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Wednesday, February 21st, 2018 9:03 AM


More PINs

Hey-love the system. Unbelievably great.
Just need more pins. Have bought fobs to supliment- but really- just get more pins available.
Thanks- great product!

2 Messages

7 years ago

I have a need for waaaay more than just 5 PIN's.
I don't understand why we cannot configure SS to have 9999 PINS.
5 is not useful to me.  I need tracking of individual PIN's and the ability to delete them without having to go and give everyone or a bunch of people new PINs.
Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Suggestion; Unlimited PINs

2.2K Messages

We can't configure SS to have 9999 PINs because either the configuration program is hardcoded to 5, or the base unit is coded to 5 or both.  In the new SS3, it is possible that someday the number of PINs can be increased, but don't hold your breath.

2 Messages

Hi. It's been five years.  We're still waiting for this feature.

3 Messages

Yes, still waiting. This is necessary. Schlage door locks allow 100 codes and it doesn't make sense that Simplisafe only allows 5.

6 years ago

I am wondering how many passcodes I can set for my simplisafe alarm. Normally (with other systems) you can multiple passcodes. In this way you can give your housekeeper a code and can monitor when they come and go. Additionally you could give a different code to children etc.  I'd like to set up other codes so they don't have the main passcode. How is this accomplished?
Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled additional passcodes

764 Messages

You have a master PIN, three user PINS, and a duress PIN.  That is all!



6.1K Messages

@lindamitchell_01, its actually four user PINs.

764 Messages

Oops and I even went to my app to make sure I had the right number.  I guess I need to get another friend or family member to use the fourth one.  Or maybe I can rent it out to other users that need more PINs, since I am not using them all.
Thank you so much! How do I set the other user pins?

764 Messages

From either the phone app or on a computer, on the menu on the left side of the screen, select PINs.  If you don't have the $25/mo monitoring plan, you will need to do it from the keypad, assuming you have SS3.

2 Messages

6 years ago

We are currently using our SimpliSafe system at a storage building and have need of about 8 separate people with access to the alarm functions. At this time we are limited to the master PIN plus 4 additional. Having the ability to add more PINs would allow us to much more accurately track who accesses the system and when. As of this time I'm having to just have people share PINs which is certainly not ideal.

While I can see the limits for a home use, selling the system as business-friendly with limited PINs is troubling.
Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Need the ability to add more PINs

764 Messages

Many home users have complained about the limited number of PINs, too.

4 Messages

Yes, I need more pins

2 Messages

Yes. My shop has a similar situation where I need additional pins for employees.

6 Messages

6 years ago

Just found out today that you can only have four additional PINs.

When talking to the support person he hung up on me when I told him that limiting the system to four was asinine!

I use the master.  The GF, best friend, brother and cleaning person have the other four.  Tried to add another one for someone who is watching the house for us. Can't!
Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Four additional PIN's are not enough

764 Messages

I have commented on this topic before (NOT in a positive manner).  I agree four seems to be an unreasonable number of PINs.  With that,,for your situation, I just need to stir the pot and ask: if you need someone to watch your house while you are gone, does that imply the GF, best friend, brother are not "in the area" also?  You could change one of these three, assuming the cleaning crew will be working while you are gone, for "someone" and then change it back for the person you "borrowed" it from.

2.8K Messages

^  I was thinking the same thing - or give two the same PIN, the ones most trustworthy and that are both near your home in the event they need to be.

96 Messages

Why can't you, gf and brother share the same pin?
In all the years I've had alarm systems, my family members have always shared a pin. Not so long ago there were no options beyond a single PIN number.

2 Messages

6 years ago

While I enjoy the security system, I do not understand why SimpliSafe won't offer the ability to add more user PINs?  I have more than 4 people who access my location and numerous times have made the request to add more but have been told this is not possible. WHY!?! I need more pins - make it happen SimpliSafe!
Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Additional Pins - Make it happen SimpliSafe! =)

2.2K Messages

The SS2 system has its operating code burned into a chip soldered on the board.  Thus, it is not possible to change the way it works without generating a new base unit.  Which, since they have a better one now, they will never do.

The new SS3 system can be updated, but since the SS2 is still supported, it would be a challenge to come up with an app/online desktop which could handle such a difference between the two systems.  it is my guess that as long as they still support SS2, they won't make this change.

