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1.1K Messages
Investing In Our Future: Important Changes to Professional Monitoring Plans
Over the years, we at SimpliSafe have dedicated ourselves to providing you with best-in-class home security at fair and honest prices. This has been true even as the entire industry has experienced increased costs, where some competitors have doubled their pricing as a result.
With all of that in mind, we are raising our professional monitoring plan prices by $3/month. This price change is effective immediately for all new subscribers; existing Interactive customers will be notified via email about a month in advance of any changes to their billing. This is the first time in over 10 years we've raised our subscription prices. Doing so will allow us to continue investing in the future of home security, ensuring that you’ll have the best tools to keep your family safe for years to come, while keeping our monitoring prices among the lowest in the industry.
Thank you for choosing SimpliSafe to protect your home and family, and for being such an invaluable part of our community. We’re excited for what’s coming next, and we think you will be too.
For more details, you can visit our Help Center article here.
740 Messages
3 years ago
I never like to see price increases for subscription services but know they will eventually come (at least it is not like my storage facility or Netflix, where it is yearly). I REALLY would like to see Unlimited Timeline retention with Standard Monitoring. Once again (and as stated in the announcement post), it still boggles my mind that a PAID customer would be limited to 7 days – the same as individuals who do not pay for monitoring. As satisfied with SimpliSafe as I am (and have been for eight years), that removal/limitation still irks me as I regularly utilize my Timeline's history. At least give that back along with this new price increase, even if the customers who desire it must explicitly request it.
Two more things:
Again, the increase compared to service is not a big deal to me as SimpliSafe offers a lot, and I find it justifiable [at the moment]. But please, consider what I have presented in this comment – especially about returning the unlimited Timeline. As I stated previously, it is never wise to remove or limit features once customers become used to them.
Community Admin
5.7K Messages
3 years ago
Hi shiherlis,
Thanks for the feedback. Just to clarify on that January 31st date, that's when we started rolling out the program. After all, not everyone has the same renewal date!
If you're a new customer, you'll get the new prices starting 1/31.
But if you're already subscribed to the Interactive Plan, you'll get an email notifying you of the change, and then you'll have about a month from then before your actual increase is applied.
If you're currently on the Standard Plan, the price increase won't impact you just yet. We'll have further info about that in the future.
And thanks for the bit about the Help Center article. We're working on updating that link, but the info you're looking for is item #44 in the Terms of Service.
1 Message
3 years ago
The least Simplisafe could do is extend the lifetime warranty to their loyal customers that have maintained a constant Professional Monitoring Plan on a gen 3 system.
2 Messages
3 years ago
I think at this time a increase in premium is hard to understand. You say Doing so will allow us to continue investing in new products, features, and functionality to improve your experience and security. New products you are getting your investment back when customers buy your products. And to be honest how are you improving my security I currently have? Its as simple as if my sensors are tripped it alerts me there is really nothing to improve on there. I just dont like the idea of paying for your research and development that you are getting paid back when you sell your equipment. I can see charging more if you came out with better equipment that cost more to buy. But my equipment is already purchased. I have been happy with your product and service but I think 3 dollars is a little stingy in this time of day. I realize cost of stuff goes up I just dont see how my package I already purchased is costing you more other then to fund your R&D for something that works fine know.
8 Messages
3 years ago
I was struggling to find value in $24.99 and this price increase made me drop down to the $9.99 plan. The primary time our system is activated is in home mode when we are asleep and the alarm will still go off then and we can contact police if something is amiss.
Someone is usually home, but in away mode we would often get false alerts. I think I have those mostly worked out, but I don’t really have confidence in it. If SimpliSafe were to call on a motion sensor alert I would not be able to confidently tell them nothing was happening at home without looking at the cameras myself. If I’m having to do that to avoid wasting the authorities time, I could just as easily check the cameras after getting a phone notification and call them myself.
If SimpliSafe were to offer a plan for a few bucks more a month, maybe $2-3 more (so $12-13/mo) and have it be the self monitoring + panic button and duress code I’d probably be willing to move up a step to that plan. It would be nice in the event that someone forced entry while we were coming in ourselves or at night to be able to push a button and not deal with having to find the phone.
I just couldn’t justify an extra $18 a month to have someone call me and tell me I may want to check out the videos of my cats chasing each other again.
343 Messages
3 years ago
You guys are an absolute riot. Allow me to paraphrase your email.
We're great. We make amazing products and win awards. Various publications have given us praise.
Keeping this in mind, we are raising our subscription by three dollars so that we can continue to do what we as a company should be doing. You know, innovations and things. Things we would have done anyway, but now we have more money!
Please ignore the fact that we promised that we would never raise our rates. At least we waited ten years to do it. Sorry for the lie to get you to buy. And we know you won't leave us because our competitors are all still more expensive.
Here's the thing. Once a company goes back on its word and raises its rates once, they'll do it again and again. You all are still much cheaper than most of the competition. I wonder how long it will take you to close the gap.
4 Messages
3 years ago
I've been a customer for less than a year so the "we didn't raise price in the last 10 years or whatever" doesn't mean anything to me.
What I see is that the monthly bill is going up from $24.99 to $27.99.
For those that are a bit slow with Mathematics, it's not just $3: it's a A TWELVE PERCENT INCREASE. Aka highway robbery.
Maybe SimpliSafe thought nobody would notice??
This is frankly disgusting so I am now having to look at other options/companies that (maybe) will rip me off less violently. What a massive disappointment.
8 Messages
3 years ago
It is my hope with this 12% increase that there is more responsiveness to product enhancements and customization options. For example, the ability to turn off triggering the camera for all sensor trips. Being able to audibly announce from the base which sensor was tripped, etc. Does Simplisafe share their product roadmap anywhere?
11 Messages
3 years ago
1 Message
3 years ago
I am new to Simplisafe. I needed a system that I could install quickly by myself. I compared the other systems and decided to go with Simplisafe. I was originally going to get the $14.99 monitoring. I chose getting a small system even though I could use more pieces. Costco had a sale around the holidays on a system with a free camera and three months free interactive service which went for $24.99 a month. So far the system had been great. I get notified if the electric or WiFi goes out which is great to know even thought the system has the cellular. I like the app . I can always check to see if I forgot to set the alarm . Check in on the cat with the camera. I decided it was worth the extra money for app.
Just to put it out there I have no motion sensors where the cat stays to avoid false alarms. The free video camera is not the greatest. If you needed it for identification they have to be close too it and it lost connectivity three times in the three months I have had the system but may have been due to cable/ WiFi outages .We will see how that goes in the future.
As far as the price increase. Yes it bothers me. I have heard companies saying in the mid year that rate increases were coming in the beginning of 2022. No mention of this when I did my research on the different systems. Nothing on or in the box to say an increase was coming. In doing my research Simplisafe was highly recommend for a stable/unchanged price for their service. So I just come off my three free months, billing starts, and I get an email about the $3 price increase. I just retired so every penny counts. Even if they kept it for a year before raising the price it would have made a difference. Lets hope the perks are worth it. After reading some of the replies it looks like it's time for the lawyers to rewrite the terms. I currently have a monitoring system at my house that I have paid $16.00 a month for since 1994. No rate increases.