1 Message
Keypad Volume
We can't hear the countdown beeps. Is there a way to increase the volume on the keypad?
Also, is there a way to keep the display on vs "sleep" mode?
1 Message
We can't hear the countdown beeps. Is there a way to increase the volume on the keypad?
Also, is there a way to keep the display on vs "sleep" mode?
Accepted Solution
Community Admin
3.4K Messages
1 year ago
Hi @basky22,
At this time, there is no setting to change the Keypad's volume. Where is your Keypad currently placed? I find at my home that the countdown beeps travel better when the Keypad is attached to the wall.
There is no option to keep the Keypad's display on at all times, but if you turn off its Power Saving setting, it will light up every time you pass it. This setting can be changed on the Keypad by navigating to Menu > Devices > [your Keypad] > Power Savings > Off.
1 Message
1 year ago
I have the opposite problem. The keypad beeping is too loud. Is there a way to turn that off?
1.1K Messages
1 year ago
It would be nice to have it if you want it turned off during entry so if someone breaks in they will no nothing till BAM alarm goes off lol. But then again if it's off you may forget about it and BAM alarm goes off 🤣🤣, that would be me.
3 Messages
5 months ago
Unfortunately, the keypad is so loud that it keeps waking my baby at night when I turn the alarm on. If your company could identify a way to make the noise softer that would be helpful. Thank you.