61 Messages
Bulk Delete Videos
Add the ability to select multiply videos and delete the selected videos. I had a outdoor camera start recording at 3:00am every three minutes. This created 60 videos to delete. Deleting them one at a time takes forever.
Official Solution
Community Admin
5.7K Messages
2 years ago
Thank you for the suggestion. This feature is currently not in development, but we will definitely update you if and when that changes.
4 Messages
3 years ago
I have 4 indoor cams, they record quite a bit each day which is fine as that is how I set it up. I don’t like all the videos collecting and end up individually deleting them on each camera every day. Is there a “delete all” capability to save time? It’s quite tedious.
1 Message
3 years ago
Come on, Simplisafe. Your customers have been asking for a way to bulk delete videos for at least three years. Please stop ignoring your customers. I have hundreds of videos on my iPhone and cannot delete them except going one by one through a muti-step process to delete them. This is ridiculous.
2 Messages
3 years ago
A bulk delete feature is badly needed, it can't be that difficult to add this feature to the App and the online Portal. C'mon man.
25 Messages
3 years ago
Same here don’t understand why no bulk delete option. Like the system but lacks features!
1. Bulk delete
2. Activate outdoor cameras when I decide or when system armed
3. Camera shutters open automatically when system armed
4. Activate cameras individually or all at the same time, including indoor camera shutters.
7 Messages
3 years ago
SimpliSafe- this is 2022! how can you not have “bulk delete” feature for removal of videos that are no longer needed?
I have Zmodo web cameras and they have “select all” or “select individual “ for deletion of their motion detection videos, and it’s on their “free” app version.
8 Messages
3 years ago
This should be standard feature. Crazy to have to do one by one.
25 Messages
3 years ago
The longer I have the SimpliSafe system the more I know bulk delete is needed. Also, the ability to activate outdoor and indoor cameras when system is armed or when users choose to activate.
25 Messages
2 years ago
I am back again. This is now to the point of ridiculous. Can not walk out my back door and outdoor camera avtivated. Seriously thinking about returning it because it is so ANNOYING!!
Come on SimpliSafe this should be an easy fix. BULK DELETE and only activate when I want or when alarm ACTIVATED! Please fix!
25 Messages
2 years ago
Back again:
Just to make a point about bulk delete! Blink cameras and Ring doorbells have bulk delete option!!!
25 Messages
2 years ago
P.S. Still no response from Simlisafe!!!!! WHY???
7 Messages
2 years ago
Well, I agree with all the above comments. Delete, cameras etc. I want to know why when I delete the videos from my phone... ALL of them are back the next time I bring the app up?!?!?!?! I hate that the indoor camera does a video every time you activate and deactivate it. My hubby got caught naked on the one camera.... OOPS! I've deleted all the videos on 3 occasions and they're back.
I can't return the system, but I can stop the monthly paid service. And I'm a little annoyed that I DID NOT get a call last night when I set off the alarm. I guess since I used a fob to stop it, they figured everything was ok!! I could be dead now for all they know. And my siren is on HIGH.... that's the wimpiest sound I've ever heard!! Not loud by any means.
I was bragging about this system, but that has stopped. Need to see some big IMPROVEMENTS or I'll remove it as easily as I installed it and go with something different.
P.S. Only had this service since July. 1 month free monitoring and paid for two. We'll see what happens. Still very disappointed to see comments have been happening for years about the bulk delete!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 Message
2 years ago
time to get bulk delete videos into the system - really no excuses on this - you want to provide security then do it right
25 Messages
2 years ago
Back with an update, Ring has just done an update, and one of the updates is an improved bulk update. Made the feature even easier to use!!
Come on SimpliSafe get with the program!
25 Messages
2 years ago
Sorry meant updated bulk delete!