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Friday, June 8th, 2018 7:45 PM

Investment Property

Hello all,
I just closed escrow on an investment property located in another state. I will be going over there in a few days to install SS3.

I will be renting out the home and give the option to the tenants for them to pay for the monitoring service.

My question is how do I set it up? I need to set up a main PIN code and safe word?

And then, once it's rented, the tenants will need to call SS to create their own PIN and safe word?

Also, since it's unoccupied right now, the alarm will not be using Wi-fi for the meantime but Cellular connectivity, that should be fine, right?

Sorry for all the questions, just trying to figure out what is the best way to proceed.

Thanks in advance.

1.2K Messages

6 years ago

You dont need a safe word until you activate monitoring.  Let each tenant call SS to set that up with an account when they move in.  You really wont need to be involved if you are leaving it up to them to use or not.  If you want monitoring while its vacant then yes, call SS or activate it through the web.   There is no contract so your tenants can come and go as needed.

Cell only is fine for monitoring, it just wont be able to run software updates until its on wifi.

3 Messages

6 years ago

Thanks for the fast response penguin.
Might take a while to be rented (hopefully not!) so I will be activating monitoring.
So basically, once someone moves in, I can call SS to cancel my service and the tenants can call to start their own.
And they can set up a PIN and safe word for themselves?

The base should have a master PIN which would be mine, shouldn't it?

One more thing, Should/Can I set up the keypad with 2 different PINs? One for me and one for when the tenants move in.
So even if they don't want to pay for monitoring, they still have basic alarm?


1.2K Messages

6 years ago

Heres what I would do, I would keep the monitoring in your name so you can control the master pin.  What happens if a tenant splits town and sets the alarm before they leave?  You wont be able to disable the alarm because the account is under their name and you wont know their safe word.  Then the cops show up and you have to explain everything.  If it were me, Id keep SS in my name and pay the bill on it.  Add the cost to your rent.  This way you always have the master pin, then you assign a pin to the tenant and ask them what they want their safe word to be and put their phone number as the main contact for alarms.  This way when they leave you can take out their pin and give one to the next person.

3 Messages

6 years ago

Thanks penguin, I guess I will do that.
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