‎Get a SimpliSafe camera/Floodlight !! | SimpliSafe Support Home

Thursday, November 26th, 2020 11:56 PM

Get a SimpliSafe camera/Floodlight !!

Almost every other manufacturer has this. It's a pretty standard part of a home security package these days. Plus, with as good of quality as you get on the doorbell, why does every other camera you guys make still have terrible picture quality and lack the wide angle fish eye the doorbell has. Everything else about this system is amazing. But why should I have to shop competitors to give myself a full security package. Why after years are your cameras still indoor only and such low quality??? Step up your game or another company will eclipse you.

https://images.ctfassets.net/br4ichkdqihc/hGgCgO5Y3M2pKY4Kilv0P/7caa511d93700eb12157290db1ea916b/nav_prod-shield_NEW_2x.png?w=92&h=92&q=50&fm=webp&fit=pad Great news! The SimpliSafe Wireless Outdoor Camera is now available. Visit this page to learn more and get yours today.

217 Messages

4 years ago

Frankly, I have to agree.  Indoor cameras are of marginal value from an invasion security situation in my eyes.  Perhaps useful for other security issues (Crazy babysitter camera?), but they are far less useful in preventing a home invasion.  SS really DOES need a cold and water resistant (& preferably solar powered) motion detecting, floodlamp and camera.



6K Messages

@ glenbarrington good list of features/specs. Are you an engineer by any chance?

3 Messages

4 years ago

I agree.  Please create some Simplisafe Floodlights that I can add to my system.  I have a floodlight from another brand, not integrated with anything.  

Features requested:
- Motion & light level detector to turn on.
- Option to get one with or without camera (different price).
- Solar power charging of a battery, plus a replaceable battery that is used if there isn't enough power.
- Waterproof

1 Message

4 years ago

Agreed with all of the above especially @dan8080. I'm hoping that these options are on the immediate horizon as they already should be available.

1 Message

4 years ago

Still waiting on this and many other options for outdoor security cameras. Why are you guys so slow on product development? Not even asking for you to be innovative just keep up with competition ... you already have the best platform. Don't know how much longer I can wait before I give up and just replace the entire system.

1 Message

Totally agree! Right now I am considering switching over to the Ring system for that very reason! I'm tired of wasting my money and not getting ALL that I want!

2.2K Messages

4 years ago

Interior security and outdoor security have differing philosophies.   Why get rid of SS which is optimized for interior security when you can keep it and install a non-SS system which is optimized for exterior security?  Even if SS comes out with outdoor cameras which actually work, their camera infrastructure would also need to be changed to competently support exterior cameras.  And frankly, I don't see that happening, as SS seems wedded to their current setup.

1 Message

4 years ago

I agree. This is a must



6K Messages

4 years ago

Simplisafe has filed with the FCC this past week their new outside camera, comes with a LED light. See my post in the other thread.


1 Message

@captain11​ we want a true floodlight/camera.  I signed onto the forum just to post this comment.



6K Messages

@Ryanfriesema ​ I am sure you do, but please note you are replying to a post I made 2 years ago prior to the outdoor camera coming out.

1 Message

3 years ago

I asked Simplisafe about this a while ago and they said they had nothing in the future product offering.  I would have switched security systems if there was a buy-back program.  A floodlight camera has become very essential to my family (more so than indoor).  I hope you note this Simplisafe.

However, good to hear from Captain11 that there is something in the works.



6K Messages

3 years ago

@mrace.jsun if you want more info, here is a site you may want to check out. Again, nothing verified...


2 Messages

3 years ago

Aren't they using 720p   when everyone else on the market has been using 1080 or better???? yes? no??
Old archaic equipment, at slightly less thaaan premium standard

" But why should I have to shop competitors to give myself a full security package. Why after years are your cameras still indoor only and such low quality??? Step up your game or another company will eclipse you."  

I can thing of about 600.00 reasons



6K Messages

3 years ago

@t.yinger while it is true the  Simplicam was 720,  the doorbell pro is 1080. No idea what is in store for the FCC listed outdoor camera but would doubt it would be only 720.

Community Admin


536 Messages

3 years ago

Hi all,

As Captain11 mentions, when we came out with our first camera, the SimpliCam, it was only capable of 720p resolution. Since then we have come out with our Video Doorbell Pro and a new version of the SimpliCam (since last summer), both of which are capable of 1080p. Also, while we can't confirm any details about our Outdoor Camera, we are very excited about some of the features that it will include.

SimpliSafe Social Team
SimpliSafe Home Security

1 Message

2 years ago

It’s the year of our lord, 2022, and Simplisafe still doesn’t have a wired floodlight camera. 

1 Message

1 year ago

It’s NOW the year of our lord, 2023, and yet Simplisafe still doesn’t have a wired floodlight camera. Let's check back in 2024? Sigh.



6K Messages

@CMT​ If you consider that you can connect an AC line to the current outdoor camera, you are almost there. Unfortuantely, the cycle time from waking up the camera to go live is still too long.

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

Thanks for your request!


Our focus is primarily on wireless products, which is why we released the Wireless Outdoor Camera which can be placed anywhere and uses battery power. Unfortunately, it's not able to support a full floodlight, but it does have a built-in spotlight that aids in color night vision.


We'll keep you updated when we have more camera models on the way.

2 Messages

1 year ago

It’s pretty unbelievable all these years later and still no floodlight cameras. I’m getting ready to move and will not be replacing my simplisafe system in the new home because of this reason. 

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

Hi @lexlam ,

We do have the Wireless Outdoor Camera, which features color night vision using a built-in light. It's also fully wireless and battery powered, so it can be placed anywhere. Learn more about it here.

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