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Friday, March 29th, 2019 1:42 PM

In Development


Multi-User Accounts

Is there any way to have multiple log-ins to the same account? If not, is there a way to send suggestions to SimpliSafe engineers?

2 Messages

3 years ago

So it came to my attention while getting my new Simplisafe system set up that I have to give my wife MY login details to access the app on her phone. To make it worse every 30 days she has to ask me for the text verification code. For a security company they sure are practicing poor digital security. While Im not worried about my wife messing with my account what if I wanted to add the parents or kids to the app? In 2021 there is no excuse for the lack of adding multiple user accounts to a single security system. Hell ADT has this feature and they're app sucks!

Is there any chance this is a planned feature or on the road map? If not why?
Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Multi users on one account?

Community Admin


5.6K Messages

Hi tcorderoiv,

You are correct. At this time, each SimpliSafe account is able to support a single user only.

In terms of multi-factor authentication, you do have the option of adding multiple phone numbers. That way, all parties will also be made aware whenever someone is attempting to log in.

But yes, there's definitely a demand for separate logins for each user. We'll be adding your feedback to our growing list!

- Johnny M.
SimpliSafe Home Security



6K Messages

@davey_d I have been a long time customer in the camp of "who cares" on this topic but had a situation today where my and I could have really used separate logins (and yes, it involved authentification..ugh). Is anyone on your dev team working on this for eventual implementation?



6K Messages

Love the comment on ADT. Had them going on 10 years ago and they were the worst.

19 Messages

Multiple users seems silly to not have. Sharing credentials is not a good idea. Sharing MFA alerts is a dirty dirty hack, time to pay down that technical debt and implement multiple users properly.

2 Messages

Funny.  I just set up a new system, and was looking for a way to add the rest of my family to the system.  Now reading this, I guess I can’t.  You are correct that even lower grade alarm systems have this capability.  It’s unfortunate that every user we desire to add will have to have the same login credentials.  How stupid.  Maybe I should have stuck with Ring even though it’s an Amazon product.

2 Messages

3 years ago

Why is there no way to create a login for my family without giving them the master account ?  Every major alarm company I've used had this feature and I mistakenly assumed SimpliSafe would have something similar.
Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Need multiple app logins

1.3K Messages

Personally, I don't have a problem with it because I know nobody will mess with anything except arm/disarm. But, certainly, others like yourself voice concern.

This has been a longstanding request with no indication if or when it will ever be addressed. So, much as SS works for me, if this is a showstopper for you then returning the system is, unfortunately, your only real option unless you're willing to live with it this way indefinitely.

24 Messages

The recent addition of 2FA (which is a good thing) has surfaced even another need to support multiple accounts.  My family members are constantly frustrated by getting logged out by the app.  Maybe it only happens once every 30 days per person, but it sure seems more often than that.  In any case, they always need my help to get signed back in because I receive the 2FA code during sign in.  This issue is one of my 3 main gripes with SimpliSafe.  I've been a customer for about a year.

A second complaint is smart locks that too often get stuck in a state of "not responding".  (I've tried tons of replacements.  None of them have fixed the issue.)

The third, and biggest security gap in my opinion, is that the app does not require a PIN to take actions on your system.  Imagine the bad guy who meets your wife in the carport when she gets home and forces her to use the app to disarm the system.  Or the person who breaks into your house and forces a system disarm via the app.  No chance to use the duress code, because there's no system PIN required.  The SimplieSafe app could be used to circumvent needed security in lots of similar and scary scenarios.  (You can configure the app to use a PIN, but that's not the same thing.)  I'm shocked that this security hole exists in the system and no one seems to care.

Community Admin


5.6K Messages

Hi castewa88 et al,

There is a little bit of a workaround for that particular MFA issue, in that you can actually set multiple phone numbers to receive the confirmation texts. So whenever anyone tries to log in, everyone gets notified.

And yep, we've had quite a few requests about multi-user logins. I definitely forward all your requests, and the more of them there are, the higher priority it becomes to our dev team. So keep 'em coming!

