‎KeyPad Panic Button Trips Panic Alarm by itself. | SimpliSafe Support Home

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Tuesday, October 6th, 2020 11:22 PM

KeyPad Panic Button Trips Panic Alarm by itself.

I have the new SS3 system with 2 keypads.  After a while one of the keypads started setting off the panic feature all by itself. The keypad would also not go to sleep. SS sent me a new one to replace it.  

Then my second keypad started to do the same thing.  Triggering a panic alarm without a button being pressed. As well as the keypad not going to sleep. They are sending me a replacement for this one as well.

Is there anyone else having similar issues with their keypads?  

Its very annoying to have your security system give you a heart attack while "crying wolf" at any random moment.  In fact as I was on the phone with dispatch after one instance and it "cried wolf" 3 times when trying to say there is not an emergency.  I have since de-activated the panic feature of the keypad.

2.8K Messages

4 years ago

There have been reports of that happening with the keypad panic button.  I've always wondered if it might be due to dust settling on top of the keypad, which might eventually make it stick, but that's anyone's guess.

Having two keypads do the same thing however, is concerning and while there is an option in the keypad settings to enable 'power-saving' mode which is supposed to turn off the keypad backlight (unless it's in use) - it doesn't always work.

In any case, if your new keypads start to do the same thing, please request of a rep to take it higher up to the engineers.

1 Message

4 years ago

I am having the same issue with my keypad.  We installed it about a year ago.  Just today it started behaving just like yours - triggers alarm on its own.

Taking the batteries out seems to help.

Very discouraging that there is such a basic flaw in a security system of all things.

Community Admin


1.1K Messages

4 years ago

Hi all,

For those of you who seem to be experiencing false alarms from your keypad, we recommend contacting our Support Team to get the faulty devices replaced. Our Support Team can be reached by email at customer-support@simplisafe.com or over the phone at 1-888-910-1215 from 8 AM to Midnight ET.

SimpliSafe Social Team
SimpliSafe Home Security

1 Message

We began having the exact same issue too!!! The keypad has triggered a panic three times tonight between 01:00 and 03:00 am. What is SimpliSafe doing to correct this issue? Yes, we'll get a new keypad but this is unacceptable. How do I know my new keypad won't eventually start doing the same thing?!

2 Messages

4 years ago

I am having the same issue.  I have had the system for a little over a year and for the past three days, the panic button is tripping the alarm.  The first time was around 2am which scared me so bad, the second time was 8pm and third time was at 11am.  Three days in a row, the panic button was tripping the alarm.  I called support all three times and the only thing that they could do was offer to send a new keypad which takes 3 to 5 days.  So I am left without an alarm until it gets here.  It did seem to help in taking out the batteries and putting them back but 8 to 12 hours later, the alarm it tripping again.  I came on here to see if this was an issue with others and obviously it is.  I know this much.  If the replacement keypad starts tripping too, I will be moving to another service.  I hate to purchase something and then have to throw all of that out the window, but my peace of mind is more important.  It is totally ridiculous for this to happen more than once.  Thank you for your post.

1 Message

4 years ago

We are having exact same issue. It is at our vacation condo and started tripping the panic button in the middle of the night. It did this every 5 minutes or so for two hours until we figured out we could disable the panic button. Of course, we are doing this remotely since we couldn't physically be there.
One of our cameras faces the keypad so we knew no one was inside.
I'm sure our neighbors who live there full time we're loving the alarm repeatedly going off and the police who showed up at 2 am banging on the door and shining lights in the windows.

2.8K Messages

4 years ago

^ Call SS and get your keypad replaced, sounds like it might be faulty.

3 Messages

4 years ago

I have had the same problem today.  I spoke with support and she disabled the panic button but should I get a replacement keypad too?



