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Friday, February 1st, 2019 11:42 PM


In-App Panic Button

I've seen that I'm not the first person to ask this, but is there any reason why the app doesn't have a panic or manual alarm button? I believe I saw that there are separate "panic button' fobs sold on the site, so the only reason I can see to not have it in the app is to boost sales of the fob. This seems like the type of thing companies like ADT and others would do. One of the reasons I decided to try out Simplisafe over updating my old system was the quality of the app and upsales like this the bigger companies like to slip in. Disappointing that customers have been asking for this for years and Simplisafe has done nothing. Makes me start to rethink just updating my old system.

1 Message

1 year ago

Yes please add in-app panic button. I want to be able to turn on siren remotely if I see suspicious activity on my camera.

3 Messages

If you see something of concern while away, why not just arm the system (assuming it was unarmed)?

I think a panic button is primarily for when someone is home, correct?

5 Messages

1 year ago

Please implement a way to trigger the alarm from the App. As many have stated, if I see intruders outdoors, I would rather trigger the alarm which means most will leave BEFORE breaking something.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Trigger alarm from App

2 Messages

1 year ago

Hello, would it be possible for your app’s software development team to add a PANIC button to the mobile app? Given the current video game era, many of us always have our phones in hand. In emergencies where, for any reason, one might not have armed their system and something happens, a panic button on the phone would be very handy.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Mobile app Panic button

Community Admin


3.4K Messages

@wusafghan​ Your request sounded similar to this original thread, so I merged it here. We have submitted this feature request to our devs for their consideration. Once we hear back from them, we'll let everyone in this thread know.

2 Messages

7 months ago

Siren should be able to be triggered from app

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Trigger from app



6.1K Messages

@sid This has been requested many times in the past and is a listed "submitted" item in the SimpliTracker area of the community.  Great suggestion.

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

Hi @sid ,

As the Captain mentioned, that's one of the more popular requests we have on the community, and you can follow progress here.

5 Messages

3 months ago

Crazy to me that I can't trigger the alarm remotely--if I'm not at home--if I see an intruder on a camera, either indoors or in the backyard. While yes, a call to police is one of the next steps, I think a more immediate one is to attempt to scare them off with the alarm. Looks like this has been requested for quite some time now but just thought I'd add to the chorus.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Remote alarm trigger

2 Messages

3 months ago

Agree it would be amazing to have remote trigger capability. When we are out of town our daughter watches our house. Unfortunately there are times she forgets to arm the system when she leaves. While we do change notification settings & periodically check cameras, it doesn't happen the entire time we're on vacation. It would be great, if we saw an intruder, etc, to be able to trigger the alarm. 

1 Message

3 months ago

I was also surprised that there isn't a Panic function in the app. My home security system, from another provider, has this. I installed the Simpli-Safe system at my business. I just assumed it would have just as many features as my home system.

2 Messages

2 months ago

Simplisafe please add this feature to the app!  My house was broken into a few weeks ago and I've added exterior cameras that detect motion.  I'd really like to be able to trigger the alarm remotely if I'm not at home but my exterior cameras send me an alert that someone is snooping around my house.  When my home was broken into, he left as soon as the alarm went off (30 seconds) but if I could manually activate the alarm before the criminal even gets into the house, I'm pretty sure that would dissuade them.

In the meantime, can C.O.P.S. dispatch manually trigger the alarm/siren for me if I call them?
Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Triggering Alarm/Siren from App

Community Admin


5.7K Messages


At this time, there is no way to manually trigger a local alarm remotely - whether by you or by us. The only way to trigger an alarm is by being at the protected location.

But thank you for your suggestion. For your situation, we can also suggest that you set at least some of your sensors to Instant Trigger (you can set these in the Keypad settings, on a per-sensor basis). With the feature enabled, those sensors will trigger an alarm instantly, without the countdown!

2 Messages

+1 for being able to trigger the alarm via the app - this could be very useful and shouldn't be terribly difficult to implement.  Agree with the original poster that this would also make motion alerts from cameras all the more useful to the user.

60 Messages

I asked for this a couple of years ago and so far it hasn't been done. I found a work around and it will work. I put an entry sensor on my cd tray on my home computer and set it to trigger immediately. You have to put Team Viewer (or software that allows remote connection) on that PC (and your phone/tablet) so you can connect to it from wherever you might be. There is a command that will open (and close) the cd tray and I used that as the command on an icon on my desk top. So, I can connect to my pc and open the cd tray and the alarm will sound. This is what I used in the open command - nircmd.exe cdrom open F: (replace F with your cd drive letter) and to close it - nircmd.exe cdrom close F:. I labelled the icons Panic open and Panic close. Hope this helps. I have an external siren so I'm hoping to prevent a break in before it happens like you.

1.3K Messages

I understand the request for automation/panic button but it's not here.

If you get a camera motion alert and can see someone breaking in/attempting to break in, in the interests of time, I suggest it would be prudent to call the Police directly. Every additional step increases response time.