As for that duress scenario - unless you're in a scenario where an intruder would be watching you closely for a whole, they wouldn't necessarily know that you normally use the app to disarm your system. So you could still use the Duress PIN via your Keypad.
However, duress via app is another great idea.

24 Messages

Thanks Johnny M for the tip re: multiple phone numbers for 2FA texts.  I did not realize that was an option.  Having multiple account logins is nonetheless still a long requested feature in these threads and one that it sounds like other companies offer.  Hopefully the dev team really is aware of that and is working on this much needed and often requested feature.

I think you miss the point about the app not requiring a PIN.  It's reasonable to think that a "bad guy" can know enough about SimplieSafe to know that the system can be disarmed using the app regardless of whether the person normally uses the app to disarm the system.  And it's certainly reasonable to assume that most anyone who has SimplieSafe likely uses the app.  All that bad guy then has to know is that using the app will disarm the system without a PIN thereby bypass the victim's opportunity to use the duress PIN.  With that basic, or at least pretty easy to learn, knowledge, a perpetrator could catch any SimplieSafe user before the system is disarmed (whether indoors or outdoors) and force them to disarm the system via the app.  The alarm ends normally before the end of the entry delay.  The bad guy wins.

1.3K Messages

The problem I see with mobile app Duress PIN is that you can be practically anywhere in the world and trigger it, yet the authorities know only the monitored address. Are you there? It's pretty much a given with the keypad or fob; not so much with the mobile app. If it's doubling as a panic button, per se, it does no good away from home.

If somone has done enough due dilligence to stake you out and try the scenario previously described, it seems plausible they are also smart enough to force the disarm remotely while a partner in crime stakes out the property. If you "disarm" and the cops show up, they just hang back until then scene clears then do their dirty work.

It's easy to daisy chain a bunch of "what ifs" into a worst case scenario, and there are any number of ways security systems can be defeated. The key difference between possibility and probablility.

2 Messages

3 years ago

Can multiple people use the app on a phone to control a single alarm system? Do they have to set up their own account on the app? How does it know which system it is controlling?
Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Using the app with multiple users

Community Admin


5.6K Messages

Hi brian.kramer,

Right now, each SimpliSafe account can support a single user only. So if you want multiple people to have access to the app, you'll want them to log in under the same username (email address) and password.

- Johnny M.
SimpliSafe Home Security

702 Messages

@Johnny M,

There are many many reasons why "give out the primary username/password with full control of the account and payment options" is doesn't work for a lot of people.

Are there any plans (not wish list, not idea, but a plan) to add multiple tiers of access so people can enjoy app access to arm/disarm but not mess with devices, payment, service, etc?

2 Messages

For several weeks, my app has asked for the Master PIN to unlock app controls. After entering the pin, the same error message occurs saying "Base Station Busy, Your Base station is having trouble contacting Simplisafe. The data connection at its location may be weak. Try moving the Base Station." But even moving the Base Station does not solve the issue. What is wrong with my app?

1.3K Messages

It would be recommended to start your own thread for your question/problem because it's different than the concern of what started this thread originally. Besides, it's proper forum etiquette to start your own thread for your question, rather than "highjack" a thread that's about womeone else's question.
How are multiple users supposed to use the same username and password, when logins require an SMS for second factor?

3 years ago

Another vote for making it possible for multiple app users to have their own logins instead of a single shared login.
Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Please allow for multiple app users with their own logins

4 Messages

All other alarm system companies/providers allow for this already, including other DIY systems.  Is this on the roadmap to implement at this point?

2 Messages

3 years ago

My Question/Concern is, i have set up this system initially with the install with my E-mail address. I am now trying to figure out a way to have both my wife and myself on the same account. I cannot find an option for two separate emails on the same account. We BOTH need the ability to have full functionality of this system, or we need to find a different system all together!
Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Dual Accounts

Community Admin


5.6K Messages

Hi kennedyp,

At this time, SimpliSafe supports only a single-user login. You'll just want to log in using the same username (email) and password) on all devices where you want access.

You can also set up Multi-Factor Authentication via SMS on multiple phone numbers. You can do that after you're logged into the SimpliSafe app, by heading to Menu > Manage Account > Multi-Factor Authentication.

