@RobertPizzo Great catch and Simplisafe should provide you x months of free monitoring. I am now retired but the medical device company I worked for had a rule: Customer catches an error in our product, advertising, manuals, processes etc, they get a financial reward of some type. Amazing how our associates stepped up their game knowing thousands of our customers were just looking for the chance for recognition and financial gain. Bottom line, a win win for everyone.
C'mon SS, this is a great catch. What is your response? :-)
@RobertPizzo Thank you for bringing this to our attention! We have informed our internal teams. This has been corrected and will be updated on new units produced.
A big thanks to Paul at the SimpliSafe escalation team for letting me know I'm getting a free month of service for catching the typos on the stake packaging! You didn't have to do that but you did. Much appreciated. (Hat tip to Captain11 for the suggestion?)
6.3K Messages
22 days ago
@RobertPizzo Great catch and Simplisafe should provide you x months of free monitoring. I am now retired but the medical device company I worked for had a rule: Customer catches an error in our product, advertising, manuals, processes etc, they get a financial reward of some type. Amazing how our associates stepped up their game knowing thousands of our customers were just looking for the chance for recognition and financial gain. Bottom line, a win win for everyone.
C'mon SS, this is a great catch. What is your response? :-)
Community Admin
1K Messages
22 days ago
@RobertPizzo Thank you for bringing this to our attention! We have informed our internal teams. This has been corrected and will be updated on new units produced.
1.5K Messages
21 days ago
Mandarin to English translation issue? 😉😆 (kidding of course)