‎2 base stations under 1 account | SimpliSafe Support Home

Saturday, April 3rd, 2021 7:51 PM

2 base stations under 1 account

Can I add a 2nd base station which is not monitored to my home. The 1st base station would be monitored by simplisafe, the 2nd would be monitored only locally (myself).

Official Response

Community Admin


981 Messages

4 years ago

Hi @xyabur,

Yes! There is no limit on the number of SimpliSafe systems that one may have. If at some point in the future you decide that you would like to give monitoring a try on your second system, you can set that up right through your online account. Just select that you are setting up an additional location. Once activated, you would then be able to navigate between your separate locations.

SimpliSafe Social Team
SimpliSafe Home Security

2 Messages

1 year ago

So if you require two bases because your outbuilding is too far from your home to work you have to pay TWO monthly monitoring fees ? for one address ?

Community Admin


3.4K Messages

@kittyarc​ Each system can only support one Base Station; you can think of the Base Station as the system and all of the devices report to it. If you need another Base Station for an outbuilding, that would count as another system which would require its own monitoring plan.

The Base Station does have a range of about 800 feet in open air, so if it was outside with nothing in its way. When put in a typical building, physical and wireless interference may reduce that range a bit, but it shouldn't reduce it more than 400 feet. Depending on how far away your outbuilding is from your main building, it should still connect to your main system.

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