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Outdoor Camera Unable to Reconnect, Flashing Blue
Hi folks,
There is a known issue where some Outdoor Cameras may become unresponsive after reconnecting or charging/swapping batteries. You may see the LED flashing blue - indicating that the unit is actively attempting to send data - but it isn't able to send recordings or allow livestreams.
Firmware Update 1.18 contains a partial fix for this issue, and should now be rolled out to most users. You can check your camera’s version in the SimpliSafe® app:
- Tap the Cameras tab
- Tap the ⚙ Gear Icon (top right)
- Select your Outdoor Camera
- Scroll down to the bottom of the settings page
If your camera is showing the symptoms above and is ALREADY on firmware 1.18
You may still need to perform a reset to restore functionality:
- Remove the Camera from your system in the SimpliSafe® app:
- Tap the Cameras tab
- Tap the ⚙ Gear Icon (top right)
- Select your Outdoor Camera
- Scroll to the bottom and select X Remove Camera
- Reset the Camera itself:
- Press and hold the Pairing Button on the back of the camera
- Continue holding until the camera chimes (about 30 seconds)
You may see the LED indicator blinking white, indicating that it’s ready to set up.
- Return to the SimpliSafe® app to reinstall the camera:
- Tap the three-bar ☰ Menu icon on the top left
- Select Add Device or Camera
- Tap Let’s Go
- Scroll down and select Wireless Outdoor Cam
- Follow the instructions on the SimpliSafe® app for setup
If your camera is showing the symptoms above and is NOT on firmware 1.18
We will need to perform further troubleshooting, including possibly replacing your camera. Please contact our Support team and we’ll take care of you.
1 Message
1 year ago
Tried to reset, but it wouldn't. still flashing blue
10 Messages
1 year ago
Having the same issue. Battery was fully charged and when I try and reconnect, it gives me a flashing blue light. I removed the camera, took out the battery and tried to install it as a new camera. Still have flashing blue light and it will not reconnect. I've spent 3 hours on this without any luck.
9 Messages
1 year ago
I purchased three security systems from Simplisafe in June 2023, complete with outdoor cameras for each system. I installed the first system at my primary residence, which worked for a short time and then the cameras quit working. Since that time, I have spent countless hours on the phone with various Simplisafe techs trying to get the system working, without success. I have jumped through every hoop they have asked me to jump through and, to date still do not have a working system. I have done the following multiple times with the assistance of a Simplisafe tech:
Deleted the app from my phone and reinstalled it
Updated the based station
Updated the keypad
Rebooted the base station
Rebooted the internet router
Verified that the bandwidth from the internet provider was 906 Mbps upload and 936 Mbps download
Rebooted the WIFI extender
Rebooted the cameras
I have also replaced the following equipment with the direction and assistance of a Simplisafe tech:
Replaced the base station
Replaced all three outdoor cameras
Installed a Simplisafe WIFI extender
I have repeatedly attempted to reboot and connect the cameras, carefully following the prompts on the app with the direction from a live Simplisafe tech. After I was told by the Simplisafe tech that the problem might be with my internet provider (not explaining why the system worked initially), I set up a conference call between myself, the Simplisafe tech and my internet provider. During the conference call, we verified that I had previously requested they set up a dedicated secondary WiFi network, locked to the 2.4GHz band, as well as WPA2 encryption, and using a different password. The internet provider verified that these changes had been made. The Simplisafe tech and I then attempted to connect the cameras, again with no success.
After performing all the above actions, the Simplisafe tech could not give me an answer as to why the cameras did not work., but when I requested they send a tech out to fix the system, they said they cannot send anyone to fix it since they don't have their own field techs, and the issue is a "troubleshooting problem." When I suggested I wanted to return the systems, I was told that the time period for returning the system(s) has expired, so I am apparently stuck with more than $2,000 worth of equipment that I cannot use. I have been unable to get anyone at Simplisafe to offer any solution to the problems. My final analysis is that Simplisafe doesn't really care about their customers once they have their money. Apparently there are many other customers on this blog that feel the same way. Is anyone listening at corporate???????
2 Messages
1 year ago
I’m experiencing this same issue with one of my outdoor cameras. They’ve honestly had nonstop issues since I purchased this system. (Batteries holding no charge, cameras inconsistently recording or not recording events, not connecting to the system, not booting up when I try to view live in app, etc.)
How do I place a ticket for a replacement camera?
2 Messages
1 year ago
Simplisafe ended up sending me an entirely new camera when the issue couldn't be resolved. I haven't had any issues since.
1 Message
1 year ago
this worked for me after several hours of troubleshooting. Remove the camera and add it back as if a new camera.
14 Messages
1 year ago
Posting this again, in case others have not seen earlier message. This may work for you:
3 Messages
4 months ago
1. Remove camera(s) from system
2. Reset base station
3. Press and hold camera reset button for 50 seconds, then release; camera should now be flashing white
4. Add camera(s) back to system
1 Message
1 year ago
I, too, am having this issue. The outdoor cam has been fine for over a year now, but recently developed this issue.
It had a fully-charged battery that began to run down quickly (after a firmware update?). When I swapped the battery and tried to being it back online, it would never give the white flashing light as before, but began to flash blue.
I tried pulling the battery and waiting about 10 minutes, then reinstalled. I got the expected tone and a SINGLE white light, a long pause, then the blue flashing light.
Since then, I've tried recharging the battery to 100%, swapping the battery with the spare I have, and holding in the reset button for periods between 30 seconds and 3 minutes. SOMETIMES I get the momentary white light after power-up, sometimes not, but there's no more tone and a blue flashing light is all I get. The base station won't see it to connect -- but I had no problem later adding a new indoor camera.
4 Messages
1 year ago
I too am now having this issue. Holding the button for 30+ seconds does not restart it. What is the reset procedure.?
6 Messages
1 year ago
All 5 of our outdoor cameras have had this issue every time the battery is reinstalled, since summer 2023 or even before. Even on 1.15 firmware, we have been able to recover the cameras every time by (1) removing the camera in app, (2) holding down the button to reset the camera (possibly for at least 30 seconds), and (3) re-adding the camera. Possibly between (2) and (3) we unscrew the front of the camera to break the connection. It wasn’t always easy to get it to add again, but we haven’t had one bricked permanently yet.
2 Messages
1 year ago
Can’t get my camera to work. Incessantly flashing blue and killing the battery. Did everything recommended. Nothing is helping get this expensive gear back up and working.
2 Messages
1 year ago
Incessantly blinking blue and killing the battery. Tried ALL the recommendations and resets and reboots. Nothing is working to fix this expensive piece of gear.
1 Message
1 year ago
I appear to be having the same issue as everyone else on this thread. After the last recharging of our outdoor cam, the only thing it can manage is the flashing blue light. I have done all of the suggestions: letting the battery die completely, recharging, resetting, etc etc and all to no avail.
10 Messages
1 year ago
After reading all these threads and trying everything that was suggested, I need a security camera. That’s why I actually bought two from SimpliSafe. It’s apparent they do not care once they’ve gotten the sale. When is someone going to step up and do the right thing and replace all of these defective cameras?
1 Message
1 year ago
I am see the same issue where my outdoor Simplisafe camera will only flash blue. I have attempted to reset after charging battery and cannot get to reset.