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Friday, January 26th, 2024 6:51 AM

Cancel service.

I no longer have this system and cannot cancel my service help

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6.3K Messages

1 year ago

@kimbertown2018 Did you call SS to authenticate and tell them to cancel your monitoring?

1 Message

Please cancel my service - I have not used your monitoring for more than a year.  Billing started up last month and I've asked for it to be credited.  I do not authorize billing on my credit card.  I cannot delete the credit card from my account.....it shouldn't be this hard.....and the only thing I am using is not working.....(smart door lock) - you can see the error messages....Frustrated....again!

Community Admin


1.1K Messages

@normacaskey please call our Support team at 1-888-783-8441. Once our agents have verified your Safe Word, they can cancel your account.

1 Message

1 year ago

Just cancel service 

Cancel service at [Edited]. I have moved and left the system behind. 


Community Admin


3.4K Messages

@tiffany_diehl​ I first want to tell you that I edited your comment to remove your address. The Community is a public forum, and we want to protect everyone's privacy! 

If you call our Support team at 1-888-783-8441 and verbally verify your Safe Word, they will be able to cancel your monitoring plan.

3 Messages

1 year ago

I called to cancel my full monitoring service and learned when cancelling your service it cancels the warranty. I moved to self monitoring and learned that this moves the warranty to a 1-year. Just thought I would share what I learned. 

This comment has been converted into a post

2 Messages

1 year ago

Simplisafe make it nearly impossible to cancel the service. What a scam.

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

@jdlifeventures​ I'm really sorry to hear that you haven't had the best experience. Canceling service should really be just a matter of contacting our Support team and confirming your info. If you'd like to provide more detail, we'd be happy to hear how we can improve the process! We can also set up contact from one of our Specialists to make sure that you're taken care of - just let us know.

4 Messages

Davey- get real! It is a legal requirement to be able to cancel as easily as you set up on-going charging. SimpliSafe does not provide for that! I, for one, would be an enthusiastic participant in a class-action lawsuit!!

4 Messages

@davey_d​ who wants to call and get the total run around and then put on hold?! What a crappy company and service. I am disputing all the charges since I called and cancelled in July and got credit for past months- then SimpliSafe started charging us again after I had specifically stated I wanted the no fee level. Now they won't credit for charges since August. I tried it the nice way- now I will dispute with the credit card or better business bureau, or anywhere that I can. 

I'd love to have their phone call tapes reviewed!!

1 Message

@jdlifeventures​ Same for me, and they are still charging me, as I cannot cancel online, cannot remove my card, cannot validate n the phone and sending them the cancelation in writing doesn't seem to be the ticket.... FCC is my next move

4 Messages

1 year ago

Davey- get real! It is a legal requirement to be able to cancel as easily as you set up on-going charging. SimpliSafe does not provide for that! I, for one, would be an enthusiastic participant in a class-action lawsuit!!

3 Messages

For me, it was easy enough to cancel. The agent I spoke to just wanted to confirm it was me with my 'safe word.' That way it prevents someone from potentially hacking my account online and canceling, then breaking into my home. I understand this to be a security mechanism. 

Community Admin


3.4K Messages

@kristabuchholz​ I am very sorry to hear about your experience. We do require cancellation requests to be made over the phone so you can verbally confirm your Safe Word so we know it's really you making that request. 

I have gone ahead and sent your case to our Specialist team to make sure that you're taken care of.

2 Messages

1 year ago

How do i cancel my service

Community Admin


3.4K Messages

@wind_rocker​ To cancel your monitoring plan, just give our Support team a call at 1-888-783-8441. After they verbally confirm your Safe Word they will go ahead and cancel your plan.

1 Message

1 year ago

Absolutely the worst customer service I have ever encountered. Even after canceling my service and selling my system, they want MY safe word for the new owner to set up her system. We are not connected in any way so why do they need MY safeword? Total scam to prevent you from leaving!

Never buy anything from these people!

Community Admin


3.4K Messages

@fltfixer​ I apologize to hear about this. After you cancel your account, the new owner of your system should be good to activate it on their own account without needing your Safe Word. I've escalated your case to our Specialist team so they can help get this squared away.

2 Messages

1 year ago

I got it canceled after too much time on the phone. I insisted they delete my credit card information but I was told they couldn't do that. There was also a $17 mystery charge to my credit card and I was still within the 60 day free trial? That was refunded and I got a call later from a dude who said he was going to make an exception in my case and delete my credit card information, and so he did, according to him.

You can buy a security system on Amazon for 100 bucks and it will do everything SimpliSafe does with no monthly fee and most work with Alexa. If the alarm goes off I want to be the first one notified. I don't want time wasted by a monitoring service that calls me after a period of time and asks if it's for real and should they call the cops. With a good 3rd party system the cops are already on the way by the time the monitoring service contacts you.

1 Message

1 year ago

I just got off the phone with Simplisafe in an attempt to cancel my account.  Mind you I have not been using any of my monitoring devices for over a year at either of my two locations, and have simply failed to take action to actually cancel the service.  Part of why I was putting this off is because I didn't want to take the time to call and deflect attempts to keep me.  The call took 6 minutes, and while the rep did try to sell me on just keeping basic features, I stopped her and said I didn't want to be asked about keeping anything.  I explained I've been using a new system for over a year and I want to cancel everything.  She quickly agreed to let me off the hook and said she would send me a confirmation email. To her credit, it wasn't so painful ;)

That said, I find it curious that I was told my monitoring would be cancelled effective immediately, in spite of the fact that I have paid for this month already (about a week ago).  One would think that service would continue until the end of the billing period.  I wonder if I'll get a refund for the unused month?  I didn't think to ask. At this point I've paid quite a bit over the year for the months I didn't use, and that's on me.  So another couple of weeks isn't going to break me.  But it's worth mentioning to anyone who is expecting to live out their billing cycle.



