‎Indoor smart camera always push notifications even when notifications are disabled | SimpliSafe Support Home

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Sunday, August 13th, 2023 12:23 AM


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Indoor smart camera always push notifications even when notifications are disabled

Title sums it up.   Only have the one, but no matter if home, away or off is selected it will always push a motion alert to our mobile devices.  Pretty annoying, and unable to fix.  Was supposed to get a call today from “next level help” but that didn’t happen. 

Figured I’d reach out and see if anyone else is experiencing this and if you had found a solution.

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Smart Alarm Camera sends Push Notifications even when notification is disabled in-app

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3.4K Messages

1 year ago

Hi @Dobs, 

If you haven't tried removing your camera from your account and adding it back, I would try that to see if that helps prevent you from receiving push notifications. I've also checked in with our escalated Support team - a specialist will reach out to you soon to assist you.

64 Messages

1 year ago

Were you able to get this resolved? I'm having the exact same issue, motion enabled for recording but motion notifications turned OFF for "off" and "home" modes, but we're still getting push notifications in those modes. I even tried turning off the notification for "Away" mode and still same thing.

Things I've tried (Both phones this is happening on are Google Pixel 7's running Android 13):

  • Reset camera, removed it from the system and re-added it
  • Remove the SimpliSafe app and reinstall it
  • Remove the camera WITHOUT resetting it
  • Clear app cache
  • Clear app cache and app storage
  • Turn off motion detection for "Off" and "Home" modes <--- This is the only option that "works" but isn't what we want.

I want to be able to record motion in "Off" and "Home" mode in case something does happen that is picked up by motion but with it being constant push notifications, currently it's just not an option.

@emily_s do you know if there was a resolution for this? I hate having a feature I want to use / need to use but can't because it's broken as far as constant push notifications with that setting turned off.

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@kicktd​ Thank you for letting me know the troubleshooting steps you've already taken! I connected with our engineers about this and they are currently looking into a solution. Your case details have been forwarded to them, so someone may reach out to you to further their investigation.

7 Messages

@kicktd​   Not resolved… no one ever reached out.  

ended up pulling it out of system.

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@Dobs​ I do see that a specialist called twice to help address this. This is an issue that our engineers are looking into, and I added your case to their open ticket. When I hear from them regarding a solution, I will update this thread.

20 Messages

1 year ago

I am having the same exact issues. Tried the steps above as well. The system was just installed yesterday. Please post a fix. I threw the boxes away and don't want to go through the hassle of returning the system. 


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@travisbachorski and @kicktd Our engineers are currently looking into a solution. In the meantime, could you both please send me screenshots of your motion notification setting in each mode (off, home, and away) for our engineers. You can send them to me here in this thread, or through the Community's direct messaging channel. 

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Example of notifications while in Off mode.

2 Messages

1 year ago

I am having the exact same issue. Has anyone determined a fix? I am getting constant motion notifications even though it is set to off in every mode.

64 Messages

@amygoldberg09​ No fix that will let the camera record motion. I left motion push notifications on for now and just went into the camera and selected all the "zones" to disable motion detection in them until this is fixed. I hate having to do that though.

20 Messages

@amygoldberg09​ absolutely no support received and no fix. 

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3.4K Messages

@amygoldberg09​ Our engineers are still investigating what could be causing this. I've added your case to their ticket, but if you could please also send me screenshots of your motion notification settings for this camera in each mode (off, home, and away) that will help their investigation. You can send them to me either here in this thread, or through the Community's direct messaging feature.

5 Messages

@emily_s​ I reached out to customer support on this issue and they were not able to help.  Attached is a screenshot.

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1 year ago

I am having the same problem with multiple of these particular cameras. My other cameras (SimpliCam and Wireless Outdoor Cam) do not have the same problem. The others will still record video when "Motion Events" is "on" and "Motion Notifications" is off. Please update me when there is more information.

5 Messages

1 year ago

@emily_s​ I reached out to customer support on this issue and they were not able to help.  Attached is a screenshot.

This comment was created from this reply

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3.4K Messages

@sameerhassan​ Thank you for reporting this. I've added your case to our engineers' ticket regarding this issue.

64 Messages

1 year ago

@emily_s  since it seems the development team can't find the issue I found it for them. In SSFirebaseMessagingService when doing a push notification for motion events it never actually does a check to see if motion notifications is enabled for that camera. This check is not done in PushNotificationData which is called from SSFirebaseMessagingService to check what options and features are for that camera.

Notice in the code below there is no actual check or saving for if motion notifications is enabled or not.

public final class PushNotificationData implements Serializable {
    public static final String MOTION_EVENT_SNOOZE_SID = "MOTION_EVENT_SNOOZE_SID";
    public static final String NOTIFICATION_ID = "NOTIFICATION_ID";
    private static final int REQUEST_CODE_SNOOZE_LONG = 2;
    private static final int REQUEST_CODE_SNOOZE_SHORT = 1;
    private final String accountSid;
    private final MotionEventActionButtons actionButtons;
    private final String body;
    private final String cameraFirmwareVersion;
    private final SsCameraModel cameraModel;
    private final String cameraName;
    private final boolean cameraSubscribed;
    private final SsCameraSupportedFeatures cameraSupportedFeatures;
    private final String cameraUuid;
    private final String channelId;
    private final long eventCid;
    private final long eventId;
    private final String initiatedByCamera;
    private final boolean isMicEnable;
    private final boolean isMotionEvent;
    private final float maxDigitalZoom;
    private final String subject;
    private final long timeTillLiveGoesStale;
    private final long timestamp;
    private final String userId;
    public static final Companion Companion = new Companion(null);
    public static final int $stable = 8;
    private static final Gson gson = new Gson();

