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Monday, March 14th, 2022 6:54 PM

Small Business - Multiple Buildings

I own a small private childcare business. I have 2 buildings on my property. One is significantly smaller than the other. For that building I believe I just need 3 entry sensors and 1 motion detector. Do I need to have a camera in their to have police notification? I may also put a smoke detector in that building.

The second building needs 4 entry sensors, 3 motion detectors, and 2 smoke detectors. Again, do I need a camera for monitoring?

Can the 2 systems be on one account or do I have to pay for separate monitoring, etc?

Thank you!

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5.7K Messages

3 years ago

Hi KaliChick,

Great questions!

Yes, you can have multiple locations under the same account login. So you can log into the app with the same username and password, and just switch between the two locations. But in terms of setup, you have a couple of different options:

First, you can have two separate locations. You'll need to have a separate Monitoring Subscription for each location. But you'll be able to control each system separately - i.e. arm the system at once location, and disarm at another location.

Or you could have one big system that encompasses both buildings. All of the sensors are wireless, and can send signals to the Base Station (hub) up to 800ft over open air. So the system can handle multi-building properties. Unfortunately you'd have to control it as one system - so all sensors in both buildings will be armed at the same time. However, you'd only need one Monitoring Plan.

Having a camera is not required for Monitoring Service with 24/7 dispatch. The way the service works is that if there's an alarm event at the location, you'll get a call from an operator, who will tell you that a sensor has gone off. If you're not able to answer, or if you requested it on the phone with them, they'll call the police or fire department on your behalf.

Though having a camera is still very useful. You'll be able to keep an eye on the premises even when you're not there, of course. But you can also enable Video Verification. If there's an alarm event, it will allow video to be sent to the operator. So even if you weren't able to answer the call from the operator, they can still act as an eyewitness if a crime was actually in progress!

1 Message

1 year ago

How many buildings/houses can we have under one account at a time? For example, can I manage over 20 houses within one account?

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5.7K Messages

@masonum86​ there is no limit to the number of protected locations you can have under your account.

1 Message

Follow-up question: 

I have a shop on my property with metal walls. It significantly reduces range of the sensors. 

Is it possible for me to have two locations on the same account/login --- the current one that covers my house and is on a paid monitoring service, and a second location that is unpaid/self-monitored? They are still under the same account login and able to be toggled through the mobile app?

Community Admin


3.4K Messages

@Ross_Family​ Absolutely! You can add a second system/location to your current account to cover your shop. You do not need to subscribe that second system to a paid monitoring plan, and the system that covers your house can continue to be subscribed to a paid plan. To learn more about adding another location to your SimpliSafe system, check out this article in our Help Center.

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