1 Message
Quality of Outdoor Camera
Is there a better way to position camera's for the quality they provide?
Currently have 2 of the new camera's that are supposed to provide 1080p video.
We had some Amazon Packages stolen from our front door.
Our outdoor camera caught everything but unfortunately you can't make out the license plate number.
Community Admin
5.7K Messages
3 years ago
Hi larrycanton,
Our cameras use variable bitrate, to prioritize faster transmission. That is, the connection isn't super strong, the video quality might be decreased to make sure that the video is sent as fast as possible (think of it like how Youtube videos default to lower resolutions when your cell signal is poor).
There are ta couple of factors that can improve video quality. The biggest is the quality of the connection. You'll want to try and reduce both physical and wireless interference between your camera and your WiFi router. Of course, the closer the camera is to the router, the easier it will be for the signal to get where it needs to go.
747 Messages
3 years ago
Assuming best case scenario (daylight, blazing fast low latency wifi and internet, etc.) what is the realistic max distance at which the SimpliSafe cameras can provide video with a legible license plate? Now what is that distance in the dark?
The verbiage used at https://support.simplisafe.com/hc/en-us/articles/4407853364749-Wireless-Outdoor-Security-Camera-Overview suggests the maximum distance may be 15 feet:
The product information page at https://simplisafe.com/outdoor-security-camera has similar verbiage:
If I'm reading this incorrectly, please explain. You should probably also have the website information updated.