‎Smart-Locks Auto-Lock Feature Suggestion | SimpliSafe Support Home

Sunday, July 4th, 2021 11:47 PM


Smart-Locks Auto-Lock Feature Suggestion

If SimpliSafe is listening.. PLEASE add the option for custom time limits in the Smart-Lock Auto-Lock feature.
I love the feature that auto locks the doors but the maximum time of 5 mins just ticks me off. Just going outside for longer than 5 mins having to enter my code to unlock the door.  I'd love to at least have maybe a 30mins option but custom time would be best.
Not sure why this would be so hard to do in the software.

Thank you and I hope SimpliSafe really puts this feature in the next software update..

Glen R.
Happy SimpliSafe User 1Yr+

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Customize Smart Locks "Auto-Delay"

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

3 years ago

Hi Gen!

We are indeed listening, and I'll be happy to pass on your suggestion. I can tell you that it wouldn't necessarily be easy, since it would require a firmware update for the Smart Lock. But it's doable!

- Johnny M.
SimpliSafe Home Security
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