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Wednesday, January 10th, 2018 8:33 PM

Upgrade Program for Loyal Customer


First of all, your customer service is terrible.  I waited for over 30 minutes before getting a customer service on the phone.

Second, I would like to upgrade my old system to the latest system. But unfortunately Simplisafe does not have an loyal customer upgrade program as of yet.

I hope that Simplisafe will offer an upgrade program soon for existing customers.

My old system still works but it would be nice to upgrade and get better features like lighted keypad, etc.

Hope to hear from Simplisafe soon regarding to loyal customer upgrade program.


1.2K Messages

7 years ago

I find this all hilarious.  SS finally comes out with the system you all have been screaming for and now youre mad that its not free.  Get over it.  

Most of you probably spent more on your TV than you spent on the security system protecting it.  Stop being so cheap!

2.2K Messages

7 years ago

@dale - never, I don't like the latest and greatest, because it may be better, but it is untested.  I am a professional tester, and I prefer to let other people find the bugs in my personal stuff.

Often, the differences are not that important, and I would just as soon get a down level thing for peanuts.  The only time I'd get the new thing is if it were critically better, or it was financially beneficial to get it "now" rather than "later".

2.2K Messages

7 years ago

@drunkpenguin, I don't think most people insist on free.  Some people (like me) are on a fixed income which is already not enough for required expenses, and replacing two complete systems at full price (have to do them both, because they share sensors to avoid two monitoring plans) is not in the cards any time soon.

1.2K Messages

7 years ago

I get that seven, but nobody is saying anyone NEEDS to upgrade, everybody just WANTS to.  I'd like to upgrade my car too, but I'll probably wait til I pay it off.

1 Message

When you upgrade your car you get some trade-in value.

39 Messages

When you upgrade your car you get some trade-in value
 yes you do, but usually a car is the most expensive purchase someone makes in their whole life....and the car dealership has a used car lot where they can sell your car. Completely different types of companies and purchase prices.

169 Messages

7 years ago

With all of the assistance sevensiamesecats and Captain11 have provided over the years on  this forum I think SimpliSafe should give each of them a free SS3 system.  It's the least SimpliSafe could do for them.

1.2K Messages

7 years ago

I agree with dave!

Hey seven, I noticed when I bought my system they give you the option of paying with paypal.  I recently bought a bunch of security cameras for my place and paypal had this deal where you can get no interest for 6 months if you pay through them.

Might be worth looking into maybe?

2.2K Messages

7 years ago

Paypal is not a credit organization, they are an online payment system.  They may OFFER a credit card or similar, but it is a standard credit agreement.  6 months of no interest is nice, but then month 7 comes along...

If you are suggesting I should "charge" new systems, nope.  Debt is dumb, debt is crippling, debt is stress, debt is the handmaiden of poverty.  I've had two debts in my entire life, house and motorhome, and paid them both off early.  And if I WERE to go into debt for the systems, I'd use my credit card from my local bank, which I can monitor online, pay directly from my account, and have someone local's desk to pound on if things screw up.  Using Paypal for credit would likely be unpleasant.  Have you tried their customer service?  At least SS publishes their customer service number.

2.2K Messages

7 years ago

@dave, I wouldn't object  :-)   If they did, I could answer questions about it, but until it is somehow financially viable, I'll have to leave those questions for SS to deal with.

1.2K Messages

7 years ago

Just trying to give people some options seven, no need to lecture.  I don't build dept, but I do use credit cards to take advantage of things from time to time like no interest or rewards points.  I wanted $1400 worth of  security cameras and I didnt want to wait so I put them on paypals deal.  This was 2 months ago and right now Im down to 250 left which I'll pay off on payday.  So trust me I know how to handle finances.  I actually ran my credit score 2 days ago and it's 801.  Credit cards can help people if they know how to use them.  Many people do destroy themselves with credit cards, but I am not one of those people.

2.2K Messages

7 years ago

I do use credit cards, for practically everything, but pay them off in full (even the recent $14000 one for motorhome repairs) so don't really consider them "debts" but rather "convenient cash replacement".  My latest score is 850 which appears to be the max.  :-)

1.2K Messages

7 years ago

You just said you would never use credit cards, they are "handmaiden of poverty".  Now you use them all the time?  Confused, but whatever.  I think you just like to argue with me, you used to be cool to me.  Not sure when that changed.  Actually I think I do know, but this is not the place for that discussion.  

Good luck seven, hopefully you find a way to get the system, I know u want it.  Everybody wants it.

2.2K Messages

7 years ago

No, I don't have anything against credit cards, it is debt I avoid like the plague.  If I charge "everything" and pay the total balance when the bill comes, that is not "debt" (ok, it is technically, but practically it is "cash replacement").  If I paid the minimium payment or half of the balance or even 9/10 of the balance, THEN it would be debt in everybody's eyes including mine...

Sorry if I seem argumentative, with you, with whom I don't have any problem that I can recall, or with anyone else (except for those people who are deliberately striving for the level of intelligence of cuttlefish).  I do a lot of discussion on the internet these days, often with people who like to avoid facts when pushing their opinions (meme warriors).  So it is possible I have become more "pointed" than I used to be.  If so, that is on me, nothing to do with you.  

Want it?  Kind of.  It appears to be a quantum step forward and if I were not retired (or more accurately, if I had my old income), I'd seriously consider it.  Shortly after they actually told me what it was besides "new" and "better".  :-)   For now my old systems are adequate, and there is not enough information about the new system to convince me there is anything which I can't live without.  Now if/when they start making updates, they may hit on one of the things I really want.  For now, I'll sit back and see if they can get their customer service under control.  Unless a bargain tempts me.

65 Messages

7 years ago

Funny how the subject has evolved. I haven't paid a cent in credit card interest in 40 years since my "ex" surprised me with 50k in forged credit card debt......ouch! Nonetheless I will never pass up on the opportunity to use OPM for 30+ days interest free. Credit card debt is only evil for people who can't manage it.......but I never could convince my Mother of that. She grew up during the depression. And I had to Google "cuttlefish".....learn something new every day. Cheers!



6K Messages

7 years ago

Ah, old times; a bit nostalgic with sevensiamescats and drunkpenguin back in the mix...and regivert, some newer blood. I really think a SS forum reunion in Boston this summer at SS HQ would be a blast. First round of drinks on me. BTW, does anyone know what happened to hondaman88? Miss him too.

7 years ago

I just got my ss system last year and it works ok.  I just dont want to get stuck with a system that the monitoring service says wont work for them. Then all I have is a noise maker!!

I also want to be able to purchase sensors if one of them dies. I dont care if the system looks like it is from the 90s. I JUST NEED IT TO WORK WHEN IT IS SUPPOSED TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Angry explicatives follow!!!!!

You only have 1 job to do! So go and F@#king DO IT!!!!

BTW I also have been emailing customer service and NO ONE HAS RESPONDED BACK!! When this system dies I will not buy another one!!
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