3 Messages
Annoucements gone with last software update, bug?
Last night (12-1-2020) I applied an update that the keypad had notified me was ready to be applied. Immediately after the update I armed the system and home mode and now I no longer get the annoucements for any issues like an open door or a sensor not working. I liked having these annoucements from the base station when I arm the system telling me if there's a door open, etc.
There doesn't appear to be a setting to turn this back on.
Anybody know if the is a bug or intended?
There doesn't appear to be a setting to turn this back on.
Anybody know if the is a bug or intended?
6.1K Messages
4 years ago
This is going to generate a lot of needless phone calls into support, whereas if there was a Customer Support Center (CRC) a registered customer could go to the software update area, look for his or her version # and get all of the information they need.
Sigh, going on 9 years, SS, let's get to it!
2.8K Messages
4 years ago
If that doesn't work, call SS for troubleshooting. No, it is not intended for an update to cause lack of sound/announcements. You could check your settings for the base station volume, put system into test mode, test a sensor or two, then take out of test mode, see what happens. All else, call SS.
2.8K Messages
4 years ago
Again, for now, try the tips above, take out 3 batteries from the keypad, let it rest for about 20 minutes. Then re-insert them. Then arm the system, see if it announces when you arm the system.
And yes, a ton of users have had glitches because they do need an upgraded base station module (or a new base station AND upgraded module), which in a majority of cases, does seem to fix a lot of issues. Unfortunately, SS hasn't been forthcoming in notifying users about this.
One last trick you could try....if you have interactive monitoring, go online to your dashboard, and in your settings, check your base station volume, and in the alerts section, check your alerts. You can always disable something, click "save changes" at the bottom of the page, then go back and change it back to what you had prior, click "save changes" at the bottom of the page again - this snychronizes your changes to your base station, and if at any time it doesn't fix an issue such as yours, then you know something else is up in which to call SS for help.
3 Messages
4 years ago
1st. Thanks for the suggestion on the batteries with the keypad because when I did that I noticed one keypad had some corrosion starting on them... odd as they were Duracell's. So I replaced them. But this didn't fix the issue.
So I tested another door and they system announced the other door as being open when I armed the system. So I removed the door sensor in question from the system and re-added it. It started working.
I had an issue with a motion sensor too in that it needed a battery (for quite a while) and after I ran the update I replaced the battery in it but it would talked to the system without me removing it and readding to the system again.
Maybe morale of the story. If you had a sensor "tripped" or "tripped" for a period of time and then did the update, you may need to remove that sensor and readd it to the system to get it fully working. The odd thing with the door sensor is that it wouldn't announce the door was open when i armed the system but if i closed the door, armed and then opened the door it would trip the system. I would think it would have been an all or nothing but doesn't seem to be the case.
The other thing I've noticed is that my base station in the armed status now glows the base a green color rather than the teal blue it used to be.
Hope this helps someone. Thanks all.