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Friday, August 23rd, 2024 8:44 PM


Timeline Filtering

Currently we only have the option to filter based on a single date.

A few improvements to make the Timeline more useful:

  1. Be able to filter based on a date range. If I know something happened in a specific week, I don't want to have to change the filter 7 times to look at each date when I could just set a range.
  2. Filter on type of notification, such as Secret Alert, Alarm, Disarmed (and even filter based on which PIN was used!), Armed, Entry Delay triggered, Camera Motion Detected (and even filter based on which camera was triggered!), and system events, like Automatic test Signal Received, Wi-Fi going offline/online, base station losing/regaining AC power, and any other pertinent alerts.

Right now the only way to find these things is to scroll through the Timeline and hope you don't accidentally pass the item you're looking for. Camera motion detected does have the alternate method of going to Cameras, selecting a camera, and then hitting the History button. You can at least see camera alerts this way.

But say I come home after a weekend trip and a few days later I realized something is missing that I know I didn't misplace. Right now the only option you have is to go to the Timeline and scroll to see if a camera recorded something, or look at every Disarmed entry and read who disarmed the alarm. It's very easy to scroll too fast and miss something, or get eye fatigue and struggle to process it quickly. Being able to set the filter to "Friday to Sunday, Disarmed (and either select every PIN or every PIN but the Master PIN)" you would instantly be able to see if anybody disarmed the alarm during that time period without having to ignore the system events and outdoor camera movement detected entries.

This would allow you to have a greater ability to monitor your personal security.


While not directly related to this request, whenever a sensor detects something, whether or not the system is armed, it records it and can be filtered. This would allow you to see how many times somebody went in/out the front door and how long the door was left open after disarming the alarm. While a Secret Alert is nice for certain things, I don't need a notification every time the front door is opened while the alarm is turned off, but it would be nice to track it as explained above. Again, give users the flexibility for this.

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Timeline filter and sort

738 Messages

27 days ago

This post is an excellent suggestion and feature I would like to see implemented, primarily because I refer to the timeline often (in conjunction with my non-SimpliSafe security cameras).


(As a personal side note, I expect these upgrades and features with monitoring fee increases – at a minimum. SimpliSafe should not be raising such prices without expanding the system's usability. These are not hardware upgrades; your company can accomplish them. Maybe I would stay if there were significant implementations of feature requests I could use and others have asked for for years. My search continues)

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