Also, are you still getting updates from those cameras on your Timeline in the SimpliSafe app? If so, then the issue might actually be that Push Notifications are not popping up on your device. You might want to try the following:
Going into each camera's Settings (under Menu > My System > Camera Settings), toggling the Motion Notification setting off, hit save, toggle it back on, and hit save again. That will re-send the settings data to your cameras.
Logging out of the SimpliSafe app, and logging back in. This will refresh the app's security info, allowing access to notifications.
Deleting the SimpliSafe app from your phone, and reinstalling it from your phone's App Store. That will clear out any incorrect app data, so it can start fresh. If you get a popup that asks for permission to send notifications, make sure to hit Allow as well!
Community Admin
5.7K Messages
2 years ago
Hi @LeShannon ,
You recently posted here about an Indoor Camera. Is this a different camera, or are you having trouble with notifications from two separate units?
Also, are you still getting updates from those cameras on your Timeline in the SimpliSafe app? If so, then the issue might actually be that Push Notifications are not popping up on your device. You might want to try the following: