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Wednesday, June 29th, 2022 7:47 PM

Service Plan


How can I change my monitoring service plan on the website, when I log into my account? It used to be easy earlier, but can't find it now!? Can someone, please help.




6.3K Messages

3 years ago

@mehuldesigns Here is an article on the "how to". When you call, ask the agent to submit a request to update the article.


1 Message

2 years ago

Looks like they're making it difficult to change or cancel plans. Kind of showing their customers how little they care about them



6.3K Messages

@saaaadia12​ This has been discussed extensively over the  years and it is quite easy to change or cancel monitoroing.  You call, get customer service, provide your safe word and make whatever changes you want. SS says that for security and record of your request, you call in. If you think this is hard (it isn't per my brother in law and two friends) try and do it with the likes of ADT.  Being a former customer of almost 10 years, the only word that comes to mind is "nightmare". Oh, I guess a few more, like "crooks" and others.

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