- Davey D.
Community Development Manager
SimpliSafe Home Security

2 Messages


We need the ability to disable 2FA if we're going to have multiple devices running the app. After a 30 day automatic logout, the app access becomes useless if both, or all of the users are not available to coordinate logging back in.

If the app is compromised via web or phone, understandable. But if the app is logged out and the home system goes off or worse is burglarized, only the 2FA account holder can re-login to manage anything with the system.

Are there changes to this security policy in the works? Obviously sharing accounts/passwords and single 2FA accounts are basic security flaws. At its best, 2FA is inherently insecure anyway.

Community Admin


5.6K Messages

Hello toryw,

We will not be coming out with any ability to remove MFA. If/when we make changes, it would be to add more options than just SMS.

But per my post above, currently you can already set up a multiple phone numbers to receive the confirmation code. At the time of login, you can choose which number receives that confirmation.

And as for having multiple actual logins - that is certainly one of the top most requested features. Our engineers are actively exploring.

- Davey D.
Community Development Manager
SimpliSafe Home Security

11 Messages

@davey_d FYI, we have three phone numbers registered on our account for multi factor authentication, but had overlooked the step where you can choose which number receives the notification, so I called Simplisafe support for help. They (incorrectly) informed me that Simplisafe does not support multiple phone numbers for multi factor authentication, because it’s a security risk. We later figured out how it works ourselves. I would encourage you to do some education with your phone support team, as they apparently don’t know how the system works as well as you do. It’s frustrating to get incorrect information from the supposed experts.

Community Admin


5.6K Messages

Apologies, that's definitely an error on our part. While not all our representatives have my years of experience, they should definitely know about important security features like this. I'll pass on your feedback to our Support leadership.

2 Messages

3 years ago

It should be possible to add another user to the SimpliSafe app for the same account without having to share a username and password. Thanks.
Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Add user to SimpliSafe app

Community Admin


5.6K Messages

Hi alechenninger,

Yep, this is a popular request. I'll add your name to the list.

- Davey D.
Community Development Manager
SimpliSafe Home Security
Kind of unbelievable that this is not possibe.  Honestly, it is day 1 into service and everything is going well except this.  It is almost a deal breaker.



6K Messages

@lpoulas suggest you change your forum handle from your email asap for privacy reasons

2 Messages

@davey_d you can add my name to the list as well.  This is a pretty big gap.

Feature request would be to allow a login via QR code (like discord) but then you can assign a nickname and duration.

Friend watching the house for a week?  Give them a 1 week passwordless authentication with limited access.  They would scan a QR code from the owner’s app. 

Responsible kid?  Give them permanent access.

Also have periodic reminders for the account owner to review guest access. 

2 Messages

@davey_d Please include me to that list too.

I was initially surprised to find out that this basic feature was not available. And unfortunately, Support took some time to confirm this too, until I found this in the forum.

Echo previous user's comment, this is almost a deal breaker!
Thank you!

2 Messages

3 years ago

My wife tries to add the app to her phone, in addition to mine.

What do we need to do to allow the app onto her phone ?

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Adding the APP to a Second Phone



6K Messages

@dancadigan my wife and I have used the android phone app for years, no issues. Wheterh iOS or Android, go the apple store or google play and ownload the app. Then sign in. You will be asked to authenicate one time. After that, done.

Note that you both must use the same log in.  My wife uses m login ID and PW and then uses it as she needs.

Hope this answeres your question.

9 Messages

This seems incredibly primitive and way behind competitor offerings. With Eufy I have the ability to give permissions to other users to either view or manage the system. This way I do not need to share all my credentials with others such as my adult children but can give them access to certain features under their own login.

2 Messages

3 years ago

Please prioritize building functionality that allows multiple account owners and/or sub-accounts. I cannot stress the need for this functionality strongly enough. As a homeowner who shares the financial, child-rearing, home maintenance, and every other responsibility with my spouse, I cannot imagine them not having the ability to monitor and control our home security system. 

I was absolutely dismayed to learn that I cannot perform this incredibly basic function upon setting up my system today and am seriously considering asking for a refund. I just cannot believe that this feature does not exist. Please add my name to the list of other disappointed users who have requested this functionality for years now. Additionally, I'd genuinely like to be included in any sort of beta user/testing program if you have one. 

