‎Power Outage Sensor for non-SimpliSafe devices and appliances | SimpliSafe Support Home
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Wednesday, June 21st, 2023 12:09 PM


Not In Development

Power Outage Sensor for non-SimpliSafe devices and appliances

I think a sensor that would plug into an outlet and then you plug a device (iron, freezer, fridge, light, etc.) into it could be an easy way to detect if a device had failed or if the power to the device was no longer available.  I suppose it could detect that the device was drawing power, indicating the device was on.  If the device no longer drew power than it is off (for an iron this would be a good thing to know), it had failed (like a freezer that should be drawing power) or the outlet had problems, such as a tripped GFI.

Ideally the sensor could monitor and report power usage through it, maybe instantaneous and also averaged over time such as a week or a month.  We try to keep our energy use low to save money and this could help us identify where we could best reduce.

Even if this is a silly idea it might prompt other customers and/or SimpliSafe engineers for a new kind of sensor that would provide more useful info about our system.

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Sensor for Power outage in outlet

Official Solution

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

2 years ago


Thank you for your suggestion. After conferring with our engineering team, we have sadly determined this is not feasible for our team at this time (especially since the Base Station's power outage function already covers outages if the power goes out for the whole home). So for now we are marking it as Not In Development. But if there's a big demand, I'll make sure that our engineers hear about it!



6.3K Messages

2 years ago

@kd9rao No, its a great idea, simple and Simplisafe would be foolish not to implement it. Cheap to make, profits could be huge for them while serving a nice niche for customers.  

Community Admin


3.4K Messages

2 years ago

Hi @kd9rao, 

Thank you for this suggestion! I've forwarded this idea to our dev team.

9 Messages

1 year ago

Gfi power loss sensors for Frig and freezer needed

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Do you have a gfi power loss sensor that would be triggered and alarm when power is out



6.3K Messages

@gtsnet79 Short answer is no but an alert from the base station when it loses power is a close 2nd. Can be a SMS test, email, push alert or any combination of them.

9 Messages

Thank you for responding. That works fine for house power on base but not for different GFIs powering Frig and freezer.

I bought some "gfi notify" plugs that do the job that simplisafe does not want to do.

Community Admin


3.4K Messages

@gtsnet79 As Captain11 mentioned, the Base Station does have a built-in power outage sensor that tells you when your home's power is out, but we do not have individual power outage sensors/plugs.

9 Messages

1 year ago

Do you have gfi alarms for freezer and Frig yet? Simple and needed.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Do you have gfi alarms for freezer and Frig yet
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