@LeShannon An unheated garage is not what the Simplicam was designed for and you can expect issues. I have successfully used entry and motion sensors but not the camera, but do know the motion sensor on the simplicam, 3 used inside, are very limited. Unless you walk directly in front of the camera, no more than 4-5 feed, it will not catch you. Suggest you try using a separate motion sensor, secret alert only, and see you it works for you. Also, just as a FYI, I and others have successfully used entry sensors on our garage doors that work great. Mounts are sold on Etsy and work very well.
6K Messages
2 years ago
@LeShannon An unheated garage is not what the Simplicam was designed for and you can expect issues. I have successfully used entry and motion sensors but not the camera, but do know the motion sensor on the simplicam, 3 used inside, are very limited. Unless you walk directly in front of the camera, no more than 4-5 feed, it will not catch you. Suggest you try using a separate motion sensor, secret alert only, and see you it works for you. Also, just as a FYI, I and others have successfully used entry sensors on our garage doors that work great. Mounts are sold on Etsy and work very well.