60 Messages

I agree with calling the police. My idea was to hopefully scare someone off if you see them lurking around outside of your house. And, if you live in a rural area like some do, the police may not get there until it's way too late.

4 Messages

2 months ago

Would not be difficult to create a function where the audible alarms could trigger to scare off backyard Intruders, but without alerting the monitoring team or emergency response. 

Having a siren for deterrence is extremely important! It would be helpful to have that function before they actually break into a building

3 Messages

27 days ago

Agree !! Needs in app panic button in case you can’t talk but hear someone out side house or in garage etc 

9 Messages

27 days ago

I would also like this feature, just add a pin number to the panic button to prevent false alarms.

9 Messages

Or a double prompt confirmation...

1.3K Messages

27 days ago

Long read. 😁

Simplisafe is a security system, simple, closed, etc. Sensor opens when armed, things are supposed to happen.

Crook opens door or window etc., alarm should go off if armed and monitoring is called if you opted into paid monitoring.

One step away from being inside the property. Snatch & grabs, some may ignore sirens. Some, may grab what they can and run. Though you may get some camera evidence if you have any & if they're well placed. And if they're online at the time. 

New & recent Simplisafe implementations such as outdoor cameras and Pro Fast Protect or whatever they call the new expensive monitoring options.

Where agents may be able to interact with potential perps outside the building via outdoor powered cameras. See elsewhere for related information on Simplisafes website.

It seems their business model is that they are in charge mostly. They can turn on sirens manually, we can't etc. Who knows what else? I don't. Mostly, all options are theirs.

You could buy and add many Simplisafe panic buttons and put them all over the house and in closets. But that's functional only at home. Requires maintenance, batteries etc.

Fires up the audible alarm if held 2 seconds, and if paid monitoring, calls Simplisafes monitoring center. Etc.

I have one and might even remember where it's located. Lol. No monitoring, just audible alarm for me.

Your SS keypad has a panic button, duress pins, SS Fobs have panic buttons etc. All at home though. See documentation.

This is quite an old thread and not likely headed to implementation. IMHO. Though who knows?

So if you read this far what can be done?

One app I have downloaded recently to test (Noonlight) which is currently free to use, great for responsible children, men &/or women alone while out and about, at home, away, iOS and Android compatible and they have a possible emergency. Untested by me. So far. Best to test, after all it's Free.

Open app, BIG button, hold button down, if no trouble let go and enter your pin. If trouble, let go don't enter pin. If immediate trouble and if you can open the app, just tap the button and don't enter your pin.

20 second countdown after button release.

They'll try to contact you first via notifications, and if no response, police may show up at GPS location being tracked. With false alarms these days and police response times, who knows?

Did I say currently free? Lol

Anyhow, setup app, needs cell number to track you and contact you. Not all Free, tracking you for data. Needs GPS on, cell phone data or wifi to work. GPS precise Location accuracy should be setup and on.

Other options in addition to Simplisafe for burglars & fire etc.,

For sirens or other user controlled device's there are many, such as Yolink LoRa, (long range) due diligence required and many other options available. Mailbox sensors etc. Hub probably needed.

All mentioned things require use of more than one app and maybe a hub as well.

I use dozens of apps so no problem for me.

Noonlight may be an option for responsible children, homebound elderly if cell phone literate. Many options for use, "if" able to open the app. Added features for $. Crash protection etc.

Smart watches can be used I guess and some also provide fall & crash protection, for housebound elderly etc.

Also, all cell phones or most these days have emergency or health help options. Mines a Samsung, fill in the data, press power key rapidly 5 times. Calls 911 and others if desired you specify. Self setup. Untested.🤔

Medical type apps. Enter health data, calls 911 or those you specify, allows EMT access to medical data you specify, if in a car crash and unconscious etc. I use Medical ID Premium. YMMV. Android, Play Store. I'm old and decrepit.😆 Options, I'll use them all if necessary. Tested, text my kinfolk option.

And lastly, the fastest approach is probably to call 911 yourself where and if possible. Give reason, address if possible etc. Two simultaneous 911 calls is ok. Options 

Be aware some 911 call centers "may" still be in the landline world and tracking your GPS location a little slower via cell phone or any fashion. Landline tracking should still work, if you have one.

Doubtful many will read all this, but if it helps one person, I'm happy. 😊 Due diligence in all use cases on your part required.

1 Message

26 days ago

Wouldn’t it make sense to have the ability to hit the alarm remotely if you see somebody on your outdoor cameras about to break in or commit a crime? Arson? Graffiti. Stolen property outside. Why wait for them to break in and do damage? 

2 Messages

I’ve had this thought many times as well. Occasionally, I have been laying in bed at night and get a motion alert from the backyard camera. Luckily, it’s only been animals each time so far, but if it was a burglar that I was seeing on the feed then I would have to get up and hit the panic button on the keypad rather than instantly setting off the alarm via the app.

I see that the new higher tiers of service allow the monitoring employees to do exactly this, it seems like a cash grab to not allow us to do the same.


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