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Friday, March 29th, 2019 1:42 PM

In Development


Multi-User Accounts

Is there any way to have multiple log-ins to the same account? If not, is there a way to send suggestions to SimpliSafe engineers?

7 Messages

2 years ago

I really do not understand why there is not an official response and eta on this feature. 

64 Messages

@bbristowbham​ - You and many other folks that have been asking for this for how long ?!?!? Oh yeah since March of 2019 it looks like.  Correct me if I'm wrong Davey.



8 Messages

Just give other 5 more years , their software development team will get this feature done

Community Admin


5.6K Messages

@bbristowbham​ we do not typically announce ETAs on upcoming features. But I have a pinned response on the first page that I keep updated with the latest info. Currently, this feature is in development.

1 Message

What is the timeline on this?

64 Messages

Davey, can we get a link to this pinned post of which you speak? I can't seem to find it.

3 Messages

2 years ago

Months have gone by and no updates?  Please add this feature.  Your customers are talking!  No Design Thinking needed here.

Community Admin


5.6K Messages

@WAK​ my pinned post is currently still the most accurate update. The feature is indeed in development, but it will take some time before it's implemented.

5 Messages

Can you share a timeline? Because saying "in development" is not saying anything at all.

3 Messages

@incapablebear​ True that.  I'm a PM and use that line all the time myself, so I know what it means - bottom of the feature backlog.  I know your secrets.  :)

I love my new Simplisafe account, but this really is an inconvenience.  

Even ADT has this one figured out.

64 Messages

@WAK​ We have a function that's been "in devopment" for years and I, when speaking with the devs, call it vaporware. Most likely never gonna see it even though it's STILL "in development".  The thing that I don't like is that customers are told that it's coming even though the customer themselves know better.


2 Messages

2 years ago

Since SimpliSafe has been “exploring” how to create multiple user accounts for 5+ years, we will have to find another product. Very disappointed. 

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Multi-User Accounts

2 years ago

Cannot believe this is not possible. I just installed the system today and will now be canceling before the trial period ends. Shared logins in 2022? From a security company? This is a cruel joke.

7 Messages

@christopherjames​ I have been a customer for years, but they are about to lose me because of this. It's ridiculous. 

5 Messages

Yep, it's a cruel joke. And what makes it worse - they don't care. Just look at the size of this thread - we have been requesting this, very loudly and for ages.

12 Messages

2 years ago

Where are we on having the ability to add multiple users to our accounts? Some sort of update on this critical feature from the company would be helpful. It's ridiculous that we must give away our admin credentials in order for family members to log in to the app.

5 Messages

@BMichael415​ I suspect that, given this was first raised in 2019, we may not be getting this feature anywhere in the near future if ever at all.

2 Messages

2 years ago

We have had security cameras for probably 6+ years.  We would both get alerts on our phones.  We recently bought new cameras that can use solar (in the winter the batteries drain too fast and they're not cheap).  I guess we were spoiled with the old cameras, as now only one of us can be logged on at a time... which means only one of us is receiving alerts.  I didn't realize that other systems weren't like our original system.

I just want to verify...

Only one person can be logged in at a time? 

Only one person will receive text alerts when there's camera activity?

Only one person will receive text alerts when a sensor is triggered?

There's no timeline for a resolution to this?

8 Messages


I can verify that more than one person can be logged in to the app.    My wife and I are both logged in at the same time with a single accont, all the time, and we both get the push notifications.

I don't use the text alerts (push notifications work great) so can't confirm, but I'd assume you can add all your phone numbers to the SMS alerts section of the app so multiple people can receive text alerts.

I sure wish they'd get multiple users allowed on one account though!

Community Admin


5.6K Messages

Hi @DnD_D,


@kfreestone33 is correct.

You can log into as many devices as you like, but since SimpliSafe accounts are currently designed with single logins, you need to log in using the same username and password for each device. When multiple devices are logged in, you can access all info, receive notifications, and access video on all devices at the same time.


You can also set up SMS/email Smart Alerts for multiple accounts. Since they're just notifications sent to your contacts, you don't need a login for that.


What this thread is asking for is the ability to have multiple different account logins. For example, you could log in with your email password, and your partner logs in with their own, and both of you can control the same account. And on top of that, the ability to set different permissions per account - for example if you want your kids to be able to log in and arm/disarm, but not change any settings. That's the feature that is already being actively developed.



19 Messages

@davey_d how actively developed?  Where is our ETA?  If it's in active development, then your team has an ETA and isn't sharing it with us.  Since this has been a topic for 5 years, I'm guessing that "actively" doesn't mean what you think it means, but I'd be happy to be proven wrong.  

After 5 years, it's time for SS to put up or shut up.  Give us an ETA, or be honest and tell us you don't care about cybersecurity and tell us to f-off.  This blowing smoke thing is really old.  

Community Admin


5.6K Messages

Hello @afarling ,

I understand where you're coming from, I really do. Our Support team doesn't have direct access to our development team. And while I do, I'm still not able to provide exact timelines. When there is progress on the feature, I will update this thread.

