‎Ethernet and 5g options | SimpliSafe Support Home

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Friday, April 8th, 2022 4:46 PM


Ethernet and 5g options

2.4ghz is fine, but not for everyone. I, for example, live in a city, so while it's usually great to have the increased propagation of 2.4ghz, for me it means that my neighbors interfere with my signal. I can't rely on it, so I use Ethernet or 5ghz DFS (with zero interference).

Also, even though this is a security company, the devices do not implement WPA3, so the wifi connection has been vulnerable to KRACK since 2017.

I understand, nothing is perfect, but not everyone lives on a one-acre plot and we should be able to tailor our security systems a bit more than what is allowed by a 2.4ghz only solution. I'm not saying that each device needs 2.4ghz, 5ghz, and Power Over Ethernet (POE). But I would certainly pay a fair price to upgrade to a base station with ethernet. I'd probably get a camera or a doorbell if ones with POE were available. A keypad with POE would probably be a worthwhile upgrade so that a constant power flow could keep the screen lit making it easier to know the system status (Off, Home, Away).

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Allow Base Station to connect to 5GHz WiFi

3 Messages

2 years ago

Agreed; lack of ethernet or POE capability is the only thing preventing me from choosing SimpliSafe.

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