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Monday, April 30th, 2018 1:04 AM


App - multiple users?

Can two people in the household use the app on separate phones with separate accounts? In other words, is it possible for each user to create their own username and password to log into the app on their phone, but still operate a shared alarm system? Or, do all the users in one house need to log in with the same email and password?

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Multi-User Accounts



6.1K Messages

5 years ago

@NebularNovice, sorry for the short hand earlier this year when I posted it but when you reply to a lot of posts, you can get a bit cryptic. (My wife is saying I can be cryptic with one post. :-)

As I posted, in a different thread,  my wife and I happily share a lot of things, including our SS account.

For the of our account, and contact information see below:

First Name John &
Last Name Jane Smith

Primary contact #  (555) 555-5555 (My cell #)
Secondary contact # (555) 666-6666 (My wife's cell number

In over 7 years no one has questioned what was going on or got confused, and that includes SS old monitoring company, the current one or SS support.   Works well.

If you have any more questions, please let me know. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

1.3K Messages

5 years ago

None of that seems to give any advantage, however, to basic issue of access to settings, viewing cameras, etc. of a shared system.

Regardless of how you set it up, if the app connects to the same base then everyone has access to all the settings. It's not like making admin and user accounts.

Further, one does NOT need to have the app installed on every phone for everybody who may need/want an alert but doesn't need to have control of or direct access to the system. Just add the phone number to send them SMS, they don't even need the SS app installed.

In the previous situation, the three systems should have been set up under different accounts. Each home should have been set up as under the homeowner as separate accounts then the shared business location with some common name as a third account. All business users know the common business login but only the homeowners know their own individual logins.

2 Messages

5 years ago

I too would like this feature. I have installed this for my Mom's house and we may want it for future properties. I want to separate it from her account so as to not confuse or burden her. It isn't always about trust.

This is a pretty basic feature who's absence wasn't clear during purchase. I will make it work for now but I won't buy any more of their systems until it gets resolved. I have a few more properties that I will eventually use it for.

1.3K Messages

If they are separate systems then you should be able to have them set up separately each with a unique password and login.

For me, one login for two systems is great, I would not want them separate unless I sell one of the houses and the system with it. My GF doesn't care about all the other settings. Off, Away, or Home is all she cares about. With the current app, at least Android version, you can put a widget that has only that on it for simplicity.

Frankly, though, if you want/need a business class system you should have got that. But, people go cheap then complain about lack of features of more expensive systems. Hello.

2 Messages

5 years ago

Now that I have this whole things setup... It's amazing to me that a company laser-focused on security would overlook the glaring issues of having to share user accounts. From a cyber-security standard this is a complete no-go in this day & age. Cyber-security; we're not even talking about physical security. I am supposed to hand out my administrator user ID and password to whoever I want to be able to access my house via the app? What if the password gets leaked? There should also be multi-factor authentication on this. Anyone who has my account info at this point can lock/unlock my front door and watch me in my home. Yes there is a 60 day return policy, but I sure wasted a lot of time setting all of this up if I'm just now going to send it all back < 60 days. Please confirm that you all have a patch for this on the way. Simplisafe needs better standards for cyber sec and threat prevention. Maybe take a look at NIST Cyber standards for starters for some options on security frameworks.

1.3K Messages

5 years ago

SimpliSafe was originally designed as a personal system for apartment dwellers. It was not designed to the criteria necessary to satisfy regulations applicable to Ft. Knox or handlers of private info databases and or distribution to generally untrusted users.

If you don't like it send it back. As mentioned once, if not a hundred times, there has been zero indication from SS if it will ever change.

If you actually do send it back, be sure the reason is clearly described. Maybe enough returns will catch their attention. Wishful thinking by all evidence (more precisely, lack of) so far.

5 years ago

I just purchased, installed, and activated Simplisafe and am very disappointed to learn that I can't set up a secondary login for my spouse for our account. I agree with the commenter that this is basic table stakes for a home security system.

2 Messages

5 years ago

Please add this basic security feature of multiple accounts with same or different permissions.

5 years ago

The biggest problem for me is the use of secret notifications.  If all of the of the App users have the same user ID, then they all will get any secret notifications that you as the system admin, have setup, correct?

1.3K Messages

5 years ago

Not necessarily. But, if push notice for alarms has been turned on in the app instance on their phone, yes.

Push notices do not have to be set up on every phone, but since every log in is in effect an admin login, they could turn on the notices if they found how to and did it.

2 Messages

5 years ago

I'm surprised this feature has not been developed yet. It makes perfect sense to have multiple users for the app with different privileges (i.e. Parents, and Kids). My kids use their smart phone for everything and don't know any phone numbers. I'd be surprised if they can remember their PIN. Also it makes sense that I could give them access to ARM and DISARM the alarm system but not disable the camera when the wife and I leave them home alone.

SimpliSafe Dev Team please create this feature, you can see it's highly requested.

2 Messages

5 years ago

Jesus, come on SimpliSafe. Give us an update, this lack of functionality is absurd.

2 Messages

5 years ago

I'm going to add my voice here.   I bought two systems as I own properties in two states that I commute between for work, however I have a different housemate in each location.  Without separate logins I can't share the app with those housemates, as I neither want them to get alerts from the other property nor do I want them to have master access to the account configurations.

I work in software development, multiple accounts with separate permissions is pretty standard for any online service and the mechanism for implementing that is well understood.  Its a bit ridiculous that this isn't done after at least two years of request in this thread, I'll definitely be calling to complain as well.

2 Messages

5 years ago

Agree why is this taking so long?

2 Messages

5 years ago

I'm also astonished that different accounts cannot be used for the same system with different privileges. I'm not IT, but guess that most high school kids could set up an architecture like that for simplisafe. Just got the system and will likely use it and share my account with my wife. Apparently, simplisafe is intended for simple-minded customers. ;-) How they can state on their website that it can be used for companies, too, is beyond me.

2 Messages

4 years ago

Wow. I would not have purchased SimpliSafe if I had known this. We rent out our home sometimes on Airbnb and I do not want to give guests full access...including my payment details :/ Going to see about a refund. We have Brinks now (they purchased LiveWatch, our original provider) and their ability to have other accounts, as well as the degree of control you can grant them, is impressive. I don't want to go backwards to such a simplistic user model.
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