8 Messages
First, my system is not yet monitored and I don't have wifi because Xfinity doesn't have its act together. I suspect someone is blocking my system's RF signal, so that they can gain entry without setting off an entry sensor on my door. Yesterday, my alarm was ON, AWAY. In the three hours I was gone, someone entered, stole some stuff, broke some stuff, and put Ben-Gay on my cats' and dogs' foot pads.
I have bars on all my windows. My doors are the only possible points of entry. Simplisafe said such jams would show up on my timeline. The support guy said even though I am without wifi and unmonitored, I would see it when I logged in, although he couldn't see it.
However, nothing shows up on my timeline, including the two times I've accidentally set the system off. Further, if they are interfering before they open the door, how could this possibly show up on my timeline? Thank you.
I have bars on all my windows. My doors are the only possible points of entry. Simplisafe said such jams would show up on my timeline. The support guy said even though I am without wifi and unmonitored, I would see it when I logged in, although he couldn't see it.
However, nothing shows up on my timeline, including the two times I've accidentally set the system off. Further, if they are interfering before they open the door, how could this possibly show up on my timeline? Thank you.
1.3K Messages
4 years ago
Community Admin
1.1K Messages
4 years ago
We apologize as there seems to have been some miscommunication when you were speaking to the representative before. In order to receive any events on your timeline, your SimpliSafe system does need to be activated as we would need either a WiFi connection or a cellular connection (included with any of our monitoring plans) to be able to receive any communication from your Base Station. Most likely, what the representative was trying to convey, is that any alarm events or RF jamming events will show up as notifications on the Keypad. On the main screen of the Keypad, once one of those events has occurred, you will notice either a bell or warning icon. Clicking on that icon will give you more information about the event.
SimpliSafe Social Team
SimpliSafe Home Security
8 Messages
4 years ago
Two more problems:
1. Today when I unplugged the base station, my system said ALARM OFF. The keypad notification, though, was something like DON'T WORRY. YOU'RE STILL PROTECTED BY YOUR BACKUP BATTERIES. I opened the battery compartment to see four batteries in there, but don't know if they're alive.
2. The base station light is never on anymore, even when plugged in.
Thank you.
8 Messages
4 years ago
These criminals also harassed the older woman who lived here before me. The police say they can't help me because I have no proof. I am unable to move until the COVID situation is safer. Please help me figure this out. Thank you.
740 Messages
4 years ago
If you would like to go a step further, purchase a smaller/indiscreet indoor camera that appears to look like something else. There is a variety, and it would record the intrusion - and there is your proof. But changing the PIN would be the first thing I would do. Just make sure you re-enable your settings that they might have disabled (the Base Station light being off is a strong indicator that if someone is entering, they made it safer to do so).
6.3K Messages
4 years ago
8 Messages
4 years ago
8 Messages
4 years ago
I informed Simplisafe and they never made me aware of this possibility. I also had to ask them many times how to secure my keypad (it was not obvious to me) and they never responded.
SIMPLISAFE: I just set up monitoring today, but only standard, since I don't have wifi.
What can I do so they no longer have control of my system? Changing my password won't work as long as they can access my system with THEIR password on their keypad. Can I somhow unpair them?
I think they have to re-pair their keypad every time they break in, because their keypad doesn't show up as one of my system components? Does this just mean I should hide my keypad and base in my house? Or do I need new ones?
Here are links to the Youtube videos showing this hack:
How disable victim's alarm: https://youtu.be/YIfc_jQAB9g
How add PIN on victim's system:
Thank you all who are helping!
6.3K Messages
4 years ago
8 Messages
4 years ago
To answer your question, I can remove components, but their keypad doesn't show up because they pair it and unpair it each time they're here.
So I guess I answered my own question? Hide my keypad and base station. Keep the monitoring. Keep trying to get wifi (sigh). And I just got all new locks. Turns out my "high security" kwikset locks are the easiest to pick!
Thank you very much. I appreciate your support!
2.8K Messages
4 years ago
Personally, since this has happened to you before, I'd strongly suggest ditching wireless and going full-wired - do you have local security companies available in your area? If so, look into it. I'd be worried that whomever is doing this to you already knows the interior of your home, so hiding the base station and keypad may be futile in your case - that's not to say you shouldn't hide them, just saying if they've been in your home before, they will know to look for them.
Call Simplisafe and demand answers and assistance - request it be escalated to senior management/engineeers. Now that you have monitoring, at least your events can be logged, but it doesn't help the fact that someone is targeting you for whatever reason.
Anyone who would do something like this to someone, and especially harm someone's pets, deserves life in hell. Do whatever is necessary to protect yourself and your precious furbabies - if that means ditching SS, go visit a local security company TODAY!
Community Admin
1.1K Messages
4 years ago
With regards to the video that lorimac0260 linked earlier in this thread, the bug that was used in the video was patched in a firmware update released almost a year ago. In addition to that, the culprit must gain physical access to the Base Station without first triggering the alarm. While hiding the Base Station is certainly an option, keep in mind that you might want to avoid muffling the Siren in doing so.
SimpliSafe Social Team
SimpliSafe Home Security