‎Multi users on one account? | SimpliSafe Support Home

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Thursday, June 10th, 2021 5:34 AM


Multi users on one account?

So it came to my attention while getting my new Simplisafe system set up that I have to give my wife MY login details to access the app on her phone. To make it worse every 30 days she has to ask me for the text verification code. For a security company they sure are practicing poor digital security. While Im not worried about my wife messing with my account what if I wanted to add the parents or kids to the app? In 2021 there is no excuse for the lack of adding multiple user accounts to a single security system. Hell ADT has this feature and they're app sucks!

Is there any chance this is a planned feature or on the road map? If not why?

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Multiple Users

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

4 years ago

Hi tcorderoiv,

You are correct. At this time, each SimpliSafe account is able to support a single user only.

In terms of multi-factor authentication, you do have the option of adding multiple phone numbers. That way, all parties will also be made aware whenever someone is attempting to log in.

But yes, there's definitely a demand for separate logins for each user. We'll be adding your feedback to our growing list!

- Johnny M.
SimpliSafe Home Security



6.3K Messages

@davey_d I have been a long time customer in the camp of "who cares" on this topic but had a situation today where my and I could have really used separate logins (and yes, it involved authentification..ugh). Is anyone on your dev team working on this for eventual implementation?



6.3K Messages

3 years ago

Love the comment on ADT. Had them going on 10 years ago and they were the worst.

19 Messages

3 years ago

Multiple users seems silly to not have. Sharing credentials is not a good idea. Sharing MFA alerts is a dirty dirty hack, time to pay down that technical debt and implement multiple users properly.

2 Messages

3 years ago

Funny.  I just set up a new system, and was looking for a way to add the rest of my family to the system.  Now reading this, I guess I can’t.  You are correct that even lower grade alarm systems have this capability.  It’s unfortunate that every user we desire to add will have to have the same login credentials.  How stupid.  Maybe I should have stuck with Ring even though it’s an Amazon product.

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