‎Extra Yard Signs - No Stakes | SimpliSafe Support Home

Sunday, August 5th, 2018 2:18 PM

Extra Yard Signs - No Stakes

One yard sign and stake are included in system.  I ordered extra yard signs.  I only received the signs, no stakes!  I didn't see that I could buy extra stakes so I called simplisafe.  Guess what?!  You can't buy stakes.  I was told to go to the hardware store, which to me, is inconvenient and another step.

I think this is ridiculous.  Now, I have ONE yard sale sign in my yard and two extra signs in my living room!

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278 Messages

7 years ago

I think the real question should be, why so many signs?!?

2 Messages

7 years ago

The real answer is that I want signs in my front, back and side yards of home.  

Update:  Simplisafe is shipping me 2 extra stakes to go with my signs I have purchased.  Thank you Simplisafe!!

Thank you
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