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Multiple Owners and Subaccounts

702 Messages

I second all of this.  This has to be, by far, the most requested functionality I've seen in the last 6-12 months. Nothing else even comes close. And it's the same on http://reddit.com/r/simplisafe as well.

6 Messages

3 years ago

Can I create permission sets for different users? For example, I'd like to give someone permission to receive alerts/monitor our cameras but not be able to view/delete recordings, edit contact info ect. Would also like to know which user was arming/disarming the system. This is a feature of every other security system I've ever dealt with, and the kind of thing I can do on basically every tech product I own. 

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled User Permissions

702 Messages

You cannot. Many many of us have asked SimpliSafe to add this functionality but they refuse to tell us if they're even considering it, much less whether it's being worked on or planned.

I urge you to regularly request this functionality here, via email and via their customer service line every so often. As you've suggested, this functionality exists in so many other products and it's ludicrous that a security company requires an entire family to use the same username/password to use the mobile app which also gives everyone full access to do everything including deleting sensors and cameras from the system.

2 Messages

3 years ago

I just found out from a very nice phone call with your support staff, that my wife cannot have her own account to manage the mobile app with.  That the engineering team has decided that only one person can be responsible for managing access to the mobile app.

Respectfully - how narrow minded.  When you have two (or more) adults in the household, they each should be able to manage their own access to the mobile app.  Having to rely on an SMS sent to the main contact is extremely limited and a hindrance to mange the system with.

She needed access, but the mobile app decided she needed to be re-authenticated and it sent me the SMS authentication message.  I was not available to respond and manually forward the code to her for access.  In this case, luckily it wasn't an emergency.  Can you imagine if it was and she needed to look at camera's to determine the safety of our house or our pets and had to wait for me to be available.

You provide the space for two primary users to receive alarm alerts, it doesn't seem to far of a leap to have two users to access the mobile app with.

Like I said in the beginning, very narrow minded.  I am sure there was, at the time of the design a valid reason, but life is not always so narrowly focused to fit in an engineers box of assumptions.

As new users, yes, the system was very easy to use and setup, just as advertised, and we have overall been very happy.  I will hope there is a light at then end of this archaic tunnel, I would hate to be forced to cancel and return all the cool equipment because two adults cannot manage the systems.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled More than one Authorized user required

5 Messages

Totally agreed. Running into the same issue here. 

Community Admin


5.6K Messages

Hello eandg,


Yes, as of right now, your SimpliSafe account is designed for a single-user login.

Multi-user login is a very popular request, and the more of us in the Community ask for it, the stronger our case will be for our dev team!


In the meantime, you can log into your SimpliSafe account on multiple devices under the same username (email) and password.

You can also set up Multi-Factor Authentication via SMS to be sent to different phone numbers. Here's how:

  1. On a device that's already logged in, open the SimpliSafe app.
  2. Navigate to Menu > Manage Account > Mutli-Factor Authentication, then follow the on-screen prompts to add a new Phone Number.

Then, whenever you need to log in again, and after entering your email and password, you can hit the arrow > to select which phone number you want to receive the confirmation code.




9 Messages

Good point.  We just bought into the SimpliSafe system but are thinking of switching to another company because my spouse cannot receive verification codes on her cell phone.

Community Admin


5.6K Messages

We'd be sorry to see you go! But if you follow the instructions in my previous comment, you can set up MFA verification codes for multiple phone numbers.

9 Messages

@drtank​ Problem solved. I discovered how to go to Manage Account and then select Mutli-Factor Authentication to add a second verification phone number.  Now both my spouse and I can choose either her phone number or mine to receive a verification code from the SimpliSafe site whenever it requires one of us to receive such a code.

19 Messages

3 years ago

How is it possible that in 2022, SimpliSafe can still offer a product that requires multiple users to share a password?  And that account only supports MFA via SMS (which is its own security shortfall, as SMS based MFA is known to be insecure).  

So aside from sharing passwords this setup means that I have to text my fiance 6 digit codes so that she can login when the app auto-logs her out.  

