2 Messages
Wireless Interference Detected Message
We have the new SimpliSafe system and since December 2018 we have been getting the Wireless Interference Detected Message every time we arm the system. We tried moving it all over the place in the house after we called support. However, a few days ago, I went to the keypad and pressed on the right side of the screen where the triangle warning with the exclamation mark is. I had pressed it before and read the message. This time I pressed once, then I pressed a second time and the triangle disappeared! Maybe the unit is repeating the message until it is cleared from the keypad?????? Ever since then - now 5 days ago - we have not gotten the Wireless Interference Detected Message....PS I could not figure out how to locate the other posts on this forum as I do not see a way to search for a topic.
2 Messages
6 years ago
130 Messages
6 years ago
Keep an eye on it, and if it doesn't come back then it seems like you've solved the problem.