1 Message
I was told my old system needs replaced-- have received 6 update module and none of them are correct.
They said my old system needed updated with a new SIM card. It was ATT, its the only one that works in my area.
They sent a new base station module. It had a Verizon card in it, that does not work in my area. Asked for the ATT, they sent another Verizon one. Asked for the ATT again, they sent another Verizon.... 3Rd time. and on and on.
This time they said my whole system needs replaced and wont operate with an ATT card. Whole system comes with Verizon Card, can't activate it, do to out of area, they say to drag the system to where the Verizon card will work, activate it and then call for the ATT card, for some reason it needs activated first.... Drug it back and did so. Called them for the ATT card, and guess what they send? Another Verizon module.
They have sent a total of 6 Verizon modules and one system and cannot get this right.
We have now called and asked again for the ATT card and were told that they no longer work with ATT so I guess all of this has been a 6 month long waste of time now and no one knew this for this whole time, but due to the incompetence I am not sure if this is correct either.
I asked for a call back from a manager which i never got, the offered 6 months of free monitoring... well its not monitoring anything since he doesn't work.... should I say thanks?
I cant get a straight answer or a competent person for the life of me out of this company and spent a total of 10 hours or more I bet on the phone with them over months, and my vacation house is not being monitored near the Mexican Border....
Does anyone have any input on this?
Beyond frustrated...
Official Response
Community Admin
5.7K Messages
3 years ago
Hi @jefftoth1 ,
I sincerely apologize for this unfortunate situation. I can see your account, and can confirm that our Support team is at least creating orders properly. I'm going to reach out to our Fulfillment team directly to make sure that we get the right SIM card out to you!