This security system is a security nightmare.  When I reached out to support today, I got what sounded like a Trump speech.  Their response to, “do you have a timeframe when we can expect to see multiple user logins?” was…

”Not for now, but this 2022 we bring amazing changes that you will realize very soon, we cannot give approximate dates so as not to generate false expectations, but stay tuned for changes and great surprises for the benefit of our customers.”

Changes and great surprises and benefits to our customers….. blah blah blah… people have been asking for this basic security feature for years on this forum and nothing… why would 2022 be different?  

Does anyone with authority to share more care to provide a little more detail?  Or am I looking for a new alarm system?

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Multi-user Support



6K Messages

Yes, Simplisafe has been consistent on their position on this one. Customers get one log in at the moment. Done. There are more urgent features I would like to see, in my opinion,  being the ability to send an alarm state flag to digital assistants so I can use a routine to turn my inside and outside lights on.  Criminals don't like lights and it would be a large deterrent. In the interim, my wife and I share my login quite nicely without issues for the past 9+ years.

Besides that, davey, can you please provide a status on ararling's request for a status? (Even a "we have the request in our work que for future consideration but we are not actively working on it at this time.) Thanks!

19 Messages

@captain11​ How are you and your wife sharing a login?  Where do the MFA keys go when the iOS app logs you out every 30 days?  

Community Admin


5.6K Messages

Hi afarling,


We're all in agreement, and this is one of the most popular requested features. Unfortunately yes, we are not able to give you any further details about if/when multi-user logins will be implemented.


In the meantime, did you already know that you can set up multiple phone numbers to receive Multi-Factor Authentication codes? You can do that in the app, from a phone where you're already logged in. Just navigate to Menu > Manage Account > Multi-Factor Authentication.

Then when it's time to log in again, after entering your email and password, you can hit the arrow > on the phone number box to send to a different contact.


702 Messages

Unfortunately yes, we are not able to give you any further details about if/when multi-user logins will be implemented.

Why not, Davey? This is not a difficult request. There are open source projects run by one person in their free time that produce more timely and substantial updates than SS does despite you all employing roughly a thousand people. There is no reason, other than you all simply don't care, that you can't give us more details about what you're working on and what you have no intention of working on.

Edit: Please stop saying "unable" or "not able". This is a choice you all are making. The only thing getting in the way of you on this is, well, you. :)

2 Messages

Agreed. This is absolutely ridiculous. I can’t think of another account I use that doesn’t permit multiple users. My bank does it just fine. I’d rather have someone break into my house than my bank account.

If this was disclosed up front I never would have purchased a system.

702 Messages

2 years ago

We're THREE YEARS on from people asking for this functionality. As SS has stated themselves in this thread, it's one of the most requested features and there's still zero indication it's being worked on at all, much less when we might have the functionality.

This makes me feel pretty confident that the many other requests that don't crack the top 10 most frequently asked for  for list, or that have only been asked for in the last year or two, have essentially zero chance of ever being fulfilled.

This isn't difficult SS. Just tell us it's actively being worked on and you hope to have it released in the next 6-12 months. Or tell us we're never getting it. Just don't leave us hanging on every. single. thing. that we ask for. There's no way that you all, as individuals, would find this acceptable from vendors you do business with. There's also no way that you all, as a business, would find this acceptable if this was the only response you ever received from the people you buy goods and services from.

1 Message

2 years ago

Come on Simplisafe!!!  Shared logins are a huge no-no!!  Aren’t you in the business of Security?  Either add multiple user functionality or I’m moving on….

1 Message

2 years ago

I am new to SimpliSafe and trying to get multiple people signed up with the app. Very disappointed that this feature is not available without sharing my credentials. Wish I had found this discussion before locking myself in, but it may still be worth switching vendors.

64 Messages

2 years ago

I'd be happy with multiple household accounts each with their own app pin.  I recently came from ADT that had multiple account support with the same pin. As a previous poster stated, sharing of passwords with multiple people is a major security issue.  

Also, what if the password is needed or needs to be changed and the primary account holder is unreachable.  What then?


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