4 Messages
low sensor battery alerts can be annoying
The "sensor battery is low" notification can be incredibly annoying. The alert is handled like other alerts -- the base station chimes when a sensor battery is low. At our house, it seems that such alerts always happen between 2 AM and 4 AM. Arrgh! The most recent event was on Christmas Eve, which did not go over well in our home.
I realize that we can turn off such alerts -- but that disables all such alerts, and alerts other than "sensor battery low" might be important. That's why the keypad warns you about turning off these alerts!
What is my suggestion? Allow "low sensor battery" alerts to be handled via email. Or maybe only when arming/disarming. When a sensor battery is low, an immediate (middle of the night!) notification is not needed! Send me an email, and I'll handle it tomorrow!
Getting middle-of-the-night battery alerts is a very annoying "feature".
1.1K Messages
3 months ago
Man do I know what you mean as ever single alert I have ever had had been around 2am and it will scare the crap out of you. It will tell you when you go to arm or dis arm it but why always at 2am lol.
Community Admin
1.1K Messages
3 months ago
@johnradams The Battery Low notification is part of the Warning category, which will generate an email notification is that setting is turned on. You can learn more in the Setting up Text and Email Alerts for SimpliSafe article in the Help Center.
However, there currently is no setting to prevent the Base Station from sounding when it senses that a sensor's battery is low. We'll forward this suggestion to our devs!
5 Messages
2 months ago
This is a very big deal and should be treated as a high-priority fix. I’ve had my system for a couple of years now, and this is the single reason I no longer recommend SimpliSafe. Each of my 21 devices will consume its batteries periodically. Nuisance alerts are dangerous because they accustom us to ignore all alerts.
1.1K Messages
2 months ago
Agree, getting way to many sensors not responding every day even though batteries have been replaced and even sensors replaced and still getting this. Base has been rebooted way to many times and no dice. I have a simplisafe group on Facebook and many have posted this same thing up.
7 Messages
2 months ago
Exactly right! That voice out of nowhere can scare the crap out of you at 3am!
7 Messages
2 months ago
Exactly! That voice out of nowhere in your pitch black house at 3am will scare the crap out of you!