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Tuesday, October 10th, 2023 1:57 AM


Deleting many videos at once

Is there any way to delete videos in bulk instead of having to delete each video one by one?

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Bulk Delete Videos

Community Admin


3.3K Messages

11 months ago

Hi @markdmannm, 

At this time, videos have to be deleted one at a time. However, we have submitted a feature request to delete videos in bulk to our dev team for their consideration. Once we hear from them, we'll provide an update in this thread.

1K Messages

11 months ago

Unfortunately nope

2 Messages

11 months ago

"Dev team" needs to be accountable to Customer Service. Y'all have the cart before the horse. Stay competitive by being attuned to your customers' requests. Deleting videos, for example. Customer having no control of his files??? Ridiculous. This is 2023 and you are NOT the only player in this market!!!

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