41 Messages
System Armed in Home Mode on its own

Has anyone experiencing this issue? My system arming itself to home daily at 8:42
this has happened even when my system was already armed to away
41 Messages
Has anyone experiencing this issue? My system arming itself to home daily at 8:42
this has happened even when my system was already armed to away
6.3K Messages
3 years ago
@folivertx short answer, no. SS currently doesn't even have a feature to do this (geofencing, auto set time to arm etc) so I would call support immediately to troubleshoot and investigate. Also, whenever I thought my system was showing unexpected behavior (when I thought it did, it turned out to be me or a misplaced sensor) I would observe the system at the time of day or night it occurred, or the location (long story on examples, message me if you want me to expand) and would get to the bottom of it.
8:42pm is the bewitching time? Have some one watch your opened phone app and you watch your keypad and see it actually happen. Also one other comment: one of my neighbors had a teenage son who thought he was being funny...until dad caught him in the act. Amazingly after no car for a week the system starting operating fine. (Note I am in no way saying that is anything similar to your situation).
Please call, observe at 8:41pm and post your outcome here. Good luck.
2 Messages
3 years ago
Same here! In almost two years the system has never done this, but did last week, assumed it was a one off. Today it armed itself twice on its own and didn't touch anything that could have armed it including my key fob what was lying on the counter,
41 Messages
3 years ago
Yeah this is definitely something else cause on the 3rd night I am not even home it did it. Before posting this ealier I was on the phone with support and all they told me was that they have to replace both keypad and base station
6.3K Messages
3 years ago
@Simplisafe: Okay, we are now almost at over a day and no response on this thread. Camera issues reported on Front doorbell and simplicam by 2 other people I know and mine, and reports of two systems arming themselves?
What is going on??
Community Admin
5.7K Messages
3 years ago
Hi all,
Apologies for the delay. I am informed that our Specialists have reached out to both folivertx and amwausau, and we might have some leads on what might have happened. Hopefully we'll have an answer soon!
6.3K Messages
3 years ago
@folivertx and amwausau I just had an alarm event, similar to what you described. Do either of you have a SS Doorlock?
41 Messages
3 years ago
Hi, I did get a call from SS support and we’re currently investigating the issue, waiting for the time tonight to see, I can also mentioned I do have a SS door lock which had been getting the not responding warning but an update fixed that
13 Messages
2 years ago
Today at 7:01pm our system armed and immediately disarmed itself while my family and I were all seated in the living room. We have three key fobs and none of us had them in our possession at the time. My nephew is staying with his father this weekend, and and has access via the app on his phone. We called him to ask him if he was messing around with the app and he said no. Chatted with SS tech support and they suggested changing the password to the app. My first thought is maybe a software/bug issue, and this is the first time this has happened. I’ll monitor closely and post if it happens again.
2 Messages
2 years ago
Happened to us yesterday also. It's a vacation home - nobody was there. and do not even have door or entry monitors; just doorbell and ext camera and leak sensor; but we do have SS door lock. Any ideas? Just did a system update a few days ago too.
1 Message
2 years ago
Just completed the requested software update over the weekend
Armed in the Home mode as normal around 9:30 pm
got System Armed in Home Mode at 3:45 and again at 5:16am
Disarmed via keypad at 6:20 am as normal
Is there a issue with the system update just performed?
thank you
44 Messages
2 years ago
If you have a key fob try removing the battery from it to see if the problem goes away. It is the only device other than the main controller that can arm the system. Could be faulty.
3 Messages
1 year ago
Yes been happening for over a week now that's why I'm here
4 Messages
1 year ago
Any update on this issue? Our alarm was in Home mode set by me at 9:30PM last night and then I woke up this morning and saw that at 12:36AM the alarm was again put in Home mode from the app but I did not do it. Any resolution? This is very concerning and seems like a security risk…
1 Message
1 year ago
I am having this issue. 3 times now I have opened the app and it automatically arms the system in home without my knowledge (was previously away) which causes the alarm to trigger when I get home and open the garage door (we have a sensor on the door itself but only a secret alert for when it's armed away so I don't get inside in time to disarm the system). How do I fix this issue?
1 Message
11 months ago
System has been on vacation mode for weeks with no issues. For the last two days (since daylight savings time change) the app still shows vacation mode off but the system has been disarming and arming remotely based on the schedule.
Customer service says it was based on testing they were doing. -No notification to me - and now I have to get someone to the location and locally preform an update and reset????
Not good for building confidence in SimpliSafe.