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Thursday, October 8th, 2020 4:29 PM

Keeping SimpliSafe connected to Wifi

I've had my SimpliSafe for a little more than a year now and am having an ongoing issue keeping the system to my wifi network.

I have the current generation base station and a Google Mesh wifi system. Periodically, I will look at diagnostics on my wifi network and will see that the SimpliSafe system is not longer appearing among the connected devices. What's particularly concerning about this is that both the app and my keypad will report being connected to the network; it's only when I attempt to update the system software that I receive a notification that the system has no connection to wifi.

This concerns me for several reasons: 1) It seems some parts of my system believe they are connected to wifi, while other parts do not. 2) In the event of an emergency, I am not sure about the underlying feasibility of the system resorting to cellular connectivity if it believes it's already connected to wifi. 3) I have no idea why it's periodically dropping the wifi connection.

A few other notes. I'm aware that SimpliSafe only uses the 2.5 GHz band for connectivity, and have given the system a permanent IP reservation. Even though it claims I am connected to a network, if I attempt to connect to the network through the app, I'll receive an error message until I use the keypad to "Forget the network." When I first began experiencing this with my system a year ago, I was told it was due to a faulty Base Station; they sent me a replacement and I've experienced the same issue since.

Would appreciate any help and/or advice. It this a known/unresolved issue with SimpliSafe (I am growing increasingly wary of the technical issues with this product), or is this a config issue with wifi network?



6.3K Messages

4 years ago

adam.wassermans.. I have SS3 and the original Google WIFI. Both work well.  Sometimes the video doorbell drops, but that's it. Everyday you should see a system test signal in your log. If they are not successful, definitely get on the phone and troubleshoot. As you mentioned, wifi is not used for sending an alarm signal to monitoring and the cell connection has been rock solid for me. One last recommendation, I would call SS and confirm your system has the new 4G sim card. If not, politely request them to send you one out asap.

Good luck.
Have you checked the Google Wifi app to confirm that the SS3 is registered/active on the network? If it's not appearing, but your app/keypad are suggesting otherwise, you might also be having this issue.
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