‎Alert if Entry Sensor is left open after X minutes | SimpliSafe Support Home

Tuesday, January 12th, 2021 5:34 PM


Alert if Entry Sensor is left open after X minutes

I'd like to find a way to set up an alert if a door is left open for a set amount of time.  I want to be reminded if I leave the garage door open.  Don't seem to be able to do this currently.

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Alert if Smart Lock is left unlocked for [x] minutes

Official Solution

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

2 years ago

Thank you for bringing this up, @e4emre ,

Currently the feature is NOT IN DEVELOPMENT. I'll keep you updated if there are any changes to that status.


4 years ago

This would be a great feature to add to SimpliSafe. Other alarm companies already have this feature in their apps.

7 Messages

4 years ago

I have a suggestion, could you please add another alert that lets one know if a door has been closed after it has been opened.  Or a timer to the open status alert that send an alert when the door has been opened for xxx seconds.  Allow xxx seconds to be controlled by the user.   The reason for the suggestion, is i have a residence on the coast, and in the summer if a door is left open to one of the decks, the a/c will run forever...trying to cool down the room.   An alert would let me know that someone left a door open to the decks.   Better yet...Integrate with Ecobee, or IFTTT.   Thanks!
Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Suggestion for Alerts (opening a door)

Community Admin


536 Messages

Hi @pistol,

Thanks for the feedback! Making your voice heard really helps us prioritize which new features to work on first so that our customers can have the best experience.

SimpliSafe Social Team
SimpliSafe Home Security

7 Messages

4 years ago

i Just posted the same request.  This would be a great feature...especially when you have kids.  :-)

2 Messages

2 years ago

This is one of the features I used the most on the previous system I owned.

Must have this, please add 

2 Messages

2 years ago

Please add this feature!

2 Messages

2 years ago

I agree. This would be really useful and much appreciated. 

6 Messages

2 years ago

This was requested two years ago. Was this added?

4 Messages

2 years ago

Just switched to Simplisafe from Alarm.com (now Brinks) and am really disappointed this feature is not available. It was the most used feature of my previous system. Please add this feature.


2 Messages

2 years ago

I'd also love this feature. Knowing if someone remembered to close the door, fridge or whatever shouldn't be left open would be amazing and make the platform much more enticing

8 Messages

2 years ago

I know this is an old thread, but has anyone found a work around for this. I would love to use my simplisafe system/components to notify me when the freezer door is left open. If necessary, I'll buy a third party sensor, but it would be nice to be able to accomplish this with my current simplisafe system.


4 Messages

2 years ago

Adding my voice to the chorus. I am requesting this feature be added ASAP. 

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

2 years ago

@mitch_r @MonitorMode 

Currently this feature is not in active development, but thank you for adding your voice. 

6 Messages


I want to know when the door is open, so implemented my own system out of a bunch of Arduinos. It took me only a few hours to design and implement the remote sensors, a base station, and a display panel. Now I can monitor the status of some doors remotely using my own homemade system. Why can't SimpliSafe implement this? Is it because SimpliSafe doesn't have the necessary technological skill to implement so simple? Is it because SimpliSafe doesn't want to invest anything in R&D?

I am highly unimpressed with your response and SimpliSafe's lack of enthusiasm for implementing new features.

2 Messages

Adding my vote for this feature. Simplisafe can't do this, I am going to purchase a standalone product of some sort to hold me over.

I get an email when the door is locked, and when it is unlocked.

Have a development background, I think this "feature" should take a few hours, maybe a day to code.

So what's up.

4 Messages

@davey_d​ Since this is an old thread, I thought I'd ask. Is this is active development right now? Seems like just an app update would suffice. I bought this system so that I could be notified if someone left a door open for x amount of minutes. I have an indoor-only cat and I wanted to make sure he is safe. I want to be notified even if the system is not armed. I'm considering returning this system since this was mainly my use case for it. But if you're planning on releasing this feature in the near future, I'll consider keeping it. 

Community Admin


3.3K Messages

Hi @iridescent​, 

Currently, this feature is not in development. If anything changes, an update will be provided in this thread. 

3 Messages

2 years ago

+1 for this feature. I switched to SimpliSafe from Xfinity Home. I assumed SimpliSafe would have feature parity. We relied on this for peace-of-mind with young kids and an indoor-only cat. Now I need to reconsider SimpliSafe and investigate other options, like doubling up door sensors from an automation-friendly vendor or going back to Xfinity Home.

4 Messages

@bcc​ Did you find another option that has this feature? I want to keep my indoor cat safe too. I'd like to be notified if my family or guests leave a door open for x amount of minutes. I just got my SimpliSafe for precisely this reason but considering returning it. I don't necessarily want to arm it all the time for this feature to work.

2 Messages

2 years ago

+1 for this feature request.  Would be valuable for garage doors that are open to the street

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