6.3K Messages

4 years ago

@SS if these postings are correct there is a serious issue with SS3 systems that needs to be immediately addressed and acknowledged by SS.  This is no small matter and could have life threatening implications due to the heightened nature of a panic signal and the potential danger it could possibly cause to human life. Finally, it warrants, it demands an official reply from SS and an allocation of resources to preventing it happening again.  Replacing a faulty keypad, corrective action, is not acceptable. Prevention must be as close to 100% as possible.

2 Messages

4 years ago

Yes,  we have this similar issue.  We have two systems at different locations.  One purchased in late 2019 and one in late 2020.  One works perfectly.  The other one which is actually newer is the one having the panic alarm problem.  
The bad part is that we don't even know there is an issue until the local police calls us directly or shows up at the door letting us know that the panic button was triggered!

* False panic trigger
* No call from the SS call center
* No app notification
* No timeline record of the panic button (we have 2 panic buttons + the keypad panic button)

Super annoying and inconveniencing for us and the police department.  
SimpliSafe, please simply address and fix or patch this issue!



6.3K Messages

4 years ago

@bakersdozendonuts Suggest you contact Simplisafe Support, now, to troubleshoot.

Community Admin


1.1K Messages

4 years ago

Hi @bakersdozen,

If you are not receiving any calls from COPS Monitoring and you are not seeing any events in the timeline on your account then it sounds like these may be Duress Alarms and not Panic Alarms. Duress alarms can be triggered in one of two ways:

  1. By entering the Duress PIN on the Keypad
  2. By pressing a Standalone Panic Button that is set to Silent Alarm

You can check your system's settings to verify if you have either a Duress PIN setup or if you have Standalone Panic buttons set to silent alarm. If you still have questions regarding duress alarms and your system, we recommend calling our Support Team at 1-800-548-9508 from 8 AM to Midnight ET, 7 days a week.

SimpliSafe Social Team
SimpliSafe Home Security

2 Messages

Thank you for the response & clarification.  I do now understand the specific differences between the Panic setting & the Duress setting.  The problem remains because nothing was pushed.

Community Admin


1.1K Messages

4 years ago

Hi @bakersdozen,

Thanks for getting back to us. Since none of your Panic buttons seem to have been pushed, we recommend calling into our Support Team since they'll be able to delve into the specifics of your SimpliSafe system. Once again, they can be reached by phone at 1-800-548-9508 from 8 AM to Midnight ET, 7 days a week.

SimpliSafe Social Team
SimpliSafe Home Security

1 Message

4 years ago

Similar to others on this thread I recently encountered this issue as well. Woke up at 2am to the alarm going off, disabled it but not before Simplisafe called me to check. While I was on the phone with the tech the panic alarm was triggered by the keypad twice more (while it sat idle on the wall), so I quickly disabled the alarm and took out the batteries.

Prior to this incident I'd noticed the keypad would light up on its own (even when face down/no motion nearby) throughout the night and started rapidly going through batteries. I switched it to power saver mode but the behavior persisted (screen still would light up randomly and stay stuck on after a bit).

I submitted two support requests online to Simplisafe but no reply, so I suspect I'll have to call them for a response. Posting here to add more examples to this thread and hopefully get broader action from Simplisafe.

I am using the newer (2018 onward) version of Simplisafe.



6.3K Messages

4 years ago

@mchughs  suggest you forget the online requests and pick up the phone and call support and have the keypads replaced.

2 Messages

2 years ago

Based on the years in this thread it doesn’t sound like SimpliSafe is doing anything to resolve. After having this happen twice I now know my local police very well. After the most recent incident and this thread I will be looking for a new system. The worst was no one on their helpline could tell me how to depower the system to guarantee this doesn’t happen again for the night.

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

@Robintar​ apologies for the inconvenience.

Did you speak with our Support team, or someone from Monitoring? Unfortunately, our Monitoring agents are trained only for rapid response to emergencies, and are not able to offer troubleshooting help for equipment issues.

But if you did speak with our Support team, they should have offered to replace that Keypad. And in the meantime, just tasking a battery out of the problematic Keypad would shut it down completely, preventing further false alarms. You'd still be able to use the rest of the system through the SimpliSafe app.

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