9 Messages
I purchased three security systems from Simplisafe in June 2023, complete with outdoor cameras for each system. I installed the first system at my primary residence, which worked for a short time and then the cameras quit working. Since that time, I have spent countless hours on the phone with various Simplisafe techs trying to get the system working, without success. I have jumped through every hoop they have asked me to jump through and, to date still do not have a working system. I have done the following multiple times with the assistance of a Simplisafe tech:
Deleted the app from my phone and reinstalled it
Updated the based station
Updated the keypad
Rebooted the base station
Rebooted the internet router
Verified that the bandwidth from the internet provider was 906 Mbps upload and 936 Mbps download
Rebooted the WIFI extender
Rebooted the cameras
I have also replaced the following equipment with the direction and assistance of a Simplisafe tech:
Replaced the base station
Replaced all three outdoor cameras
Installed a Simplisafe WIFI extender
I have repeatedly attempted to reboot and connect the cameras, carefully following the prompts on the app with the direction from a live Simplisafe tech. After I was told by the Simplisafe tech that the problem might be with my internet provider (not explaining why the system worked initially), I set up a conference call between myself, the Simplisafe tech and my internet provider. During the conference call, we verified that I had previously requested they set up a dedicated secondary WiFi network, locked to the 2.4GHz band, as well as WPA2 encryption, and using a different password. The internet provider verified that these changes had been made. The Simplisafe tech and I then attempted to connect the cameras, again with no success.
After performing all the above actions, the Simplisafe tech could not give me an answer as to why the cameras did not work., but when I requested they send a tech out to fix the system, they said they cannot send anyone to fix it since they don't have their own field techs, and the issue is a "troubleshooting problem." When I suggested I wanted to return the systems, I was told that the time period for returning the system(s) has expired, so I am apparently stuck with more than $2,000 worth of equipment that I cannot use. I have been unable to get anyone at Simplisafe to offer any solution to the problems. My final analysis is that Simplisafe doesn't really care about their customers once they have their money. Apparently there are many other customers on this blog that feel the same way. Is anyone listening at corporate???????
105 Messages
11 months ago
I know this doesn't help you, but I been through exactly what you're going through. I had well over $2000 in my system also. Simpliunsafe finally gave me my money back for the cameras only. I told them that my next phone call will be to an attorney if they didn't refund my money. They would only refund me for the cameras and all the accessories that I bought for them. They know they have a problem but won't fix it. I am surprised that there isn't a class action lawsuit against them.
Community Admin
3.3K Messages
11 months ago
Hi @berrytc,
I'm extremely sorry to hear about your situation. I want you to know that we're going to do everything we can to get your cameras back up and running again. I've opened up a ticket with our escalated Support team on your behalf. A senior specialist will be in touch soon to get to the bottom of this.
105 Messages
11 months ago
1K Messages
11 months ago
I have 10 cameras total and have no issues, a few years ago I did and found out my spectrum router and modem was out of date and they came out and replace them both and have not had any other issues. Maybe need to look into a mesh system to help ypu out better.
17 Messages
11 months ago
I feel your pain! My stuff is worthless too. Works when it wants. Looks like this issue has been ongoing for over a year and still not addressed. I am considering contacting the BBB since I can't get any answers on why the doorbell and backyard camera doesn't pick-up all activity. I've done all troubleshooting steps along with SS sending a new doorbell. I stand waving my arms in front of the doorbell and back camera and nothing. Although a leaf fell in front of doorbell and picked that up. I am beyond frustrated. Tired of the runaround. Tired of the excuses. Fix your products!
136 Messages
10 months ago
Yup I feel your pain too...
The old Simple Cam with an outdoor kit is actually a far superior camera to the outdoor camera... on the Outdoor camera the wake up time is absurd and whatever happened will be over before it wakes up and records anything.... I don't think mine has ever been under 30 seconds and its usually more like a minute... I cannot figure out who thought having a base station inside the house wake up a camera outside was even a viable design strategy... the thing should least cache video on board when it detects motion.
Door bell camera .. and i'm not kidding... usually gets a picture of the back of the Fed EX guy getting back into his truck. You really want to have a bad time try to have a conversation with someone at your door.
My time line is full of "we didn't get this part of the recording from your camera" ... WiFi is a very nice mesh system and the service is always over half a gig .... Message usually means "we didn't get any of the recording", but every once in a while there is a little of it...
Ive heard it all:
Your Router
Your WiFi
delete and re add...
Its your phone
Its your phone provider
and so on and so forth
Really the only reason i haven't been squeaky lately is that I have been very busy and it is hopeless...
Best of luck, I'm not holding my breath...
The only thing i could suggest with respect to connecting the cameras is to either turn off temporarily the 5GZ side of the router or if that isn't possible turn the power way down on the 5GHZ radio temporarily, of if you router has the ability to set up a separate network name for the 2.4ghz radio or a guest network do that....The cameras are too stupid to realize the same network may be transmitting on both frequencies.
17 Messages
8 months ago
why did the system work for months/years to begin with ?
17 Messages
8 months ago
Now doorbell doesn't work at all. Guess it doesn't work in cold weather. And on top of that my backyard camera is missing due to the crappy hardware that it comes with. I'm at wits end!
1 Message
3 months ago
Thanks for the info. I had a scare when the adhesive stopped working and I got a phone call. It turns out the sensor fell on the floor making a false alarm. It was less than a year of putting it up. Also I bought the doorbell to find that it had to be wired. I sent it back and never got a refund for it.