Here in SSFirebaseMessagingService you can see it call handleMotionEvent and again no check if motion notifications are enabled or not:

 public void onMessageReceived(RemoteMessage message) {
        Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(message, "message");
        SSFirebaseMessagingService sSFirebaseMessagingService = this;
        if (BrazeFirebaseMessagingService.Companion.handleBrazeRemoteMessage(sSFirebaseMessagingService, message)) {
            Timber.Forest.d("Braze Push Notification received... " + message.getData(), new Object[0]);
        String from = message.getFrom();
        Map<String, String> data = message.getData();
        Intrinsics.checkNotNullExpressionValue(data, "getData(...)");
        if (!hasEmptyBodyAndSubject(data)) {
            if (DataPushNotificationObject.isReminderEvent(sSFirebaseMessagingService, data)) {
            } else if (PushNotificationData.Companion.isMotionEvent(sSFirebaseMessagingService, data)) {
            } else if (DataPushNotificationObject.isCriticalEvent(sSFirebaseMessagingService, data)) {
                CriticalAlertsNotificationKt.criticalAlertsNotification(sSFirebaseMessagingService, data);
        Timber.Forest.d("FCM Message Id: " + message.getMessageId(), new Object[0]);
        Timber.Forest.d("FCM Message From: " + from, new Object[0]);
        Timber.Forest.d("FCM Notification Message: " + message.getNotification(), new Object[0]);
        Timber.Forest.d("FCM Data Message: " + data, new Object[0]);

and the function to call the actual notify:

    private final void handleMotionEvent(Map<String, String> map) {
        long j;
        long j2;
        PushNotificationData parse = PushNotificationData.Companion.parse(this, map);
        Context applicationContext = getApplicationContext();
        Intrinsics.checkNotNullExpressionValue(applicationContext, "getApplicationContext(...)");
        j = SSFirebaseMessagingServiceKt.MOTION_EVENT_SNOOZE_SHORT_DURATION;
        long m8877getInWholeMinutesimpl = Duration.m8877getInWholeMinutesimpl(j);
        j2 = SSFirebaseMessagingServiceKt.MOTION_EVENT_SNOOZE_LONG_DURATION;
        getNotificationManager().notify(parse.getNotificationId(), parse.toNotification(applicationContext, m8877getInWholeMinutesimpl, Duration.m8877getInWholeMinutesimpl(j2)));

Looks like with the addition of the snooze ability it is letting the new Wireless Indoor cameras notifications go by without being checked if the push notifications are actually enabled or not for them. How come it only took me about an hour to find this (I am a software engineer myself) and mind you I have decompiled APK code so it isn't even as clean and clear as the actual code would be to find the issue but it's been months and your developers haven't been able to find it?

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3.4K Messages

@kicktd​ Thank you for sharing your findings. I have passed this along to our engineers to see if that can help their investigation.


12 Messages

1 year ago

Adding my name to the list, same issue. I have my Indoor Smart Camera set to detect/record motion, but I have disabled the toggle to send motion notifications. Yet, I continue to receive motion notifications. Really annoying that an expensive camera attached to a system I’m paying for each month has not resolved this.

12 Messages

Found a solution that works. It’s a bit unorthodox, but if you cancel your SimpliSafe subscription and monitoring service, and instead use Ring Protect Pro as your security system, motion notifications are now working exactly as expected (albeit on the Ring app). Glad to have found a solution! 

7 Messages

1 year ago

My less than optimum solution was to move it outside, under cover, and in a zone where I want said notifications....

Had a phone call with a rep...no help.  Missed a phone call from a rep.  

So they are sort of trying.  TBH, I paid for a cheap system, and it appears that is what I got.  

I'm going to look at getting a system which is capable of monitoring when internet is down, but WLAN is active.....so if anyone has any suggestions on something that works that way, please let me know.  Losing all capability due to internet outage is not something I'm keen on....

4 Messages

1 year ago

Same problem here. Definitely not an isolated issue. Simplisafe should push out firmware with a bug fix.

4 Messages

1 year ago

Same issue here. Definitely not an isolated problem. Simplisafe should push out new firmware with a bug fix.

64 Messages

@emily_s How has this not been fixed yet? I would like to use all of the features for the cameras I paid $139.99 each for. I still haven't put the other 2 I bought up yet because of this issue! The cameras are practically useless with this issue other than recording when an alarm triggers or the system is armed / disarmed.

Do you have an in house programming team or is it outsourced because the issue should have been resolved already and more than enough time has passed, I mean I even pointed out where the issue most likely was originating from.

I'm almost to the point of just patching the SimpliSafe app with the fix and using my patched version personally at this rate!

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@kicktd​ Our engineers have located the cause of this issue, and a solution is currently in the works. Once I hear that it's ready to roll out to users I'll provide an update in this thread. 

2 Messages

1 year ago

I’m having this same issue. 

@emily_s any update? 

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3.4K Messages

@morrisjosephg​ Our engineering team has located the cause of this issue and they are working on a fix. Once it is ready to roll out, we'll let everyone in this thread know. 

2 Messages

1 year ago

Same issue here...support is zero help. My cameras are even randomly waking up in "off mode" when I have them set to not record motion at all. Yikes! I'm about ready to return the system and switch providers...

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1 year ago

I’m having the exact problem as well, installed my smart camera last month.  This came as a freebie with our package, but making it almost not worth having the camera if the only way to disable push notifications is to disable the motion detection.  Hope this can get resolved soon.

2 Messages

1 year ago

Having the same issue as well. Hoping this will get fixed soon, especially since kicktd posted a solution in this thread.

Otherwise, it's a really annoying software bug that makes the indoor camera a pain to use.

2 Messages

Same issue.  Started happening once I installed the outdoor camera.

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