‎Upland, California Permit Information | SimpliSafe Support Home

Thursday, July 12th, 2018 9:05 PM

Upland, California Permit Information

I am trying to fill out my city's permit application and need some information from SimpliSafe, but cannot find it in any of the spots that are stated in the account or on their website. I live in Upland, California 91784. I tried calling on the phone and waited for 2 hours with no answer before I hung up. I need the address and number for the monitoring agency for the alarm. If anyone can help out that would be great.

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6.3K Messages

7 years ago

@jamessmirl, much, if not all, of the information you need will be on the alarm certificate.  You can download directly from your dashboard on the website. Also, you can email SS and they will usually respond within 24 hours.

Now, as far as the two hour wait....SS mgt.  You cannot add headcount alone to address the volume issues.  The holiday season is now just a quarter of year away, no surprise, you knew it would be coming and already two hour wait times? Second call center, phone system upgrade and, of course, a new Customer Resource Center (CRC) will do a long way to address the volume issues that your associates and customers are now experiencing.  Please, don't let the Ghost of SS Christmas Past back again this year.

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

7 years ago


I'm sorry about the difficult you had with getting in touch with us last night. We will email you the information that we have for your area.

Johnny M.
SimpliSafe Home Security



6.3K Messages

@Johnny M., I see you conveniently skipped my post about  those two hour wait times.  An update on the proactive, deluxe, Gucci plans Simplisafe is currently doing to prepare for the holiday season will be great - for the sake of customers, and, of course, you and your call center team associates!

1 Message

7 years ago

Hi. I don't see where the certificate is located. Can you please provide correct company name, address, and phone for permit?

272 Messages

7 years ago


You can now find permit information here.

If you're wondering about your Monitoring Certificate, you can download this with the following instructions.

1. Sign into your online account.
2. Select the Menu in the left-hand corner.
3. Select Monitoring.
4. On the upper right-hand side, in the blue section, you will find the option to download your
Monitoring Certificate.

SimpliSafe Home Security

1 Message

7 years ago

I signed in and got a page that had only the options to activate monitoring and shop SimpliSafe. There was no menu in any corner for me to use to download a monitoring certificate. How do I get a certificate and the information to sign up for monitoring in St. Louis, Missouri?

272 Messages

7 years ago


In order to download a Monitoring Certificate, you will need to sign up for monitoring first. To get information about permits in your area, please refer to this post.

If you have any trouble with finding permit information, you can always reach out to us at 1-888-957-4675 or email our Permits Team at permits@simplisafe.com.

SimpliSafe Home Security

2 Messages

6 years ago

Should I need to get permit even if I do not have monitoring plan?

96 Messages


I would say NO.. I don't see why you'd need a permit if the SS monitoring won't be calling them. If a neighbor calls the police, that's not the same as a monitoring company.
You'll need to double check however since nowadays municipalities try to grab every penny they can from residents.



6.3K Messages

6 years ago

@veeras, call your local police dept and ask. If it goes off and neighbor hears siren and police come....



6.3K Messages

6 years ago

@jloco, so, in other words, call your local police department and ask. :-)

2.2K Messages

6 years ago

What the permit does (in most cases) is provide a way for the police to decide whether or not to respond to an alarm.  And generally provide a way to track (and fine) false alarms.  No permit, they don't dispatch upon a call from the monitoring service, only from a person on scene.
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