3 Messages
New to SimpliSafe
Just wanted to leave a review of my experience so far with my new SimpliSafe system.
I had been a customer of ADT for almost 30 years, I have had many ADT systems in my home. I decided I needed a change as ADT was ending their 3G cellular backup service at the end of December 2022 and moving to 4G. I had contacted ADT on several occasions about this and conveyed to them my displeasure with having to pay for a whole new system and sign a 2 year contract (3 year if you are outside of California). I decided to shop around and my first stop was SimpliSafe as I have heard so many great things about this company. Also ADT increased my monitoring fee by almost 15%, really??? increase my fee and offer less service, I no longer had cellular backup capabilities due to the 3G sunsetting. ADT never offered me any discount or incentive to stay with them. I guess my 30 years of loyalty meant nothing to them. I ordered and purchased a new SimpliSafe system for my home, it was delivered in less than a week. The installation process was very easy using the app on my phone, in fact if you have the intelligence of a potato you could set this up in a breeze! The box that each component comes in is very well marked for ease of installation, the app instructions are clear as day and it walks you though each step of the way. This system is far superior to anything that ADT has to offer. I have been using my new system for over a week now and everything works flawlessly and as designed. I am very pleased with my purchase so far.
Two days ago I contacted ADT to end my monthly monitoring since my monthly billing cycle was about to end in two days, I wanted to avoid paying for another month, I was informed by them that I am required to give them a 30 days advanced notice to end the monitoring which is a bunch of B.S. as I was not under contract any longer and just month to month. They forced me to pay another month of monitoring for a system that is going to be put in my trash bin over the weekend as my SimpliSafe system is up and running with their premium monitoring service.
To those of you considering purchasing a SimpliSafe system I highly recommend them.
1.1K Messages
2 years ago
Awesome post and glad you are here with simplisafe and they are a bunch of awesome people and if you are paying for the interactive plan you will have a lifetime warranty on all products and there customer service is on point. @captain11 has been with adt for years as well and he will be the first to tell you how his change to simplisafe has been awesome and has never looked back. Welcome to simplisafe.
6.3K Messages
2 years ago
@ry3dox As lance843 states in his post, ADT was the worst to deal with. I had to be a Philadelphia attorney to deal with them and they were nothing short of lying and rude individuals. Luckily, IL is one of several states that forced ADT to have a carve out at the time and instead of a one year auto-renewal, you could get out at any time with 90 day notice. The days of $148 to add one motion sensor is over. BTW, remember ADT owns your system and you only had the "privlidge" of leasing it, at least that was the way for mine. I sent a certified, return receipt letter for all communications and when I called why they didn't pick up their system, the agent said "why did you take it down as it enhances the value of your home for future sale? LOL I told her to come and get it. She said it was obsolete and I could throw it out. Sent another letter and confirmed in writing they had 30 days to pick it up before it would be trashed. Sure enough, two months later I got a bill for the non return. I faxed the letter (this was over 10 years ago) they called me, referred to the letter and that I never, ever wanted to hear from them again. Next month, got a "courtesy billing" for monitoroing. I shreaded it and never heard from ADT again.