19 Messages

The lack of transparency from this company on a cybersecurity matter like this is just gross.  It makes me wonder what else you guys are not telling us... 

3 Messages

2 years ago

I can’t believe this hasn’t been implemented. I’ve been a customer for a year and haven’t seen much as far as new features so not sure what else is being worked on for the last 3+ years since this ticket was started. I’m constantly kicked out of the app, I think because my wife and I share logins, and it’s incredibly frustrating. I’m spending over $1000 on cameras from ANOTHER manufacturer since she can’t consistently get quick access to alerts from our Simplisafe doorbells. She has to re-log in and 2 factor every time she gets a notification to see who is at the door. I’d love to just use Simplisafe but instead I’m going to a different camera. Maybe if existing customers helped Simplisafe quantify the $$$ they are losing by missing this fairly simple feature that competitors have they’d fix this. 

Community Admin


5.6K Messages

So sorry to hear that you've been having trouble.

You should actually be able to log into an unlimited number of devices at the same time, and your other devices should not be bumped off when you log into a new one.


But do you and your wife have iPhones? There was a known issue that was recently resolved. You would just need to update to the latest version of the SimpliSafe app on the app store.

3 Messages

2 years ago

Apparently NO ONE at SS ever reads these comments.   Please prove me wrong, 

This is an absolutely non-negotiable NO BRAINER issue.  I’ve been a SS customer for a DECADE with three different. premises protected by SS.  ITS UNCONSCIONABLE that they have not prioritized a resolution for this issue. 

Community Admin


5.6K Messages

@photos​ we're definitely listening. The feature is already in active development, and we'll keep you updated when we have news.

3 Messages

@davey_d​   Thank you for responding.....And forgive my skepticism, but I believe if you scroll back through this thread you will see similar responses from SS as far back as THREE years ago, so the credibility factor is probably not as strong as we might like.  The "development" of such a vital feature should not take this long, wouldn't you agree?

3 Messages

@photos​ Although I suppose if customers stick with SS for a decade despite this issue... 

I left ADT for a reason.  I Hope SS can prove I made the right choice.

3 Messages

2 years ago

I am a brand new simplisafe customer. I was trying to add my family members to the account when I came across this forum. This is insane that it is not a capability. I use MyQ for other devices and am easily able to give out access to others without giving out my password. It even tracks the activity so I know when each individual accesses the garage, for instance. Would make total sense since most people using a security system likely live with other people. Plus it gives you more control over and knowledge about access to your house. Can’t believe this is not on the highest priority list.

3 Messages

2 years ago

Hard to believe you guys have been hearing this for years and not responding.  It's pretty obvious that a home security system should allow multiple family members on an account.  It's actually really poor security to force customers to use a single login. 🤦🏻‍♂️
P.s. wish I'd checked this before buying but just figured it should be standard practice.

1 Message

2 years ago

This service needs multi-user access. I shouldn't have to login to my stepdads account on my cellphone tho we're all under the same roof. My parental units plan on going out of town & I think it's stupid that he's the only 1 that has the full access via cellphone. 

Having multiple users allows those of us w/access to see who did what & when not just the 1 person. If anything happens to my stepdad, more than likely I'll be closing this account & going w/a system that allows multiple users. 

I'm actually surprised that as long as y'all have been around, no one at SimpliSafe has bothered 2 come up w/this?! I mean, if U have this feature for businesses, this should be available for residential. 

12 Messages

2 years ago

Lots of people asking for the ability so add users to our accounts so we dont have to share admin credentials in order to get our households logged into the app. No response from Simplisafe. Does anyone there actually read this stuff or care?

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Does anyone at Simplisafe care?



6K Messages

@BMichael415 Actually, Simplisafe has provided a response on several occasions, although I doubt one that would satisfy you for what you are asking for.  Yes, others have asked and SS has replied they would and will pass it on to the product development group.  The "if" and "when" are still open items.  Possibly, Davey, you or one of the other admins could provide an update?

64 Messages

Why is "if" an issue since we've been told that it's "in development" many a time 

1 Message

2 years ago

Adding to the chorus: we'd very much like this feature to be added.

3 Messages

2 years ago

This is BS & should have been addressed already! My wife needs access to our account and her account on the same app without logging out!

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled 2 accounts 1 app

2 Messages

I agree. My spouse should be able to logon to the system using her own credentials. Come on SimpliSafe!! Ring, Nest among others have figured it out. Do I need to switch to their devices to get this issue resolved. I DEMAND a response. mPlease don't tell me it's being worked on. I need an affirmation that this will be fixed in the next 30 days, or I will be posting this issue to social media, including YouTube, FaceBook, LinkedIn and your website.

Community Admin


3.1K Messages

Hi @JPT4648,

This is a popular request, and please know that is isn't falling on deaf ears! This feature is currently in development. We will update this thread when it is live. 

1 Message

2 years ago

This is very important for me too. Wish I could follow this but it won't let me

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