‎Video doorbell delay | SimpliSafe Support Home

Friday, May 29th, 2020 10:06 PM

Video doorbell delay

I installed video doorbell a week ago. It works but with one issue. When the camera detects motion there is a delay in the recording. UPS dropped off a package and rang the door bell and then walked away. The recording started as soon as he walked away. I got to see the back of his head not his face. This is a problem if this was someone stealing the package.

Sensitivity was set to medium so I set it to high. I tested it by walking to the camera and then walked away. Again all I got was the back of my head walking away.

Why is there a delay? Is there a setting I'm missing somewhere? Seems useless if I can't see the face of a potential burglar stealing my packages.

Connection strength is strong. Speed is no problem as I can stream 4k video just fine.

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24 Messages

5 years ago

Mine's the same. Doorbell is pretty useless!!

1 Message

4 years ago

Were either of you able to fix this problem?

1 Message

4 years ago

I have the same problem. Router is maybe 5 feet away from doorbell and I have a newer router and fast internet. When I get notified 60%of the time there is no video and if I try to access live it is mostly offline.

Community Admin


71 Messages

4 years ago

Hi @mlrobinson!

Even if your camera is right near your router, there might still be wireless or physical interference getting in the way, so we want to test for that. We have a Connection Check tool you can use! In your app, go to Camera Settings > [your camera] > Connection > Connection Strength. This will let you know if it's the signal or not.

Hope that helps!

- Harriet C.
SimpliSafe Home Security

1 Message

3 years ago

I am having the same delay as several people have mentioned in this thread.  As a matter of fact, I have a several second delay when I talk to someone at the camera. 

It is a year since Harriet_C placed her comment, and with the current app that I have (Software Version v2.5.4.153) I can follow her path down to Camera.  I do not have a Connection Strength to check.  This version is on an Android device using Android Version 10.  

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

Hi @baker464b,


Interesting. The Connection Check should be right there just above the Troubleshooting - though some previous versions of the app might have the Connection Check inside the Troubleshooting section itself.


For connectivity issues though, we strongly recommend giving our Support team a call at 800-548-9508. We have connection checking tools on our side as well, and can take you through further troubleshooting.

3 Messages

11 months ago

I have this problem as well. Sometimes it can take as long as 40 seconds before the doorbell rings. It looks like any detection from the doorbell is routed out to Simplisafe servers first before the chime on the base station works. I would really like it to be under 3 seconds from doorbell push to chime. Nothing wrong with my WiFi, we have been through that loop and my background is in datacomms. The doorbell has it's own access point and private WiFi on 2.4Ghz within 5 ft. It is also recording a 100% signal. Doorbell is fully charged. When viewed the doorbell is responsive and live video viewed. It is very annoying because it is possible to miss a delivery. The delivery agents don't tend to stick around if they do not get someone to answer the door in 15 seconds. 

Community Admin


3.4K Messages

@winger57​ Is your Video Doorbell installed with a USB adapter? Your issue is similar to what is described in this thread. But if not please let me know and we can continue troubleshooting!

3 Messages

No that is not the problem, I am hardwired to a low voltage AC supply which meets the spec for the doorbell, it is a bell transformer, with the bell removed. It charges up and maintains its charge (that has already been checked). So that is not the problem. WiFi wise, it has a dedicated node with a unique SSID just for the doorbell before it hooks into an 11ac Mesh network operating at 100's of Mb/s the signal strength on the dedicated TP link accessory sent by SimpliSafe varies between 90-100% so that is not the problem (that too has been checked). My internet connection is 60Mb/s download and 20Mb/s upload. I develop websites, and am on the web all of the time. I know the connection is solid. 

The problem I believe is you send doorbell content to an internet based server for analysis before sending the signal back to the base station to ring the doorbell. All other devices apart from cameras; door switches for example signal the base station on the 300MHz band or similar so the response is immediate. With doorbell footage it is processed or analysed on your server before sending the signal to ring the doorbell. So there is an external dependency that I cannot control. 

Bottom line here is it does not work effectively. I need a doorbell that rings on the base station when someone is at the door within 1 second of pressing the button. I have seen no evidence in my installation that you can do that. It is often delayed by 10 seconds on more. The worse case was 40 seconds. If the doorbell button sent a signal directly to the base station and made the ring sound, this problem could be fixed. You have not done that, I assume because you do not have the hardware support in the unit, or are somehow dependent on external analysis. I am considering replacing it with something that does work. 

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

@winger57​ you are correct, that's how the Video Doorbell Pro works. The only wireless connection it has is through WiFi, and therefore can't speak to the Base Station directly. That being said, even if just a little bit of delay is expected, it shouldn't be that drastic.

I've requested a renewed investigation from our engineering team and have forwarded them info from folks in this thread.

1 Message

10 months ago

I have this problem as well. In fact I just updated my wireless to fiberoptic and am receiving much, much faster connection speeds. However, my Simplisafe doorbell is still over a second behind the actual motion occurrence. i.e. someone could be on and off my porch before the Simplisafe alerts me to motion. My router is only 10 feet away. I spoke to SimpliSafe Support and they said it was possible that this is a  "development" problem?
Things I've tried.

  • Reconnecting the camera to wifi
  • Deleting the camera out of the app and reinstalling it.

I'm getting the impression that this is just a product that lags.

3 Messages

10 months ago

I suspect the issue is one of scalability. I have no idea why the detection of someone at the door needs to be passed to a server located at SimpliSafe somewhere and then get a signal back to the base station. Whereas a door sensor uses a direct connection to the base station, so you get a chirp straight away. Maybe analysis of the video is happening first before you get the alert. My system is highly variable, with a strong WiFi signal and its own personal access point. The doorbell has been a major disappointment. I have bought a standalone doorbell, does not require an external server connection and works remarkably well. Did not need any special attention either. What with the disappointing doorbell performance and random reassertions that my alarm is off two or three times a day (triggered by SimpliSafe servers) which turns all of the cameras on for 20 seconds, this system shows signs of not scaling as more people hook up to it. 

2 Messages

9 months ago

@emily_s So the original post here is 4yrs old, yet I just finally contacted support (should have read these all before I bought a doorbell and outdoor cam last year) and got the response that “engineering is working on it” and there is no timeline. Absolutely ridiculous, I want my money back.

1 Message

3 months ago

same problem... most of the time will not chime with one push...  then takes 30-60 seconds to respond.  people leave

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