed and re-added it and recalibrated it enough times, it would stop giving me the error for a day or two, but then it starts all over again.  For what we spent on the system and monitoring, this is ridiculous.

I just installed the latest keypad and the smartlock updates with the hope that it would resolve the issue. Unfortunately, it's worse.  Now the lock fails to calibrate at all according to the keypad (even though it unlocks, locks, and re-unlocks just like during a successful calibration.)

This lock was not a finished product. It should never have been released in this condition.

I am researching competing products even though I will have to layout additional upfront costs becasue I'm pretty unhapy with this solution and I want a consolidated home security solution.   

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@Rev_Guy​ sorry to hear about your experience. Yes, the latest Smart Lock update is designed to correct performance issues like you're describing. Have you already been in touch with our Support team recently at 800-548-9508? A replacement Smart Lock might be the next step, if you've not tried one already.

1 Message

3 years ago

I've been having the smart lock not responding issue since I've owned them for a little over a year now but the locks 90% of the time would function fine. Two updates ago the warning went away. With this latest firmware update the second it was done I was back to not responding. Not to mention now the locks DON'T lock or unlock 90% of the time.

Community Admin


242 Messages

Hi @carl_w​, 

Have you tried resetting your Smart Lock yet? You can find the steps for that by clicking here. If you are still having trouble after that, it would be best to speak with our Support Team. You can contact them with the details found here

1 Message

2 years ago

I have nothing but trouble with the smartlock. They have replaced it 3x, sent me a new base station and key pad. Just called today with same issue again.  I think I'm just going to have them give me my money back and get something else!

1 Message

2 years ago

Incredibly disappointing to come here now with the same issues happening to me only to see it has been happening for years and still no resolution! I guess I have no choice but to go with another company's product. 

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@dvonhaag​ the warning "Smart Lock not responding" could be caused by any issue that affects communication. So we do want to thoroughly troubleshoot to get to the bottom of it. Have you already been working with our Support team? We can take you through it step by step.

1 Message

Just chiming in to say I've had the not responding message for a couple of years now too. I have three locks so it tells me every time I arm all three are not responding. I've called support a few times but they are clueless when it comes to locks. They don't even know the correct way to update them.  I've tried replacement locks but that didn't help. I've used SS for years but this has really soured me on this system. I'm on the verge of ripping out the whole system because at this point "not responding" just feels like the system is mocking me. 

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1 Message

2 years ago

Just chiming in to say I've had the not responding message for a couple of years now too. I have three locks so it tells me every time I arm all three are not responding. I've called support a few times but they are clueless when it comes to locks. They don't even know the correct way to update them.  I've tried replacement locks but that didn't help. I've used SS for years but this has really soured me on this system. I'm on the verge of ripping out the whole system because at this point "not responding" just feels like the system is mocking me. 

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5.7K Messages

@jdh415s​ I'm really sorry to hear about your experience. You mention having trouble with updating - were you able to get it done? We have the full process step by step right here.

But if you like, I can also put you in touch with our Specialist team, for more in-depth troubleshooting.

1 Message

2 years ago

Any updates on this issue? We've been having this problem most of the time we've had our 8 month old system. We've tried all the things - moving the base station, downloading updates, changing batteries, uninstalling and reinstalling, etc. I had SS years ago and loved it and talked my husband into moving to it when we moved 8 months ago. I'm starting to look like a fool... it's also created a sad side effect like the boy who cried wolf. Everyone is so used to hearing the warning that I'm worried we'll now ignore any real warning the system were to give. 

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Thanks for checking in! When was the last time that you've updated the Smart Lock itself? It has its own separate process, so it's important to make sure that's taken care of. You can learn more about it here.


If the issue persists after the latest update, and if you've already done the 

typical troubleshooting for wireless connectivity (checking for sources of interference), then the next step is a replacement Smart Lock. Our Support team can help with that!


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