8 Messages


4 Messages

Yes, I just found out I was limited to 4 also. I was never told this was the case when I was considering purchasing the system, I would probably have considered other options. This is an extreme limitation of Simplisafe. If you are reading this, considering another system.

2.2K Messages

If you ordered less than 60 days ago, you can call them for a shipping label and send it back for a full refund.

3 Messages

5 years ago

I use simplisafe for a shared office space with private offices. I have 10 rooms available for rent and I would like to assign custom pins for each tenant so that I can monitor who comes in and out. If you have the capability of having 4 custom PINs I don't see why you can't add more. This would be a great addition.
Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Add more than 4 custom pins

1.3K Messages

A long-standing request with no indication of happening any time soon, if ever. Point being, don't hold your breath. Get something else if this is a must-have.

434 Messages

Like whoaru said, don't hold your breath. A possible workaround (although more expensive upfront) would be for each renter to have their own keyfob. Each would be identified individually in the timeline. A possible weakness might be if an office had multiple workers and they just left the keyfob hanging inside the door.

Related to your application, how do you envision using SS? The last renter arming the space? You wouldn't have a history of the other 9 (for example) renters leaving for the night. Same with disarming. SS would only record activity of the 1st renter to disarm for the day.

If you want to track their coming (at least), a common door with a keypad would accomplish this with the exceptions of people walking in together. Or you could go higher end with some sort of badge swipe system. This could be done for entry and exit.

2.2K Messages

Have a sensor on the door of each office set to secret alert.  That way you'll REALLY have a record of who did what when.

2 Messages

WHY HAS THIS NOT BEEN SOLVED.  Any alarm system that has been manufactured over the last 20 years can have more than 4 user PINs

This needs to be solved immediately.

1.3K Messages

The reason could not be more clear. SS chooses not to.

2 Messages

5 years ago

Is it possible for us to set additional pin numbers for our security system? We have guests/cleaning crew/etc coming in to our house, and would like to give them a specific number to disable the alarm, without giving them our master PIN.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Additional PIN numbers

1K Messages

If you have the interactive plan you can go on your app and set it that way

739 Messages


You can create four additional PINs beyond the master (one master, one duress, and four user PINs) for a total of five.

3 Messages

5 years ago

We really need more than 5 PINS.  Is there any way to add more?
Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Can I add more than 5 PINS



6.1K Messages

Unfortunately at this time, no.  I gave my two adult children same PIN when I had to use one for the local Fire Dept.

10 Messages

4 years ago

It seems like still having only four guest PINs today is way too limiting. Most devices offer way more. For example, my August Lock Keypad supports 256 PINs.

I don't even have enough to cover my family and our housekeeper. This should be a software-only change that should be reasonable to add.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Additional PINS

2.2K Messages

It may be a software change, in which case they might do it, or they might not.  It may also require a hardware change, and they are highly unlikely to do it, in this model at least.  And it would require a change to the app and the online dashboard. in either case.

That is their original design, and so far they have been unwilling to deviate much from that design.  Don't hold your breath,  and if it is a deal-breaker, see if there is another system out there which will meet your needs.

4 years ago

Does SimpliSafe have any future plans to allow you to add more PINs to the system besides the Master + Four. I like each person in my family to have their own PIN, and then I have extended family and my cleaning person that comes too. Something my wired security system had that was nice was it allowed me to set certain days and hours a PIN was valid, like I could set a PIN so it would only work on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 7a-5p. That was a nice feature as well. Thank you!
Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Additional PINs

1.3K Messages

Given more PINs has been an open request for years, I hope you didn't buy based on that blue sky.

2 Messages

I'm wondering this also.



6.1K Messages

Essential? Not for me and added features = extra cost. I would be happy with always armed sensors!

2 Messages

Any updates on this more recently?

