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Friday, March 3rd, 2023 8:32 PM


Scheduled Arm/Disarm Failing to Activate at Correct Time

I was happy to see the scheduled arming function added to the app.  I've added an arming schedule but nothing happens (system does not arm as scheduled).  Am I missing something? (Android)

Official Solution

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5.7K Messages

2 years ago

Hi all,

An update to this one. Our dev team pushed through an update that resolved a few Scheduled Arming issues - likely including this one. If you we are marking it as RESOLVED for now, but if you are still experiencing the issue, please let us know here.

1 Message

@davey_d​  my system will arm automatically but will not disarm.  It worked when I first set it up but it stopped. It was set to be off at 6:00 AM.  There is also a red line through the icon.  I reset the base station as suggested but there was no change.  

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@michaeladler1​ If you remove this disarming schedule from your system and then recreate it, does that help it stick?

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2 years ago

Hi @danhoward54, 

What time have you scheduled your system to arm at? Many users have scheduled their system to arm at 11 pm, which has created a server overload that has caused some systems to not arm at this time. Our dev team is aware of this and is working on a fix.

2 Messages

@emily_s​ I set a scheduled arming for 8 pm everyday.  Nothing happens.

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@danhoward54​ do you happen to be in the Pacific right now? 8pm PT lines up with 11pm ET.

But otherwise, I would suggest deleting the SimpliSafe app and reinstalling. After you log in, try setting up the schedule again (maybe test with a time closer to current, so you don't have to wait for 8pm).

10 Messages

Davey! The app should work without having to "deleting the SimpliSafe app and reinstall"

The app should be tested thoroughly, in house, before releasing it for our use. This is our security you're talking about and it should not be a hit-or-miss proposition.

1 Message

2 years ago


So... two times it hasn't worked.  One time was because I had the system set to arm as Away at 2:30 AM on Daylight Saving Time, and the other was this morning when it was supposed to arm has home and it did not.  Why didn't it arm as home?  It was scheduled to, and the feature works every other day.




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3.4K Messages

Hi @zlatnik​, 

What time was your system scheduled to arm at this morning? We did experience an issue where a lot of users scheduled their systems to arm at 11 pm EST which caused a server overload, but we don't have any known cases of this happening in the morning.

I recommend setting up your arming schedule again to see if that helps. Please let me know if you run into this again!

1 Message

2 years ago

I'm having the same problem.  "Scheduled arming" simply does not work despite having rebooted the phone several times, uninstalling/reinstallling the app and changing the time the function is to work (I normally have it set to 6:00am).

1 Message

2 years ago

This feature doesn't work for me either. I had my system set to disarm itself M-F at 7:30am for a few days, then changed the disarm time to 8:05am but it still keeps disarming at 7:30am. But I also get notifications that the system disarms itself again at 8:05 am - how can it disarm twice? I've tried support's suggestion to reset the base station and delete/reinstall the app but nothing has worked.

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5.7K Messages

2 years ago

Thanks for reporting, @peters4 @aboursalian ,

I've referred your cases to our dev team for further investigation.

764 Messages

2 years ago

I "think" I posted this about 2 months ago, but don't remember seeing a reply.

I don't see any way to automatically set my alarm.  Am I on the slow rollout plan?

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@general_kaos​ I'm moving discussion about the rollout of the feature to this thread, to avoid confusion about this possible bug in the feature.

But yes, assuming you're still on the Interactive Monitoring Plan, you will definitely get the feature added to your account soon.

10 Messages

2 years ago

The app doesn't work. I set a schedule to disarm at 9 am on Thursdays prior to last Thursday and nothing happened. Then today (Sunday) I come home from church and discovered that the app disarmed my system at 9 AM. So it doesn't know what day of the week it is and that makes any kind of schedule useless. I suggest that you just forget about it.

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@jnstevenson​ I'm very sorry to hear this. I've forwarded your case to our dev team to look into. Someone may reach out to you to further their investigation. 

1 Message

2 years ago

My wife and I both have the SimpliSafe App.

I setup Schedule Arming arm and disarm times using my phone.

My wife changed the disarm time on her phone.