6.3K Messages

@joy​ The policy is to have your monitoring go until the end of the billing period, that is, monthly as you described. Possibly one of the admins will respond tomorrow and clarify.

Community Admin


3.4K Messages

Hi @joy​, 

When you call in to cancel your monitoring plan, it will end immediately - it will not remain active through the end of your billing cycle. If the plan is cancelled in the middle of a billing cycle, funds are not prorated and reimbursed. 


2 Messages

@joy​ yep it’s the worst. I did it when I moved in June 2022 and they talked me into putting account on hold til I purchased new home. Basically they held Aug-Nov them started billing me again mind you at the old address even though I provided my new. I haven’t had unit connected and have been paying for about a year and half and have tried to cancel online, thru my account, thru their chat and then told I have to call in. It’s bs’ and they keep trying to charge my card it’s nuts and shouldn’t be so difficult and this type of service is why I will not return and will go elsewhere. Terrible customer service 

7 Messages

same. For anyone looking, Ring has better products, better service, cheaper monitoring and cameras that dont suck. They also give you recording access with your already cheaper monitoring fees.

7 Messages

@joy​​ and then you cant even get a straight answer on the site. One rep says one thing another chimes right behind with opposite answer. Simpli Safe needs to get this process figured out or they're gonna have a class action suit on their hands. Sign me up.

7 Messages

1 year ago

Had to cancel my card entirely bc their reps "could not cancel online". Completely frustrating. They make you sign in to verify yourself in chat, then tell you they cant cancel online anyways. I'm not calling to listen to your pitch and waste more time. I was able to get a new credit card and dispute these charges WITHOUT CALLING anyone because this isn't 1984.

1 Message

1 year ago

I tried to do online but had not luck.   I believe it can only be completed through the phone app -  click the menu button, choose account settings, and then delete account.  It prompts you to complete a form.   

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

@morinnatalee​ sounds like you're using the account deletion request form, which is only available for certain locations due to local regulations. That process still requires that our agents give you a call to verify. So the most direct route is to give us a call. We just need to verify your Safe Word passcode for security reasons, and we can get this done for you ASAP!



6.3K Messages

@davey_d​ Davey, please read your post,slowly, and then ask "is this the way to run a business?"  Then communicate your thoughts upward.

Hmm, you used the wrong form, that is only for where we are forced by law to use it.  Sad trend. Very sad.


Community Admin


5.7K Messages

@captain11​ my intention is to say that not everyone is going to find that option available to them (for example, I know that I don't have the option because my own protected location is here in the Northeast). 

I agree it's not the ideal process. But the situation is constantly evolving. If and when we update, we'll let you know.



6.3K Messages

@davey_d​ Point taken and understood, however, after just going through a very unpleasant cancellation process with a large financial institution and my credit card (annual fee increased threefold) I am very, very against any kind of "loyalty dept".  Simply put, if safe word verification and authentication is the goal, then any agent in customer service should be empowered to do it. Period.

That said, my apologies for being so direct in the tone of my post, however, the message/intent remains the same.

1 Message

1 year ago

For those trying to cancel, beware!  I moved from a home to condo which included a building monitored alarm.  It was nearly impossible to get the agent to flat out cancel and told me she could just place it on hold w/ no billing.  I agreed just to get off the phone, and 3 months later I'm getting billed again.  Worse then trying to cancel XM Radio back in the day.  Total scammers.



6.3K Messages

@LakeEffect Sorry you had to go through that.

Simplisafe, another customer bites the dust with the "ADT effect". Note a customer's perspective is their reality. Period.  The "loyalty" dept has to go,  reassign the associates to customer service.

1 year ago

I am reading these comments below. It's sad how mean people can become. I, too, want to cancel, but I just read below that a call needs to be made for authentication purposes. Yes, this should be stated on the "manage accounts" page and is a deterrent strategy. However, it is a responsible thing to do for a security company and now I know. Geez....some people just like to complain. 

5 Messages

Totally agree.  Just wish they would state the cancellation process more clearly and the "why" behind that practice.  I am happy!  :)  haha .    And when I do call in to get a SimpliSafe rep, it is always very pleasant.  Sometimes, I just want to do the task online. Be happy people.  

1 Message

1 year ago

The fact that it's so hard to cancel, is only 2 steps away from being a scam. I do not recommend.

1 Message

1 year ago

Samesies. Bought a new home. Moving will take some time. The representative tried to urge me to stay and started asking ALOT of personal questions to "ensure he was managing the right account". I told him he didnt need any more information like where I was moving to or how long it will take or anything else of that nature. When I told him that I dont want to engage in friendly banter starring my information as the main actor, he sounded distraught and shaken. Then immediately went into the warranty speech to try to scare me into staying. Retrain your peeps.

7 Messages




6.3K Messages

To SimpliSafe: is it really worth it to see posts like one done by dmansr? You like getting grouped into a bunch of low life companies like Comcast, Sirius Radio, ADT?  Allow online cancellation after customer secure, 2FA log in and then charge for customers who wanted the added security of calling in and having to provide safe word and even an extra cancellation code. Win win.  But you and everyone else knows "Loyalty Dept" is nothing else but corporate double talk for "Retention Department". Only two words come to mind with this process: Disappointing and sad.


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