Gen 3 SimpliSafe
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Wireless Interference Detected
What does "wireless interference detected" mean? Happening about every 5 seconds
6 days ago
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Official Response
Community Admin
5.7K Messages
3 years ago
Hello and welcome to our Community!
"Wireless Interference Detected" means just that - that there's another wireless signal that could potentially get in the way, or even drown out, the signals on your SimpliSafe system.
In this case, we're talking about the connection between the sensors and your Base Station (the tower). That uses a low frequency, so we want to look for simpler devices, like a remote controlled garage door opener, wireless weather station, or even some ham radio setups.
Resolving the issue might require moving your SimpliSafe components - especially the Base Station - away from any sources of interference, or even turning those sources off. But first, we need to identify what that problem source could be.
12 Messages
3 years ago
Just experienced the same issue on a system that's been working fine for 2 years. The base station was going nuts with those wireless interference announcements. So, first thing I did was turn that "feature" off. (Volume to zero.)
Then, I switched off every circuit in the vicinity, one breaker at a time. No improvement.
I moved the base station around and, at a distance some 35 feet from its original location (about 5 feet from a keypad), the problem ceased. But, that wasn't good enough. It had been fine for 2 years in the other location.
So, I gathered up all the cell phones, cordless phones, remote controls, tablets and everything else that was battery powered and put them inside a metal toolbox. (To shield the area from any radio emissions they might be generating. A Faraday cage of sorts!) I also moved the base station to a third location about halfway between the other locations.
Problem ceased. Hmmm - What did it? (I violated the cardinal rule of troubleshooting - MAKE ONE CHANGE AT A TIME.)
Put the base station back in the original location. Problem resumed.
HOWEVER, I got an alert that one keypad (an even greater distance away) had low batteries and would reconnect when the batteries were replaced. Hmmm again.
Checked batteries in keypads. All were below 1.18 volts. Replaced batteries. Problem solved.
All items are back in their original locations and no more interference notifications. I even turned up the base station volume! The little gal inside likely won't be nearly as frustrated now!
Lesson: Due to low battery levels in keypads, the base station **COULD** be misinterpreting the resulting poor quality signals as wireless interference.
If you have this issue, you just might want to check keypad batteries first because that is a very direct and easy thing to do. None of this wireless voodoo business. You can SEE batteries, voltmeters, etc. Wireless signals, interference to same, etc IS a different story.
If this truly is what was causing the problem that I was experiencing, I'm guessing I am not the only one. If so, SS should include this potential cause in their documentation, online support tips and forum replies. Maybe they have, in some cases. I didn't take the time to research that. But, the response to the OP's question did not mention that.
1 Message
2 years ago
Mine only starts announcing the "interference" as soon as I replace the batteries in my wireless weather station sensor/transmitter. It's been just fine otherwise, while the sensor/transmitter has lived right outside the front door, maybe 16' line-of-sight from the base station. Do we all somewhat agree that simply replacing the batteries in the keypads would do the trick...maybe...?
1 Message
2 years ago
Same issue here -- System that has been fine for 2 years started having this issue multiple times per day.
1 Message
2 years ago
Same issue here. Everything fine for years and now this. I've tried the other suggestions and nothing has worked.
1 Message
2 years ago
Hi all,
I had the same issues for days straight.
I reset my system, changed the batteries in my keypad.
I tried everything I could think of.
Then, I decided to check the sensors near my base.
It turns out the my front door sensor (which was near my base station) was not functioning properly.
I changed the battery in my sensor, and re- added the sensor.
This solved my issues!
Check any window/door sensors that are near your base station, this may fix your issue.
1 Message
2 years ago
10 Messages
2 years ago
I just installed a wifi mesh system and am getting the same errors now. What frequency/channels does simplisafe use?
7 Messages
1 year ago
Mine just started 2 weeks ago. Nothing for over 5 years at all. It just started.
1 Message
1 year ago
was fine for years then tonight its screaming. interference
1 Message
1 year ago
This system is an absolute pile of garbage. I get this wireless inteference thing every couple of months and nobody seems to have a proper explanation, just random speculation and ‘it might work’ solutions. When is it 1998?!!!
I love way Simplisafe suggest it is an existing device causing the problem. Hello!…who was the last guest to arrive at the party! I wish I’d never brought this junk into my house.
1 Message
1 year ago
Started to get this msg yesterday
1 Message
1 year ago
Same thing happening to me tonight seemingly randomly. Repeatedly saying there is interference and then it gets resolved a minute later.
No new devices have been introduced to the house and the base station has been in the same location since I got the system (we’re talking years). I’m going to be rather upset if it keeps going off all night.
41 Messages
1 year ago
I woke up this morning to several messages like that in the middle of the night. It seems to have stopped. No idea what the issue was. I’m assuming it was a systemwide problem.
7 Messages
1 year ago
I have the same problem non-stop after a firmware update a few days ago. Simplisafe sent me a new base station and it worked for about 3 hours with no interference errors. After I angrily had to add ALL sensors all over again (still have to climb up on a ladder and connect all my wireless outdoor cameras), it started going nuts again. I added 20 sensors and after the last 4 were connected, the interference error started again. If this doesn't resolve, I will plan on trashing this system and buy a real security system. One that doesn't have continuous "sensor not responding" errors throughout the week which is another issue I'm dealing with.