‎Disable Outdoor Camera Deep Sleep | SimpliSafe Support Home

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Thursday, August 11th, 2022 4:52 PM


Disable Outdoor Camera Deep Sleep

If my outdoor camera is hardwired with a power source, there should be an option to disable "deep sleep" for a faster camera wake. 

I literally just had an wanted visitor in my yard and couldn't see their face because the camera woke when they walked away... I get that your product is new and iterative but this is just a straight up product design flaw and lack of ownership to ship this product in its state when your users need fast and responsive alerting. 

When can we expect this to be shipped out as a firmware update? 

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Disable Outdoor Camera Deep Sleep when connected to Power Adapter



6.3K Messages

3 years ago

@eazyeazy You are definitely not alone with your request.  When I got my first outdoor cam (now have two) I quickly found that the battery just wouldn't cut it in the greater Chicagoland area, and the idea of climbing a ladder to swap out batteries in the winter when the windchill would be a balmy -24 or so didn't appeal to me for some reason. :-)

Purchased and installed AC adapters for both so the battery issue is no longer a concern. What did disappoint me was the outdoor cam still needed to be "awoken" from its sleep and go through the mutliple stages (and 7-10 seconds) to start a live stream).  Yes, the outdoor camera and simplicams spoiled me, and are almost instaneous after many firmware updates.  I sent an email and asked why can't the outdoor cam work the same and was advised they are "working on it".

Okay, Simplisafe: hint, hint. This is where you respond  with specifics other than "we have passed this on to our dev team" . For the record, and in fairness, the response time for the outdoor camera has improved since released, but still not to the performance level of the simplicams and doorbell pro.


11 Messages

3 years ago


14 Messages

3 years ago

I have two outdoor cameras setup at different angles on the carport.

I am able to make it from the house into a vehicle before either camera wakes from the deep sleep.  Because I am in the vehicle the camera no longer registers/recognizes person motion and goes back to sleep.  If I wait until the camera goes back to sleep, then I can pull out of the carport without even registering a recorded event.

The cameras are at best just a deterrent.

The cameras do not work well with mesh wifi.  The cameras come no where close to the 3-6 month advertised battery life.  The cameras are not capable of scheduling detection/notification periods.  The cameras take extremely too long to wake up and record anything of meaningful value.

I originally had posted the protected by simplisafe sign and stickers around the house.  I am considering taking them down because of the well known and documented issues with these cameras.

2 Messages

2 years ago

This is a big "ME TOO".  It is annoying to get a motion detection and see the last few seconds as someone walks away.  As long as the camera is hard wired, this is a no brainer.

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