Now, when I select Schedule Arming on my phone, the SimpliSafe screen shows the 'OFF HOME AWAY' screen. It no longer shows the Schedule Arming screen.

My wife's phone can still select the Schedule Arming screen. 

I've rebooted my phone with no difference.  On my phone, I've also deleted and reinstalled the app with no difference. 

What needs to be done for my phone to show the Schedule Arming screen again? 

Thank you for your time. 


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3.4K Messages

@stella​ What version of the SimpliSafe app do you currently have on your phone? There was recently an update that should have fixed the issue of Scheduled Arming disappearing from some users' devices, so I would make sure that it is up to date. 



6.3K Messages

@everyone in this thread: attempting to troubleshoot timestamp features on a conversational thread is challenging, at best. Suggest you call in and speak live with a support agent. If they are properly trained (key word properly) they should be able to determine the cause, especially since you can provide them answers to the questions real time...like Emily's post above.

And for full disclosure, I still don't undertand why anyone would use this feature. You get up in the morning, you arm the system, go to bed, disarm the system etc.  ....yeah, like said, just applies to me, others like it and it should work.

1.2K Messages

2 years ago

Based on this thread  is it the phone that sends the command or ss servers? IE if my phone is off it won't work? I just tried it for the first time and it worked about 4 mins late which is fine. I'm just curious where the command is sent from.

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@undeleted​ Our system will send the command to arm or disarm your system once an arming schedule is set. If your phone is off, the arming schedule will still be followed.

This also pertains if you ever travel somewhere that has a different time zone. The arming schedule will still adhere to your system's local time, not the time displayed on your phone.

1 Message

1 year ago

Did this issue ever resolve? I have my alarm scheduled to disarm weekdays at 5:15am. It worked for a few weeks, then randomly stopped. Having the unexpected alarm countdown beep when I opened the basement door (followed by sprinting across the house to the keypad to enter my code) woke me up better than any cup of coffee! I deleted the schedule and made a new one to see if that helped but it still doesn't work. Now we just disarm it manually when waking up, but it was nice having the system do so automatically. One less thing to do with foggy morning brain.

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@elisaghill​ This issue was resolved in a recent app update. Is your SimpliSafe mobile app up to date? If not, I would download the most recent update.

4 Messages

I just installed the app three days ago, and it doesn't appear this issue is yet resolved. My system arms and disarms on Eastern time, when I am in Arizona time (MST). However, the logging in the app shows the time it arms/disarms as actual time it is occurring (e.g. system is scheduled to arm at 8pm. System arms at 5pm. Log states system armed at 5pm). How do I fix this? I don't see any setting for syncing the system to my local time.

4 Messages

@elisaghill​ We had something similar happen to us. We secured multiple buildings on our property this weekend with Simplisafe, and we were shocked when scheduled arming occurred three hours earlier than what we programmed it to do. This seems like a pretty serious problem to not be fully resolved in over 8 months, and now I'm wondering if I'll regret this purchase. I switched from ADT because of their expensive, archaic equipment and hellish contracts, but at least it worked properly.

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@AcheNatfortress​ Looking at your account, it appears that your system is currently set to eastern standard time. You can change the time zone in the web app by taking these steps:

  1. Log into your account at webapp.simplisafe.com
  2. On the left side of the screen, click "Monitoring"
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and you will see a "Time Zone" option. Select the time zone where you live.
  4. Once you are done, click "Save"

1 year ago

Arming function went off an hour early since the time change--do I need to reset the arming schedule--it was set for 6 am and went off at 5 am...

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@trujillofrancine332​ Did you arming schedule work on time today? You should not need to reset it, but if it was not on time today I would recommend deleting it from your account and then adding it back in.

1 Message

1 year ago


I don’t see the Schedule Arming option in my app…I reinstalled it today, to no avail.

The problem is, I get an alert that the Scheduled Arming failed, which shuts off monitoring.

Thanks in advance for your help!

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1 year ago

My schedule has been working however today my system failed to disarm at 5AM PST as scheduled.  I nearly called the cops leaving for work!

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@lucaswillms​ I'm sorry to hear about this! Was your system scheduled to arm or disarm itself again after this? And if so, did it work properly?

If not, it may help to delete/recreate that Arming Schedule on your account.

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