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Monday, August 14th, 2023 3:36 PM


Feature Request - Device Activity Timeline

I'd like to request a new feature added where I can monitor device activity over a timeline. This would show not the current status as of this moment but what doors/windows were opened/closed and what time those actions occurred. This is similar to the 'Timeline" in the app where the automatic test signal is sent each day only it would be a timeline showing actions of the devices.

Example below as this is a Airbnb rental but this I feel would be useful to all.


415pm Back Patio door opened

511pm Back Patio door closed

615pm Primary Bedroom window opened

****It rained heavily OR we had a break-in (example only)


745am Primary Bedroom window closed

837am Front Door Opened

837am Front Door Closed

In this example the guests left a window open, we had a resulting break-in or it rained and damaged the wall. We can see when they opened it and when they closed it. Currently I'd check the app and see it's closed and have no idea it was left open all night. This is important from a security perspective if guests are leaving the house with door/window open and allow us to help police with a break-in or simply identify fault of the guest when damage occurred. 

Second example - it's 100+ degrees in Texas right now, guest complains the AC isn't working well in the house and it's hot inside. We identify in the timeline that the guest left the window open for 8hrs today and they've caused the house to be hot, no issue to the AC but they forgot about it. We could clearly note the problem with them instead of sending AC techs out to evaluate a potential repair/replacement of our system.

This idea would be a lifesaver for us, hope the idea proves useful to others. Please share your feedback or support if useful for you too.

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Sensor Activity in Timeline in Off Mode

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