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Friday, October 4th, 2019 7:07 PM

Missing key fob

Mea culpa.
We went on vacation for a couple of weeks and did not want to jeopardize the key fob so put it somewhere that is "safe". Really safe - I cannot find it.
In the "Devices" section of my SimpliSafe account, it shows the key fob as "OK". Is this an indication that the system can read the presence of the key fob? If it was too far away, would the Device section read something else?

Accepted Solution

740 Messages

5 years ago

Someone else will most likely respond with a definitive answer, but in the meantime, I would suggest removing the Fob from your system. Worst case scenario, it is gone (not lost), and removal makes it impossible for someone else to use it. The best case is you eventually find it and can add it back to your system. In both instances, the action protects you.

2.8K Messages

5 years ago

If you have SS3 (can't remember if there's an option with SS2), you can simply "disable" it from your devices on your online dashboard page, rather than remove it at this point - you might just find it again :)

And, if it's showing OK in your device list, it's still 'live' - if the battery died, or the signal was lost, you would get an error on the keypad or text message stating the error "keyfob not responding" (if you're signed up for text/push alerts).

Don't feel bad, I didn't lose a keyfob but I've lost half a dozen other things because I can't remember that super-secret-safe-no-one-will-find hiding place! (if you think you'll not find it sooner rather than later, and if it's something you use constantly, please get a new one from SS so you're not without one).

740 Messages

5 years ago

I, too, hide things before a vacation or going on a business trip and have been unable to find it either for quite some time or in other cases, ever again.

(I have been searching for two particular data discs for years in my home office. Although I am conscientious when throwing things out, perhaps that is what happened - or, I moved them to my storage unit)

And yes, follow coltmaster's advice to disable the Key Fob rather than remove it if you indeed have SS3. I honestly forget the capabilities of the new system (SS3) versus the old as it has not had the issues of SS2. I will have to go through my settings someday soon and document my entry and exit delays, etc. What they are currently set to I have no clue. Although I do recall having to call SimpliSafe to lower one (which you could do yourself with SS2), I have no idea which that is.

2.8K Messages

5 years ago

I lost a tape measure in a closet once.  In. A. Closet.  Never to be found again.  I wasn't trying to hide it, of course, but just an example of I don't even have to try to hide something!

371 Messages

5 years ago

I have a tile on my key fob as I lose everything

2.8K Messages

5 years ago

Dandy, most of the time, I can decipher UK-speak....but what's a tile?  (besides floor tile, lol).

740 Messages

5 years ago

Tile is a tiny Bluetooth tracker and app that finds your phone, keys, etc.

371 Messages

5 years ago

hahaha :-)  https://www.thetileapp.com/?ref=tiledotcom&utm_source=tiledotcom

2.8K Messages

5 years ago

Ah, a tracking device, lol.  Sounds like something I should use!

371 Messages

5 years ago

I was going to say Colt that it was a type of spade;-)  but i thought against it  You think this UK talk is bad - you should hear me speak scottish !

2.8K Messages

5 years ago

HA HA, I know what a spade is and yes, you should have said that :)  Go ahead and speak Scottish, we need some entertainment on the forum, lol!

371 Messages

5 years ago

Hahahahha simplyscottish I want a tartan base station !

2.8K Messages

5 years ago

LOL, and if you did that, no one would ever know you had a base station :)

371 Messages

5 years ago

Correct !!!!
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