‎Buying additional items? | SimpliSafe Support Home

Saturday, January 11th, 2020 7:10 PM

Buying additional items?

I'm a long time customer and fan of Simplisafe, but it seems so difficult to go online and buy additional items like sensors, batteries, etc. If I go on my account, there is no where to shop. If I go on the website, there are only whole systems to buy. Why is it so difficult? Seems like there should be a place on my account to shop, since it knows me and my system. Maybe I am just missing something?

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6.3K Messages

5 years ago

@nanmcmahan go to the bottom of the systems page and there you do indeed have the oppty to purchase additional items for your SS2 or SS3 system. Also, check out Best Buy. They carry many of the items at the same or lower prices.

Here's the link for you.


1.1K Messages

5 years ago

What captain said, i have gone to bestbuy and have purchased the video doorbell, glass break sensors and another motion sensor all from bestbuy. Plus you can get those batteries anywhere just bring one with you when you go to get one. Costco sells them as well, and sams.

2.8K Messages

5 years ago

And with the SS shipping fiascos the last couple months, the other retailers most likely will actually ship your products :)  (if you don't have a physical store near you).

14 Messages

5 years ago

I'm selling my system if you would like more sensors email me Nrangers1804@aol.com

6 Messages

5 years ago

If the offer it still valid, I am interested. My area zip code is https://worldpostalcode.com/united-states/pennsylvania/philadelphia. What would be the delivery cost for 3 units? Is there any discount for big orders? So, I would like to know all the details. It would be best if we could discuss everything on the phone or in private correspondence. Let me know your phone number or email address.

6 Messages

5 years ago

If the offer it still valid, I am interested. My area zip code is https://worldpostalcode.com/united-states/pennsylvania/philadelphia. What would be the delivery cost for 3 units? Is there any discount for big orders? So, I would like to know all the details. It would be best if we could discuss everything on the phone or in private correspondence. Let me know your phone number or email address.
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