7 Messages

4 years ago

Hello.  New user, love the system but mildly disappointed that I am limited to adding only 4 Custom Pins.  I have more than 4 people that had access to my prior alarm system now I have to pick and choose :(.   I would also like to see the mobile app have settings for different "ringtones" when I receive alerts.  I would like to have a loud nasty tone on my mobile if an alarm is tripped, but something a little more reserved if a "secret" alert is tripped.  Android only detects audio settings for "DFU", "Doorbell Ring", Miscellaneous", "Downloads", and "Widgets".  Thanks!
Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Mobile app enhancements

7 Messages

3 years ago

I seem to only be able to create 4 user PINs in addition to the Master PIN.  Is that right?  There is no mention of this in the documentation.  I've tried using the I0S App and the Keypad, but 4 users seems to be the limit.
Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled PINS - Limit of 4?

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

Hi ken.alexander,

Yes, the current hard limit is 4 Secondary PINs.


7 Messages

Thank you.  I think you should have that limit included in your documentation on the web.  I also suggest you increase the limit to at least 8.



6.1K Messages

@ken.alexander I checked the new Help Center and there really isn't an artilce that shows the limit is four.

It is interesting on how Marketing in many companies can artfully detour around topics like this without being outwardly lying or misleading. Example: Before next week, you could search YouTubeTV help area for "surround sound 5.1". Since they don't have it, they don't state they don't hav it, or for that fact, even have it in their help center. Tada. Not misleading, not lying, they just completely ignore the topic and sneak off into the marcom night.  When you conact them, support will tell you they didn't have it but no claim no idea why not in the faq's or support area. Right.

Simplisafe marcom is a bit more forthcoming, but not on the # of PINs. Another favorite, x monitoring plan is only 62 cents per day!
SS, do you bill anyone on a cents per day basis? No. To be fair, they do show the monthly amount, but sometimes some signs of ADT poke through...and yes, that's not anywhere near a good thing.

So, I did submit an article suggestion. "Our SS3 system is limited to four (4) guest PINs. See, that isn't to hard. And, oh yeah, Total Command Interactive Monitoring is $24.99, billed montly and can be cancelled at any time by calling support and providing your safe word on a recorded line, but not prorated. This is for your protection etc etc etc.

Ah, love full, easy disclosure.

2 Messages

What's the timeline on increasing this? You market 'A pin for every family member', we have more than four family members.  This seems like a no brainer, yet you seem to keep ignoring the requests.

1.3K Messages

Even if there was a timeline, which I doubt, they're not going to broadcast it.

2 Messages

3 years ago

We recently purchased and installed a Simplisafe system in our small business, and were very happy with the quality and operation of the system.  Unfortunately, we needed to uninstall it because it only accommodates five user codes.  It would be really helpful for small businesses to have a higher limit.
Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled For Businesses, Please Increase Limit on User Codes

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

Hi jwgerber,

Thanks for the feedback. I'll be happy to pass it on to our engineering team. Thank you for giving us a try!

Right now yes, each system can currently support only one Master PIN, and 5 Secondary PINs. The main workaround we've been mentioning is to give different employees their own Key Fobs, which we know isn't the ideal solution for everyone.

- Johnny M.
SimpliSafe Home Security

2 Messages

3 years ago

I just installed SimpliSafe in our office of 10 employees.  I am surprised that I can only add 4 pins outside of the master pin.  As a business that focuses on security it would be nice to set each employee up with their own pin.  We looked at Vivint as an alternative and I am not aware of any limitation to number of pins (I use Vivint at home).

Suggestion: Please allow more  PINs.  25 minimum would be recommendation and have PINs be 6 in length instead of 4.  This will allow for better security.

Anyone else have this as an issue that can also support this recommendation?

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Not enough PINs

2 Messages

YES! Seconded. We're a very small company, but even we need more than four. Heck, even a family could easily need more than four. PLEASE INCREASE!

Add more Custom Pins!!!!!!  

2 Messages

This was very disappointing to find out abruptly today after using the system for a while.

This makes the system less of a good choice for an office environment where security matters.

Need it to be Simple and Safe. hmmm

10 Messages

Yeah, more pins. Four aren't enough.

2 Messages

I agree with the others. There needs to be more Pins. I wanted to give one to all members of the household plus the landlord.

1 Message

1 year ago

I was very disappointed to learn this after installing a large system in a home that needs more than 5 total PINs. Please add support for more.

1 Message

I am almost in disbelief that this feature has been requested for SO MANY YEARS and it has not yet been addressed by Simplisafe!!! I just spent a good bit of time with their customer service team today (October 9, 2024) only for them to confirm this is STILL the case!!

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